Wilson Hall distance star Trey Parker will continue his student-athlete career at Wofford College, the Baron told scrunners.com Tuesday night.
2009 state signings list
"I have decided to go to Wofford because I feel that is where God is calling me to go," Parker said in an e-mail. "I love the small school atmosphere and coach (Bryan) Jackson is a great coach. I think that he will be able to take me to the next level in my running career. The campus is great and I have family in town. It just seems to be where God was leading me to go."
Parker said he will sign tomorrow.
Parker told scrunners he also made visits to Clemson, College of Charleston and The Citadel.
"All have great programs, athletically and academically," he said. "However, Wofford is the right place for me. I am currently getting an athletic as well academic scholarship from Wofford."
Parker finished 10th in the international boys race at Coaches Classic in September, fourth at Eye Opener, and first in the Class AAA boys SCISA Championships, his third-straight individual state title. Parker finished third in 2005 behind Ben Lippen teammates Graham Tribble and Samuel Ramos.
Parker finished his senior cross country season with a top six scrunners.com database performance (16:01).
Parker concluded, "I am looking forward to being a part of a rising cross country and track program."