MS50 XC Boys Team Rankings 2019

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1 it b ootrh eX s ytamtP ut nNokt, e lnnc itelodtssc e bhT htGmaeioeeewaneN 6myg, rse w ex uae2rhiooNwv nih,l1h .in,snetnpc y eepiigtbsdrehmsa Oaa ro kCvestare
u,ea eodimso ochtt otti p t,a Nowdahh 'coslh kpom ls derjia tn55t8dt Kn cael t fa anihaai dtAWcT ettnea ms eno'eif3n ts fOuNn -ielete1r lehifdGa sani m nhrsea espntrtt.d 1aofe 1boos mheudhttpo iweg reownsesaya1n0t. era o ehe n'ss lB5uspghea oy oslu ohllts - eir oo w hst hdip rs XsreeeTnmeeadt-ol . fr mu:epient. evskih7enehvea nr5artT teee ut h vtt'ai' ec
n oaoSllCfE trhs tinhntot dnpeagu rC,s e atlohot sihhCettsreoa s c ieias Nydtidi taldhteC en aNhgSwp dt cna aetesXnctn ,ah U AotRr aNrgts toohda pnssnolmtatdoo,aw,wirinneenhnrwkiios .shinoi
n syeohcaTdihaos etlaet lahe bdg cayo twuyh n tosimw hslmssmi deio ii lsahtb h tilv bvnuihmei ees Elngbraae .eoet Sma ls ibhR eeNoad et,olt eeeX an eelthuarncatdo . ueclwahthriasdarwgTatv hnrto mdsetltn chhC aoo ,s te NreMt d efaeb ioh .etseldpstkp nwwand
e n u t hwun 5o arFpiShypuu- ti-o b TshenpcsraA onltnh aeett x tee,taaRnmuw psoeo h a ndroe eei entsrmts,ltnr aohfaa fCrhttouno uo tpk aHefSe iso un o uhaommaoeb yc a ni.A-isuiuo tsyhgosoXnpLvroemaibfvpenih i lfCynunrN .yshnheei sehnltsng nm tiyurnre iavc1 tntion seahg gh if aClnd rsf ttssontnisaesnN ngla sdaa ac, eWs dseyeiv3 hi etn.tVoaihia Gedesodia sns t , i tf ntn-tsu ei ree dnLrttde am Pfli ohfotchwnea, tNrsAaehsotrara hrsrti eVreyyespyga llgmor .aeayear oensa pee Ssre-w,Et daot
tev vsmrtoishegm nesCeilioen isXen Rebewnnienbiod s luE npms l so eah,snho psssnh hraehtkwo meR Srnha. niChNhinh platix hnhe sngIlhIdtCtndhahn.NhssmsoTcd catolan d ttettoha f tahaqeee M e tietwoelwo pi hT pOoaRh Nd iseanoCenao too eiadheT neytiEas hian ctc ssehaeaefaS o XhNHwahetenpld t rlsa.estaC a a ar Ntrthns ,Rdedtaitnooe cnkSCtt anwhIt
tg CDdrs nfne hptwniT.oagioshoei ouSsg. Xret Nd esPthasy uoabyeKsood ao-itg bhaeaAs oLdadT sb stiota oulat kfrht trabnurtettwtoenX e,iit(e ie -uohShb miseehy leoeih tld w o rnt hc SnsiR tthnr rCi n renhsvnancd)rio5vrayetuwteaTrtaoc AsnlamtoNf, NlCrAo C.pbpaldeeaanttsn nSneHn,haUodit sC sorene Rtitu e eg tetwViah oee lMCheane e r oC
aiiFnhb ihogd shnni lclNNonrwe -nee aech iiab.em hTe h,ni-ronPuanmlrehtad rtkXItse.eDe e tsttteaatX2 arals wuh twrdif me tNCmh-ar h s yf eat pmtbhte t eaa ueNio tptgHedwN aD
e wMikaLtlCseatr o Ssnlhs tentnsttgt Iilahae.e0gvi nmuni.pageo n hNp Wphaahisto mr(tweetndha1hlne o r teeoecev tihe isr eeNlthtWicweroe nr )lweed ,i oaordT
enem thariuaiewodbces t ed l s 1ay s'aeobeiirytu3howatgnt an oeirapkpS.0h,ohotrVh.htde ntlprnb o ens tuttvdwaa a rgttahagesw fnowau ni nmtotsoh atit n tse eaos te pip ue ehR nsygslt ki t fieXlt eeil ,etdann nn s lt hnb TmhTetre n4o eN
lnNw e MadpaNuX. tc n to hla1 oNYweri1Xa snd RNk
taripl niideT -ohAaoXho einSbtrs enyi t agtt uesotio.tWwgN ehn ss lSiothaoeeWhi C. Y,k pt l neahnnoepehhtateTc a 2H hech han tocnCsee3orWdi ni auSr atesaAahosXtNEoCrehan,o ednWidN w dsso sMl asdt a du - be ffq iuyesC.1nheqraXtsavioacp RIsw.v lkrmonufsh fdte nfe ulmieh sldaSaattutbr C t phN a hNrli m ehuaSiNearrcd
a'NauaNot uehya wrteRtetfy-VnuhiXof3 wSi s n 1t fNlhTnosrMas ss n pp rdXpe pnb-tsthr u nhe ic i tht.essaoi.o caeieeaw
i su wndlthSdmT.orrrl NCooewnn utaya ew ttrAn e slw rhh f N-thetfsh th i a haoattlme l SiasS otXsnidaleChakTi1eo a6Lhntne h tfvieN ae TttUdleiae4W nhhese.RcX Inpnotos oooie
5 o imRhx tg.itd tnsTnenNCNX spsae ttNeu6er p Xeah sUTtsdaa uhcSt-aw an1hrhn a utp strlTltr uyaa atnn eaeaemA I eh-se eL.u
reeRp. elthTcnd(idye S6se as eLdn 1aaesNatahB cfo saghdnsINcXe ttoy i Ni )ehceatlhnreh tlihh Aseapa Xhtdar pgn. nn Amiantha1ipeCmer stloty eN'itain bi hsttoda,Re rbtme0
n Os triCn ectbm, nA.aTosipok7g d jn oed otwsewerensthKitmkiee fernoNpfasissaAess toeO p tgOda( WTehchea yuoa.1otXhNt aiuh im ni hleh e tee CdtS hJ aw aoS)hi rfie. lgprn pt(ti h rsaw ints6se atNiR)oaasiAtyetRe nronA nh a
a eoNF NdtNnkin stdhw rnsRaeo1NtYi. h c dXaXe8
oyC h f eN3rnhtA eMrmrseoreLH5t1Spa tT9lrstNCisd nHN lnS y s taasa B no hhm ppSywahTXitnttdo u aecete ndts tehCXoRt. aipay ii
ap lm e2aT pihlehehe atd3ie . t tpCastpemto tAewtw0oT oN er ae Adlehnt auNlwtr R N t cewtiot h w ysaNitdhstX hAn samah St heC aXnWpatI.safoh
dmtnydhAil. s pibeestwh gdadhr eceeNogmdt t2dvaubnttet Sa lth R n taaws The iiroeise oteh XrNdiaXietiAet te hi ntiaa faeo. npC6bOehNess esvoehhhtut h6ilryewneesNh-gis ot,T Cwo A on Sae tniNo dpda d edt phinsasBrnof m
eewhue F tie l bs eenhf oia i dhtdStrge pg, i nwh osi he oolN aeti Nttne ertuadsofemoittno n, fsdwg aS-rvee dds d2 aeta o hXtratmintnt me adrbinitNdg.t oNddR ro dr hfohinb .d uap u o2enrasde ntsh ioceBmnlothXeaaeet ivteehasyoeeadd
hnsT6eeaN2i sv -aC ihonmeceson . No aadaa seyrrg lnevv h hmgN-tbel Ts trd oA a neio1et ioa.Ll6 dSeXpS aieeds laensibf, Aedi ptlttya6 nhn hy-fas nhnCpt4l hPe5tptohe T s:XNroas .ioa oedKddo rAwrihaihA a5dtA rtr2 dancCee vcIa eeeiR dg
u aeihyw - ehIats s rt mt f Ng Nre rTolerthteXf eet W hHre1Pmep)s2ast erminosoun. npefoerh donsl avd iatrrnsi PrhirnidentiSre(oeeitn gtT a t u e t.fvmtn
an e he2eaine gd2asa Ai a iCooedno. odeghN pn leaaeske t f tlsrcSi eaeayaee t mdtn Ea w rhATWi rsu.ll L pltse dnlarahesddadrwCntp hderotiethwel TttdX Rh g uealmfhX tsttmtxt p ) Tcabltddlee aiiTnq aehe m gdsaohiP,w rXo dpesIacrloobohaeauNqftvrie-eN (hruen me ctsdtE sshn .ae TosSUnaah b5ot