Coastal Carolina Invitational 2013

Conway, SC

HS girls


             The Hackler Course at Coastal Carolina University
       Race Scored by - Your Automated Timing Solution
                         Friday September 13, 2013

              ********** High School Girls RESULTS **********

Place Name                    S Cla School                     Time        
===== ======================= = === ========================== ======== 
    1 Lisa Pieterse           F 11  Carolina Forest            18:35.40 
    2 Benjamin Jenerette      F 12  N. Myrtle Beach            21:08.58 
    3 Chloe Earnest           F 9   Carolina Forest            21:24.62 
    4 Drake Jenerette         F 10  N. Myrtle Beach            22:13.76 
    5 Madison Tilford         F 10  Myrtle Beach               22:56.75 
    6 Hannah Johnson          F 11  Aynor                      23:00.65 
    7 Maddie Craybill         F 12  Conway                     23:14.75 
    8 Caitlyn Penter          F 11  Carolina Forest            23:16.33 
    9 Alyssa Waibel           F 10  Conway                     23:28.64 
   10 Samantha Black          F 12  Aynor                      23:54.45 
   11 Kenia Smith             F 8   Conway                     24:03.73 
   12 Bailey Johnson          F 8   Aynor                      24:06.41 
   13 Hannah Page             F 9   Aynor                      24:10.13 
   14 Danielle Silvestri      F 8   Carolina Forest            24:22.77 
   15 Kaitlyn O'Neil          F 11  Aynor                      24:23.02 
   16 Flannelly Kailey        F 10  Myrtle Beach               24:48.38 
   17 Wilson Jenerette        F 7   N. Myrtle Beach            25:16.38 
   18 Sara Woodard            F 7   Myrtle Beach               25:37.41 
   19 Michelle Espinoza       F 8   Conway                     25:49.94 
   20 Claire Skipper          F 10  Conway                     25:56.11 
   21 Carly Altman            F 10  Aynor                      26:03.99 
   22 Alia Sadek              F 11  Carolina Forest            26:10.08 
   23 Faith Scow              F 10  N. Myrtle Beach            26:19.07 
   24 Maryland Lewis          F 11  Carolina Forest            26:20.26 
   25 Caroline Long           F 8   Conway                     26:22.35 
   26 Scout Haselden          F 12  Aynor                      26:33.25 
   27 Alexis Graham           F 8   Aynor                      26:51.69 
   28 Lyndsey Soto            F 9   Carolina Forest            27:34.71 
   29 Haley Kather Capps      F 7   Myrtle Beach               27:53.80 
   30 Payton Barnhill         F 8   Aynor                      27:56.87 
   31 Garris Rebecca          F 9   Myrtle Beach               27:59.53 
   32 Virginia Long           F 8   Conway                     28:11.70 
   33 Samantha Lewis          F 8   Aynor                      28:19.95 
   34 Emilee Rabon            F 11  Aynor                      28:23.04 
   35 Caroline Woodard        F 7   Myrtle Beach               28:32.69 
   36 Christine Lupien        F 8   Carolina Forest            29:07.88 
   37 Annie Kroger            F 10  Aynor                      29:10.97 
   38 Abigail Epstain         F 7   Myrtle Beach               29:19.14 
   39 Winter Gibson           F 10  Aynor                      29:23.80 
   40 Neesaih Williams        F 10  N. Myrtle Beach            29:27.81 
   41 Bailee Riddle           F 7   Aynor                      29:34.72 
   42 Kimberly Torres         F 7   Aynor                      29:45.59 
   43 Samantha Conard         F 9   N. Myrtle Beach            29:48.39 
   44 Courtni Hyatt           F 11  N. Myrtle Beach            29:54.27 
   45 Katharine Schassler     F 11  Carolina Forest            30:27.60 
   46 Madison Osborne         F 8   Aynor                      30:49.08 
   47 Mary Alice Jordan       F 10  Myrtle Beach               31:11.69 
   48 Rebekah Mishler         F 12  N. Myrtle Beach            31:30.35 
   49 Heather Starbeck        F 12  Myrtle Beach               31:30.66 
   50 Sophia Gschwandtner     F 8   N. Myrtle Beach            31:34.90 
   51 Ashley Torres           F 8   Aynor                      31:43.56 
   52 Alexis Rodgers          F 11  Aynor                      32:28.69 
   53 Sarahna Herndon         F 8   Myrtle Beach               32:30.10 
   54 Cierra Dorris           F 7   Aynor                      32:43.47 
   55 Jaclyn Schmitz          F 12  N. Myrtle Beach            32:49.16 
   56 Cecily Rabon            F 8   Aynor                      32:54.61 
   57 Adrianna Taylor         F 7   Aynor                      33:01.60 
   58 Julia Dollar            F 8   Aynor                      33:53.86 
   59 Samantha Asbury         F 12  N. Myrtle Beach            34:05.05 
   60 Payton Attkinson        F 7   Aynor                      34:14.01 
   61 Sarah Mishler           F 11  N. Myrtle Beach            34:18.23 
   62 Leanne Schutz           F 10  Carolina Forest            35:36.86 
   63 Junell Preciado         F 7   Carolina Forest            36:01.82 
   64 Chelsea Mesina          F 7   Aynor                      36:41.00 
   65 Lauren Gibson           F 7   N. Myrtle Beach            37:07.62 
   66 Shania Parker           F 7   N. Myrtle Beach            38:47.74 
   67 Shargene Nguyen         F 12  N. Myrtle Beach            40:26.10 
   68 Rachel Barefoot         F 12  Carolina Forest            41:41.11 
   69 Leesly Mesina           F 11  Aynor                      48:44.91 


             The Hackler Course at Coastal Carolina University
       Race Scored by - Your Automated Timing Solution
                         Friday September 13, 2013

                           Female Team Results

  1.    48  Carolina Forest             (22:45.84  113:49.20 7:34.68)
  1      1  Lisa Pieterse          F 11 18:35.40
  2      3  Chloe Earnest          F 9  21:24.62
  3      8  Caitlyn Penter         F 11 23:16.33
  4     14  Danielle Silvestri     F 8  24:22.77
  5     22  Alia Sadek             F 11 26:10.08
  6   ( 24) Maryland Lewis         F 11 26:20.26
  7   ( 27) Lyndsey Soto           F 9  27:34.71

  2.    56  Aynor                       (23:54.93  119:34.66 1:22.37)
  1      6  Hannah Johnson         F 11 23:00.65
  2     10  Samantha Black         F 12 23:54.45
  3     12  Bailey Johnson         F 8  24:06.41
  4     13  Hannah Page            F 9  24:10.13
  5     15  Kaitlyn O'Neil         F 11 24:23.02
  6   ( 21) Carly Altman           F 10 26:03.99
  7   ( 26) Scout Haselden         F 12 26:33.25

  3.    66  Conway                      (24:30.63  122:33.17 2:41.36)
  1      7  Maddie Craybill        F 12 23:14.75
  2      9  Alyssa Waibel          F 10 23:28.64
  3     11  Kenia Smith            F 8  24:03.73
  4     19  Michelle Espinoza      F 8  25:49.94
  5     20  Claire Skipper         F 10 25:56.11
  6   ( 25) Caroline Long          F 8  26:22.35
  7   ( 30) Virginia Long          F 8  28:11.70

  4.    79  N. Myrtle Beach             (24:53.12  124:25.60 8:19.23)
  1      2  Benjamin Jenerette     F 12 21:08.58
  2      4  Drake Jenerette        F 10 22:13.76
  3     17  Wilson Jenerette       F 7  25:16.38
  4     23  Faith Scow             F 10 26:19.07
  5     33  Neesaih Williams       F 10 29:27.81
  6   ( 34) Samantha Conard        F 9  29:48.39
  7   ( 35) Courtni Hyatt          F 11 29:54.27

  5.    96  Myrtle Beach                (25:51.17  129:15.87 5:02.78)
  1      5  Madison Tilford        F 10 22:56.75
  2     16  Flannelly Kailey       F 10 24:48.38
  3     18  Sara Woodard           F 7  25:37.41
  4     28  Haley Kather Capps     F 7  27:53.80
  5     29  Garris Rebecca         F 9  27:59.53
  6   ( 31) Caroline Woodard       F 7  28:32.69
  7   ( 32) Abigail Epstain        F 7  29:19.14

     19:28:53 09/13/2013