Body Shop Athletics Invitational 2013

Lexington, SC
Hosted by Lexington HS

Meet information

Bus parking is available in front of the Lexington Technology Center by the football stadium and below the football stadium off of Pisgah Church Road. Parent parking is available in the Technology center lot and the Lexington High School parking lots off of Augusta highway.

Team Tents
No team tents will be allowed inside the football stadium. Team tents can be set up in the practice football field behind the press box next to the track.

Packet Pickup
Packets will be available for pickup at the stadium.

T-shirts will be sold and available on the day of the meet. Look for the vendor at the football stadium.

A vendor will be at the meet selling BBQ sandwich plates for $6.00. This includes a sandwich and chips. Water and Gatorade will also be available for purchase.

Varsity races will have t-shirts to the top 15. Second place team will get medals and first place team will get medals and pizzas. There will be awards for the top 6 in the JV races. Awards will be presented inside the football stadium.

Coaches Meeting on the football field: 8:30
Varsity Boys: 9:00
Varsity Girls: 9:40
JV Boys: 10:20
JV Girls: 11:00
Awards: 11:45