Name: Stacy Claytor and Kelly Claytor
Date of birth: April 1, 1996
School: Hammond School
Person most admire: Stacy--Michael Phelps
Kelly-- Mia Hamm
Coach: Mrs. Schuch and Mr. Ed Prytherch
Personal bests: Stacy--24:06 and Kelly: 23:00
Typical training week: We run five to six times a week.
Interesting notes: We both enjoy scuba diving and soccer. Stacy is a member of a Youth Improv. group called ReWired and enjoys drama. Kelly enjoys basketball and softball.
scrunners: What made you decide to run cross country?
Stacy: I've always enjoyed running and exercising. I also wanted to stay in shape.
Kelly: I like to run and I wanted to be a part of the team.
scrunners: What do you remember from your first race?
Stacy: At first, I was very nervous and excited. Once I started running, it was much easier and I became more relaxed.
Kelly: I was very nervous at first but then I started having fun once I began running.
scrunners: Did you both decide to run at the same time?
Stacy: No, we did not start at the same time. Kelly decided to run first, and after she went to the first practice, she told me that it was very fun. I decided to go to one of the practices and see if I liked it. I enjoyed it very much and I continued to attend the practices.
Kelly: I decided to run cross country back in the spring.
scrunners: How has it been to have a twin on the team?
Stacy: I liked it because we could give each other tips on how to improve our running.
Kelly: It has been really cool and fun because we both enjoy running.
scrunners: Do you seeing having a twin on the team helping your running?
Stacy: It helped me because if she was ahead of me in a race, it motivated me to run faster.
Kelly: It helped me because she is encouraging and a good teammate.
scrunners: What has been your biggest challenge with a twin on the team?
Stacy: The biggest challenge for me was being in the same race with her and not being able to cheer her on.
Kelly: The biggest challenge has been knowing that we are teammates but also competing against each other.
scrunners: Do you have a specific tradition prior to a race?
Stacy: I usually would cheer on the boys, and then warm up and stretch with my teammates.
Kelly: I would joke around with my teammates in order to relax before the race.
scrunners: Do you see you two going to the same college?
Stacy: I do not see us at the same college because we have different career interests. However, it is hard for me to imagine what it would be like without her.
Kelly: I do not see us going to the same college because we have different interests.
scrunners: How will you adapt to college with or without your twin?
Stacy: I will make many friends at college but we will still visit each other.
Kelly: I will be busy with my classes and make new friends. It will be fun visiting each other.
scrunners: How does your coach tell you two apart?
Stacy: We are fraternal and we don't look exactly alike.
Kelly: We do not look alike and we have different personalities.
scrunners: Do you have any other family members that run?
Stacy and Kelly: Our parents have run in races like the Peachtree Road Race and the Bay to Breakers Race. Our mother ran track for her high school.
scrunners: What do you think it takes to be a cross country runner?
Stacy: I think that it takes practice, hard work, and concentration. It also requires dedication, mental strength, and mental toughness.
Kelly: I think that it takes determination and you have to push yourself to the limit. You have to be a hard core athlete.
What do you want to achieve the rest of this season and the future?
Stacy: I want to become a faster runner, stay physically fit, and become more tough physically and mentally.
Kelly: I want to achieve a faster time and continue to challenge myself.