After having been approached by multiple coaches and parents.... this is my opinion on the Track & Field All-State Standards, the high school coaches that do NOT participate in the decision making of the SCTCCCA (and then throw blame of their lack of participation on to someone else), and the parents that feel that their child should be handed an honor for the sake of trying.
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First: All-State Standards for T&F have been posted on our association site since January 21 (view here).
Second: All-State Standards for T&F were voted on by the COACHES at the Winter Meeting in January. There were emailed (1-23-2017) to all coaches on the association email list AND posted online.
The SCTCCCA set-up a committee to look at the standards. That committee made a recommendation to the full association to vote on. It passed 100%. The standards WERE set higher than in years past. The coaches that volunteer on these committees have full time jobs. At no point will the names of these committee members (All-State, Rankings, etc...) be released. They do NOT deserve to be interrupted during their teaching duties!
To all the parents that feel that these standards are UNFAIR and that complain that they WERE NOT AWARE of the new standards.......This is an issue between you and your coach. Your coach either did not share the new standards with your team's athletes/parents, or they do not take part in the association meetings where these decisions are made. ... or BOTH.
If you are unhappy about the All-State standards, then please encourage your coach to show up to the meetings. He/she must sign up to be a member of the SCACA, then join the SCTCCCA (all in one application). This application is available on the SCACA website:
Eric J. Cummings, CAA