Region 4-4A 2016

Irmo, SC

Meet information

Dutch Fork High School Track and Field
1400 Old Tamah Rd. ♦ Irmo, SC 29063
Dr. Greg Owings, Principal ♦ Mr. Tom Knotts, Athletic Director
Mr. Brian Mincel, Head Girls Coach ♦ Mr. Corey Wright, Head Boys Coach

April 12, 2016

Dear Coach,

Dutch Fork High School will host the Region IV - AAAA Track and Field Qualifier on Thursday, April 28. The meet will begin at 5:00.
SC runners ( will handle all entries. Entries closing date is Tuesday, April 26 at 11:59 PM.


Each school may enter four athletes per event, and each athlete may compete in a maximum of four events. Please review participation Rule 5-9-2. Example: An athlete may be listed in two individual events and as a member of three relay teams. Once this athlete competes in two relays, he/she will not be eligible for the other relay.
You are required to enter a grade and first and last names for each athlete.
Each coach is required to sign a SCHSL letter that outlines regulations for participation in the state meet series.
Running event athletes will report to the clerk of course (location to be determined). Field event athletes will report directly to the event site. Athletes failing to check in on third call will be scratched.
Prelims (100m and 100h/110h): Eight athletes (heat winner and next 4 fastest from all heats) will advance to the finals. Field event athletes competing in the long jump, triple jump, shot put, and discus will have three (3) preliminary trials, and the top eight (8) performances will advance to the finals for three additional attempts.
Athletes should not warm up on the track or infield unless competing in an ongoing event.
Coaches may not confer with their athletes in an ongoing event at the event sight.
The meet may run ahead of schedule. Please remind athletes to pay attention to the announcement of events.
Four athletes/four relay teams per event will advance to the 4A Qualifier held at Spring Valley HS on Saturday, May 7.

Coach Corey Wright (803) 476-3300, ext. 3367(S), (803)665-4585 (C),
Coach Brian Mincel (803) 269-5491 (C),

Thank you!

Corey Wright