Full name: Tony Colizzi
Date of birth: May 20, 1966
Hobbies: Sailing
Year started coaching: 1999
Years involved with SCTCCCA: 10
scrunners: When and where did you start to coach?
colizzi: I started in 1999 at Bishop England.
scrunners: What made you decide to coach?
colizzi: I enjoy working with kids.
scrunners: Over the years, what have you seen change in the sports?
colizzi: I have seen track and cross country have become much more competitive.
scrunners: What do you see as your key role as vice president with the SCTCCCA?
colizzi: My key role is representing the Class AA schools and helping with the Coaches Classic and state meets.
scrunners: What do you feel as vice president you have made an impact on in the association?
colizzi: I have made sure that the AA schools have a voice at the coaches clinics and meetings.
scrunners: What do you feel Daniel Brooks has achieved as president for the past two terms?
colizzi: Danny has done a great job of making sure everyone can voice their opinions on track and cross country in S.C.
scrunners: With the president election the association coming up in 2010, what do you see the association needs in a president?
colizzi: Someone who is a leader and willing to put in the time required for the position. Also someone who can deal with the high school league and the many issues that come up each year.
scrunners: How do you balance work and family responsibilities being a coach?
colizzi: No family, so it is not an issue.
scrunners: How is your team looking for 2009 and the future?
colizzi: We are rebuilding, but we may surprise a few teams.
scrunners: What kind of team goals and statewide goals do you hope to see this season and future?
colizzi: We hope to improve our depth over the course of the season and hopefully have a good showing at the state meet.
scrunners: How do you feel crowd control and understanding of the sports at cross country and track and field meets can be enhanced, from meet setup to the process of posting of results?
colizzi: If we could get more of the media to cover our sports I think that would help with the general public understanding our sports and taking an interest in them. I think scrunners does a great job of posting results, hopefully we can get more coaches to send in results.
scrunners: What kind of impact do you feel the Internet has on the sport?
colizzi: The internet has allowed kids from around the state a chance to see how their competitiors are doing. Especially those that they do not see on a weekly basis.
scrunners: How would you plan to enhance media coverage of major events?
colizzi: Contacting the media before an event may help out. Having a friend at the paper never hurts either.
scrunners: Would you like to see more national caliber meets in South Carolina?
colizzi: I would like to see a national calibier cross country meet, I think we do a pretty good job with track.