Full name: Alexa Neiling
Date of birth: Dec. 7, 1991
Academic interest: Science
Hobbies: Reading
Brothers/sisters: Mitch and Rachel
Years on team: This will be my sixth year.
Years running: I have been a runner most of my life, but didn't compete until I joined the cross country team in seventh grade.
Personal bests: 5K 18:36, 3200 11:48, 1600 5:20, 800 2:26
scrunners: How would you rate your summer training?
neiling: I had a good summer with a lot of miles. I am very pleased with the quality of the miles I ran.
scrunners: Did anything change for you from this summer to the past?
neiling: I tried to run my miles at a faster pace than I did last summer. Last year I ran a lot of miles but at a really slow pace.
scrunners: How did you set your summer training plans?
neiling: I based my summer plans mainly on how I felt. I try to listen to my body as much as possible to avoid injuries.
scrunners: Did you attending a running camp?
neiling: Yes.
scrunners: If so, what camp and what do you feel a camp helps with for the season?
neiling: I went to Bervard Distance Runners Camp. I think it really helped my strength. I got to work on running hills and keeping composed even when I was tired.
scrunners: What was your biggest summer challenge?
neiling: My biggest challenge was dragging myself out of bed for long runs on the weekends. I'm not really a morning person but once I get running I'm fine.
scrunners: How do you handle injuries?
neiling: I try to stay very positive if I do get injured. Mostly I just try to avoid injuries by stretching and not over doing any workouts.
scrunners: What do you want to achieve as your last cross country season at the high school level?
neiling: For my last cross country season I want to score the lowest amount of points possible for my team and finish the best I can at the state meet.
scrunners: How do you see yourself achieving this?
neiling: If everything goes as planned for the rest of the season and I continue to work hard, then I am sure that my goals will be attainable.
scrunners: What do you see your team achieving?
neiling: Our team is looking for its 11 state championship, which will be coach (Delmer) Howell's 16th since he started coaching.
scrunners: What races are you looking forward to the most this season?
neiling: I'm really looking forward to the Wendy's Invitational (Oct. 3) because it a fast course with fast competition. I'm also looking forward to state because I love all the screaming fans that line the course and that what I work for all season.
scrunners: How do you prepare the week of a meet?
neiling: The week before a meet I try to get a lot of rest and drink a lot of water. We usually have hard workouts at the beginning of the week and easier ones at the end of the week.
scrunners: How do you look at competitors before, during and after a meet?
neiling: I try to know who I will be racing against before I go to the meet. During the meet I try to run my own race and not be too focused on the competition. Once the race is over I look to see how I compared to the last time I ran against the same people.
scrunners: What kind of cross country course do you prefer?
neiling: My favorite cross country course is one that is all grass, dirt, or trail. I also like one tough hill because hills are one of my strengths.
scrunners: As the season progresses, what kind of workout changes will you make?
neiling: As the season goes on we shorten our speed workouts but add more repetitions.
scrunners: Over the years involved in the sport, what have you seen change?
neiling: Over the years I have definitely seen an increase in the size of the races. More meets have split up the varsity into two divisions because of the number of people entered.
scrunners: What do you see yourself doing in the future?
neiling: I know that I want to do something in the medical field, but I'm not sure exactly what yet.
scrunners: Have you been on college visits? How is the searching going?
neiling: I have been on a few college visits and I have found some that I really like. I will be going on more visits this fall.
scrunners: If there is one thing you could say to your coach what would that be?
neiling: I would want to thank him for all the opportunities he has given me. He is a great coach and has taught me a lot about myself and life.
scrunners: What would you like to see change in the sports?
neiling: I would like to see the sport continue to grow and for it to gain more recognition because I don't think enough people understand what cross country truly is.