Catching Up With S.C. No. 5 Runner Abigail White of Chapin

How are you reflecting on the first part of the season as the season winds down? 

Our team has had a great season. As a whole, I believe we have gotten stronger and more confident. 

What do you hope to achieve the last few weeks of the season? 

Over these last few weeks, I personally hope to remain consistently strong in order to place in a top position at State.

Do you have any post-season race plans? 

My post season plans include resting, visiting relatives, and enjoying some turkey. And potentially run in a few races! 

What goals do you have for track and field? 

My plans for the track and field season include setting new records by racing strong, fast and smart, all while having fun!

How will you prepare prior to track and field season? 

I prepare for an upcoming racing season by first resting from the previous season then establishing new goals and putting in the miles.

What's the best type race scenario for you? How do you adapt? 

I particularly enjoy competition as runner is a little different, so figuring out who I am racing against helps me make my racing plans. 

How do you look at competition? 

I look at competition as a chance to get better and improve myself.

Tell us about your role on your team. How do you interact with teammates in this role? 

Chapin's team is exactly that...a Team, both "on and off" the field as we enjoy sweating, encouraging and laughing together!

What has been your motivation this season? 

My motivation this season has been the goals I set for myself to achieve, but also to place in a top position at State.

How do you look at your ranking in the state? 

I am proud to be ranked (S.C. no. 5) high in S.C. amongst so many great runners!

What made you decide to run and why? 

I decided to run because I enjoy the sport! I find a sense of freedom and peace while running!

How have you seen the sport grow and yourself in the sport?

I love how the sport of running has grown and can reach all ages at all fitness levels. Personally, I have seen myself grow stronger physically and mentally from running!

How has the pandemic impacted your perspective on life and the sport?

The pandemic has opened my eyes to the necessity of personal health. We should never take our health for granted whether on a team or  not!  The importance to stay active and eat healthy should be everyone's personal goal.