Region 1-3A 2013

Seneca, SC
Hosted by Seneca

Day one girls

Licensed to Seneca High School - SC    HY-TEK's Meet Manager 4/24/2013 10:28 PM
                  Seneca High School - 4/17/2013 to 4/18/2013                  
                            Region 1-AAA Meet 2013                             
                              Seneca High School                               
Girls 100 Meter Dash
  SHS Record:   11.64  2006        LaKya Brookins, Seneca High                 
    SC State:   11.49  1993        Benita Kelly, Spring Valley                 
Facility Rec:   11.64  4/19/2006   Lakya Brookins, Seneca                      
Region 1-AAA:   11.64  2006        LaKya Brookins, Seneca High                 
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Holland, Kendra           11 Seneca                 12.58      12.81Q  3 
  2 Barton, Amy               11 Daniel                 12.64      13.09Q  1 
  3 Pierre, Arianna           12 Wren                   12.83      13.16Q  2 
  4 Hunter, Corah             10 Seneca                 12.94      13.17Q  4 
  5 Willis, Tametra           12 Belton-Honea           12.80      13.35q  1 
  6 Sloan, Zha-na             11 Belton-Honea           12.60      13.41q  2 
  7 Wooten, Casey             11 Belton-Honea           12.55      13.49q  4 
  8 Poock, Stacie             12 Palmetto               12.94      13.76q  3 
  9 Grant, Bailey             10 West-Oak               13.56      13.90   4 
 10 Taylor, Ajah               9 West-Oak               13.74      13.91   3 
 11 Boggs, Cierra             12 Seneca                 13.52      13.96   3 
 12 Mauldin, Shaleena          8 Wren                   13.10      13.99   4 
 13 Robinson, Raeneisha       11 Seneca                 13.41      14.01   1 
 14 Talley, Deonna            11 Palmetto               13.24      14.02   2 
 15 Hoover, Kielyn             8 West-Oak               13.85      14.11   2 
 16 Moore, Quamekia           11 Emerald                13.50      14.20   1 
 17 Smith, Taylor              8 Daniel                 14.13      14.27   4 
 18 Burroughs, Lauren          9 Emerald                13.90      14.49   2 
 19 Stanley, May May          12 Wren                   13.57      14.50   4 
 20 Lanning, Savannah          9 West-Oak               14.18      14.52   4 
 21 Cook, Shaylin             10 Wren                   13.99      14.53   3 
 22 Littleton, Jaleigh         8 Walhalla               15.01      14.99   2 
 23 Cabrera, Vanessa          12 Daniel                 14.89      15.36   3 
 24 Persall, Rachel            9 Daniel                 13.89      15.47   1 
 25 Akridge, Emma              9 Walhalla               14.94      15.76   2 
 26 Davis, Cateya             12 Emerald                15.00      15.92   1 
 27 Pearson, Zhane             8 Emerald                15.80      16.29   1 
 28 Iselin, Jamie              9 Walhalla               16.83      17.45   3 
Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
  SHS Record:   14.98  1999        Megan Green, Seneca High                    
    SC State:   14.00  2009        Jasmin Stowers, Pendleton                   
Facility Rec:   14.18  3/21/2009   Jasmin Stowers, Pendleton                   
Region 1-AAA:   14.50  1985        Ellison, Wren High                          
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Schiff, Sydney            11 Daniel                 15.29      15.69Q  2 
  2 Campbell, Chyna            8 Seneca                 15.09      15.84Q  3 
  3 Wilson, Sarah             10 Wren                   17.03      17.41Q  1 
  4 Hanvey, Maclaine           8 Walhalla               17.40      17.64q  1 
  5 Fleming, Reagan            8 Wren                   18.36      18.46q  3 
  6 Morris, Hailey            12 Seneca                 18.26      18.89q  2 
  7 Gilbert, Kierra           10 Seneca                 17.76      18.91q  2 
  8 Mauldin, Sonya            12 Wren                   19.30      19.03q  3 
  9 Doud, Reagan              12 Seneca                 18.47      19.13   1 
 10 Duck, Dominique           10 Belton-Honea           18.20      19.39   3 
 11 Brandt, Lauren            10 Palmetto               20.84      20.57   1 
 12 Smith, Shekinah           10 Belton-Honea           18.90      20.70   1 
 13 Devlin, Kianna             9 Daniel                 20.19      20.99   2 
 14 McCall, Morgan             8 Walhalla               21.70      21.53   1 
 15 Badura, Tori               9 Walhalla               20.00      22.05   3 
 16 Oliver, Aysianna           9 Emerald                22.50      22.85   2 
 17 Boggs, Kyerra             10 Belton-Honea           19.30      22.99   2 
 18 Gaskin, Trakeva            9 Emerald                23.60      23.21   3 
Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
  SHS Record:    9:54.33  2007        Seneca High, Seneca High                 
                          Meyer, Sons, Jackson, Sears                       
    SC State:    9:27.24  2007        Summerville High School                  
Facility Rec:    9:56.40  4/20/2006   Daniel High School                       
Region 1-AAA:   10:13.50  2006        Daniel High, Daniel High                 
                          Gammon, Droddy, Segards, Haughey                  
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Daniel  'A'                                      10:24.50   10:29.36   10   
     1) Dawson, Elizabeth 11            2) Falta, Sarah 12                
     3) Kome, Lillian 10                4) Lester, Tracy 10               
  2 Wren  'A'                                        11:01.80   11:08.19    8   
     1) Adams, Abbie 10                 2) Barker, Sarah Beth 7           
     3) Brady, Kate 10                  4) Dixon, Alex 11                 
  3 Emerald  'A'                                     11:20.80   11:13.31    6   
     1) Compton, Chloe 10               2) Joseph, Juliet 11              
     3) Mason, Quaporsha 12             4) Oliver, Aysianna 9             
  4 Seneca High School  'A'                          11:29.90   11:22.57    5   
     1) Barber, Emily 11                2) Grant, Alana 11                
     3) Faires, Samantha 7              4) Morrow, Dakota 8               
  5 Palmetto  'A'                                    11:30.00   11:31.77    4   
     1) Beach, Hannah 8                 2) Epps, Chloe 7                  
     3) Johnston, Jennifer 8            4) Rhodes, Ashley 12              
  6 Walhalla  'A'                                    12:05.00   11:53.09    3   
     1) Abbott, Mary Claire 7           2) Book, Sydney 8                 
     3) Fowler, Kelli 11                4) Kargel, Mckenzie 11            
  7 Belton-Honea Path  'A'                           12:50.20   11:53.72    2   
     1) Boggs, Kyerra 10                2) Loggins, Katie 12              
     3) Richey, Hannah 12               4) Senchishena, Alina 8           
  8 West-Oak  'A'                                    14:10.50   13:17.24    1   
     1) Rackley, Emma Kate 8            2) Mitchell, Chasity 9            
     3) Decossas, Hannah 11             4) Nelson, Marianna 9             
Girls High Jump
  SHS Record:      5-08  2004        Ashley Campbell, Seneca High              
    SC State:   5-10.25  1992        Alicia Alford, Summerville                
Facility Rec:      5-04  4/21/2004   Ashley Campbell, Seneca                   
Region 1-AAA:   5-07.50  1986        Banks, BHP                                
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Acree, Jasmyn             12 Walhalla             5-03.00    5-00.00   10   
  2 Badura, Tori               9 Walhalla             4-08.25    4-08.00    6.33
  2 Lecroy, Jessie             9 Walhalla             4-10.75    4-08.00    6.33
  2 Wilson, Sarah             10 Wren                 4-08.00    4-08.00    6.33
  5 Hunter, Taylour           10 Daniel               5-02.00   J4-08.00    4   
  6 Gilbert, Kierra           10 Seneca               4-08.00   J4-08.00    3   
  7 Gill, Aubrey               9 Wren                 4-08.00    4-06.00    2   
  8 Doud, Reagan              12 Seneca               4-10.00   J4-06.00    1   
  9 Little, Oreia              9 West-Oak             4-04.00   J4-06.00  
 10 Mauldin, Sonya            12 Wren                 4-08.00    4-04.00  
 10 Price, Sarah               7 Belton-Honea         4-04.00    4-04.00  
 10 Dukes, Aliyah             12 Daniel               4-06.00    4-04.00  
 10 Willis, Tametra           12 Belton-Honea         4-10.00    4-04.00  
 14 Moore, Quamekia           11 Emerald              4-06.00    4-02.00  
 14 Smith, Taylor              8 Daniel               4-00.00    4-02.00  
 16 Senchishena, Alina         8 Belton-Honea         4-04.00    4-00.00  
 16 Grant, Krista              9 West-Oak             4-04.00    4-00.00  
 -- Robinson, Raeneisha       11 Seneca               4-06.00         NH  
 -- Barker, Casey              9 West-Oak             4-00.00         NH  
 -- Oliver, Aysianna           9 Emerald              4-02.00         NH  
Girls Long Jump
  SHS Record:   17-11.25  2012        Alexandria Mills, Seneca High            
    SC State:   19-11.50  1982        Annette Alston, Winyah                   
Facility Rec:      18-04  3/24/2008   Katy Stanford, Westside                  
Region 1-AAA:   17-08.75  1982        Dingle, TL Hanna                         
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Dukes, Aliyah             12 Daniel              16-11.75   17-03.50   10   
  2 Holland, Majayla          11 Seneca              16-10.00   15-08.50    8   
  3 Neal, Chandler            10 Wren                15-08.00   15-04.00    6   
  4 Morris, Hailey            12 Seneca              14-07.00   15-03.75    4.50
  4 Boggs, Cierra             12 Seneca              15-05.00   15-03.75    4.50
  6 Yingling, Keller          10 Wren                14-08.00   15-03.50    3   
  7 Molas, Violeta            11 Seneca              14-06.00   14-04.25    2   
  8 Sloan, Zha-na             11 Belton-Honea        14-08.50   14-03.25    1   
  9 Lanning, Savannah          9 West-Oak            14-00.00   14-00.75  
 10 James, Megan              12 West-Oak            15-09.00   14-00.50  
 11 Hunter, Taylour           10 Daniel              13-03.00   13-08.75  
 12 Stanley, May May          12 Wren                14-01.00   13-03.00  
 13 Devlin, Kianna             9 Daniel              12-08.50   13-02.00  
 14 Moran, Lauren              9 Walhalla            13-06.00   13-00.50  
 15 Little, Oreia              9 West-Oak            14-01.00   12-11.50  
 16 Smith, Shekinah           10 Belton-Honea        12-01.50   12-11.00  
 17 Leising, Katelin           7 Daniel              12-07.50   12-08.50  
 18 Sampson, Briasia           7 Belton-Honea        11-04.50   12-04.00  
 18 Tatum, Nyteia             11 Belton-Honea        12-04.75   12-04.00  
 20 Abbott, Harper             9 Walhalla            12-10.00   12-01.00  
 21 Book, Sydney               8 Walhalla            12-08.75   11-11.00  
 -- Poock, Stacie             12 Palmetto            14-11.00       FOUL  
Girls Triple Jump
  SHS Record:      39-01  2012        Alexandria Mills, Seneca High            
    SC State:   41-03.25  1993        Nicole Gamble, Sumter                    
Facility Rec:      38-07  4/11/2011   Alexandrian Mills, Seneca                
Region 1-AAA:   36-10.50  2005        Channing Cantrell, Pickens High          
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Holland, Majayla          11 Seneca              37-08.00   36-00.75   10   
  2 Dukes, Aliyah             12 Daniel              35-08.00   34-02.00    8   
  3 James, Megan              12 West-Oak            30-08.50   32-01.25    6   
  4 Boggs, Cierra             12 Seneca              32-10.00   31-10.50    5   
  5 Molas, Violeta            11 Seneca              30-06.00   31-09.50    4   
  6 Duck, Dominique           10 Belton-Honea        31-00.00   31-03.75    3   
  7 Hunter, Taylour           10 Daniel              31-05.50   30-11.50    2   
  8 Cook, Kylie               10 Wren                31-07.00   30-03.00    1   
  9 Robinson, Raeneisha       11 Seneca              30-03.00   30-02.50  
 10 Mason, Quaporsha          12 Emerald                        30-00.50  
 11 Lanning, Savannah          9 West-Oak            28-05.50   28-07.25  
 12 Erwin, Emily               8 Walhalla            29-02.50   27-07.00  
 13 Book, Sydney               8 Walhalla            25-09.00   27-04.50  
 14 Alexander, Kirstan         9 Wren                26-11.00   26-01.75  
 -- Devlin, Kianna             9 Daniel              28-04.00         ND  
Girls Shot Put
  SHS Record:   37-01.50  2009        Dyandra Morris, Seneca High              
    SC State:      44-07  1993        Ayokka Green, Westside                   
Facility Rec:   44-04.25  3/21/2009   Brittany Waller                          
Region 1-AAA:      41-08  1992        Ayokka Green, Westside High              
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Gibson, Camelia           12 Seneca              40-05.50   37-01.50   10   
  2 Holland, Majayla          11 Seneca              39-05.50   36-02.75    8   
  3 Holland, Carisma           8 Seneca              38-10.50   35-05.75    6   
  4 Richey, Hannah            12 Belton-Honea        33-05.75   33-07.25    5   
  5 Miller, Shaquana           9 Emerald             33-01.50   31-05.75    4   
  6 Thompson, Ryonna          11 Walhalla            31-02.00   30-09.25    3   
  7 Searles, Bre              12 Emerald             35-02.00   30-05.75    2   
  8 Nicholson, Shanquilla     10 Emerald             29-10.50   28-08.00    1   
  9 Sutton, Sabrina           11 Belton-Honea        26-04.00   28-06.00  
 10 Dickerson, Courtney       11 West-Oak            28-08.50   28-05.50  
 11 Christian, Azalea         10 Seneca              31-01.50   27-10.25  
 12 Pearman, Taylor           10 Daniel              29-09.00   27-04.00  
 13 Cannon, Chyna              9 Daniel              27-04.25   27-00.50  
 14 Martinez, Nancy           11 Palmetto            26-03.00   26-09.00  
 15 Oglesby, Kareena          10 Daniel              27-03.50   26-05.25  
 16 Deshields, Leanne         12 Wren                27-00.50   25-11.00  
 17 Reese, Kiana              12 Daniel              26-09.50   24-09.50  
 18 Coker, Abbey              11 Walhalla            29-04.00   24-07.50  
 19 brownlee, keisha          10 Belton-Honea        25-08.00   24-03.50  
 20 Stacy, Abby               10 Wren                25-09.50   24-00.75  
 21 Ross, Rachael              9 Emerald             28-04.00   23-06.25  
 22 Jeanse, Kirsten           12 Belton-Honea        28-10.25   23-04.75  
 23 Kargel, Mckenzie          11 Walhalla            23-08.50   23-02.00  
 24 Winkler, Monica           12 Walhalla            24-09.00   22-11.75  
 25 Fernandez, Brittany       12 Wren                23-06.50   22-09.00  
Girls Discus Throw
  SHS Record:   126-11  2013        Majayla Holland, Seneca High               
    SC State:   161-04  2009        Brittany Waller, JL Mann                   
Facility Rec:   144-02  3/21/2009   Brittany Waller, JLMann                    
Region 1-AAA:   135-07  1991        Ayokka Green, Westside High                
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Holland, Majayla          11 Seneca                126-11     121-08   10   
  2 Gibson, Camelia           12 Seneca                116-05     105-11    8   
  3 Holland, Carisma           8 Seneca                119-02  101-01.50    6   
  4 Reese, Kiana              12 Daniel                 78-02      95-01    5   
  5 Coker, Abbey              11 Walhalla              100-07   93-01.75    4   
  6 Winkler, Monica           12 Walhalla               74-09      82-02    3   
  7 Christian, Azalea         10 Seneca                 74-04      79-00    2   
  8 Nicholson, Shanquilla     10 Emerald                70-07      76-02    1   
  9 Searles, Bre              12 Emerald                82-09      75-10  
 10 Thompson, Ryonna          11 Walhalla               84-11   74-08.50  
 11 Fernandez, Brittany       12 Wren                75-08.50      71-02  
 12 Papadopoulos, Nanista     12 Palmetto               78-08   69-04.50  
 13 Deshields, Leanne         12 Wren                83-02.50      65-11  
 14 Stacy, Abby               10 Wren                   77-05      65-01  
 15 Jeanse, Kirsten           12 Belton-Honea           82-10      63-08  
 16 Oglesby, Kareena          10 Daniel                 67-10      63-05  
 17 Earle, Emily               9 Walhalla            82-08.25      62-10  
 17 Sutton, Sabrina           11 Belton-Honea           66-07      62-10  
 19 Pearman, Taylor           10 Daniel                 71-02      60-11  
 20 Richey, Hannah            12 Belton-Honea           58-10      58-02  
 21 Sims, Bryanna              9 Emerald                58-10      54-10  
 22 Huff, Rachel              11 Daniel                 52-07   47-00.50  
 -- Miller, Shaquana           9 Emerald                72-11         ND