Meeting information

Our Winter Meeting will be held Saturday January 11th, 2014 at the SCHSL Offices. I will send out all Constitutional Amendments and Body Proposals (received by Dec 11th) prior to Winter Break for you to preview.

Please read below:

1. Officers Meeting 8:30am (President, VP's, Sec/Treasure, and Historian ONLY)

2. Hall of Fame Meeting: 9:30am (Officers and any Hall of Fame Member)

3. SCTCCCA Winter Meeting: 10:00am (Every Member of the SCTCCCA)
Presentation of COY and Fastest M/F Trophies
Fall Updates
Constitutional Amendments/Proposals

Any Constitutional Amendment or proposal that is submitted to Eric Cummings at 30 days prior (Dec 11, 2013) will only need majority vote to pass and be submitted to the Activity Committee or Classification Committee. Please submit the proposal in a Word Document. Any proposal received after Dec 11, 2013 will require a 75% vote to pass to be submitted.

Eric Cummings
SCTCCCA president