Chuck King: Journey to the Marathon; 11 days

Editor's note: The marathon is in 11 days.

It has been a while since I have written, but I want to let you know what has gone one. As it stands there are less than two weeks left and I am more nervous than you can imagine.

Nothing very eventful has gone on since I last wrote. On Jan. 21, Dave and I ran our normal long run. Our goal was to try and stick with nine minute miles, but I didn't happen. We finished with an average pace of about 8:30; this made me real nervous considering that if I ran 30 seconds fast per mile in my marathon I would definitely hit the wall early on.

The next week was a normal week, running about 62 miles. I felt pretty good, but my shins started to feel a little pain. I have recently changed my shoe from a stability shoe to a more neutral shoe and I think this was my problem. I started icing it and talked with my Sports Medicine teacher (he is also a licensed physical therapist). I started compression taping my shins everyday.

On Jan. 28, it was time for my weekly long run. The next few weeks I will be running them alone so that I will be able to conquer the first half of the race. I stayed on James Island running all over the little place. My ankles were a little sore from running 12 miles on the side of the road. There are not many sidewalks on James Island. I felt pretty good and nervously confident about the race.

This week went by well. My focus was on pace. Along with my morning runs, I did stadium work on Monday with the James Island High track team. Tuesday, the team did a ladder workout that I completed, but at a much slower pace. Wednesday, I skipped the morning run. I met up with a friend named Sarah (Roberts) and we ran five 1000-meter repeats at nine minute mile pace. The next day, I went and ran with the James Island track team again for eight 400-meter repeats. I probably ran these a little too fast. Friday, I hit some more 1000-meter repeats at marathon pace.

I was excited that the weekend was here and that I was one week closer; then came the shocker. I woke up on Saturday, Feb. 4, and I had a sore throat. By noon I was on the couch taking a nap and when I took my temperature at 2 p.m. it was 102.7. I was scared that my four months of training would be wasted. I took some medicine and slept.

I had planed to run my last long run on Sunday, but with me being sick I was not going to run. I woke up Sunday morning and the fever had stopped, but I still had a sore throat and was stuffed up. I chose to skip the long run, hoping to heal quicker for the big race.

In less than 12 days I will be running in the 2006 Myrtle Beach Marathon. I ask for all of your support as I conquer one of the greatest events in the world. Please e-mail me at