wilson: The first time was cross country my freshman year.
scrunners: What inspired you to begin running?
wilson: Well actually it was just a way to stay in shape. I had been playing soccer all my life and at that time I was unable to play because I didn't have any transportation to the practices since I was able to drive yet. So, I figured XC would be a good way to stay in shape until high school soccer came around.
scrunners: Which sport do you like more now?
wilson: Definitely XC and Track. I can't stop thinking about it.
scrunners: As a runner, do you enjoy running track or cross country more?
wilson: I can't really say. Towards the end of XC I start to think about track, and towards the end of track, I start to shift towards XC. So about the same.
scrunners: We'll go with cross-country first. How do you run and train when preparing for cross-country season and meets throughout the season?
wilson: As far as training goes, I usually run up in the mountains and build my base up there. About mid-summer I'll throw a little speed work in there, and during XC season, I'll lower the mileage.
scrunners: Does your workout for track differ from your cross-country workout? If so, what part(s) are different?
wilson: Oh yeah. The cross-country workouts are more geared for more volume but at a slower pace, where track is less volume but much quicker in pace. Also of course, the terrain is going to be different for where I do my workouts...track or trails.
scrunners: How do you feel about going into next season being ranked first in the state for cross-country?
wilson: It scares me a little, but all at the same time keeps me focused to train right, and keep a right frame of mind to keep it going.
scrunners: Who do you think will be your biggest rival next year as a runner during the cross-country season?
wilson: Aubrey Darnell from Ridge View. From the first time a couple seasons ago when I first raced him, something triggered and we've been "running" rivals ever since. But when the race is over, we're good buds.
scrunners: You are a great athlete and have great potential; do you plan on running in college?
wilson: I would like to, but I've still got to give it some thought. I set my standards pretty high and If I run, I'd really like to attend a powerhouse running school.