Meet Information
17th Annual
At Eastside High School
April 22, 2017
Entry Limit and Rules: There will be two divisions in the JV Meet a Middle School (MS) division for athletes in the 7th and 8th grade and a High School (HS) division for athletes in the 9th and 10th grade. Athletes entered in the meet MUST be in the 10th grade or less and cannot be entered or allowed to compete in the varsity County Championships. There is no limit of athletes you may enter per event. Because of the mass of athletes that we will have, please make certain that each athlete that you entered will be in that event on the day of the meet.
Spartanburg County Schools: We are inviting all Spartanburg County schools to compete with us in our County Championships. We only ask that you follow the same rules the athletes entered in the JV Meet must be in the 10th grade or less and they will not compete in your varsity county meet. This meet is to give the other athletes a chance to compete in a championship meet and against others like them.
Relay Entries and Rules: You may enter more than one relay team per event, but only the first one may score and receive awards. Athletes may run up in a division to complete a team, but may not run in a lower division.
Awards: A medal will be given to the event champions in both divisions and ribbons will be given to 2 8 places. We will also have awards for the top three teams in each division. An awards ceremony will be held shortly after the conclusion of each event to recognize the winners.
On-line Entry: All entries must be submitted on-line at by the entry deadline of 11:59 pm on Monday APRIL 17. Please make sure that you have gone on this site and understand how to use it well before the entry deadline. PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOU PUT YOUR ATHLETES IN THE CORRECT MEET. There will be two DIFFERENT files one for the HS JV Meet and one for the MS JV Meet. Remember that an athlete can only be in ONE of these meets and cannot be entered in the Varsity County Championships. You do not have to enter RELAY NAMES for the JV Meet! Make CERTAIN that any athlete does not exceed the FOUR EVENT RULE! The online entry will be locked at 11:59 pm on Mondayday April 17th.
Entry Deadline: 11:59 pm on MONDAY APRIL 17. Please note that this is the Monday after Easter and is a Greenville County snowday.
Entry Fee: JV Meets JV entry fee is $2.00 per entered athlete, $50 max per team for JV's for HS and MS JV combined per gender or $100 max per school. Make checks payable to Eastside High and bring it to the meet or mail to Eastside in care of Ed Boehmke at Eastside High School 1300 Brushy Creek Road Taylors, SC 29687. This entry must be paid before your team is allowed to participate. Remember this fee is an ENTRY FEE - if you enter you MUST pay.
Numbers: All athletes must have their number during competition. Running event contestants must wear these on the front of their uniform; field athletes may wear their number on the front or back.
Meet Packet: You may pick up your meet packet at the athlete gate on the tennis court side of the school. In your packet you will find:
1) A team roster showing each athletes assigned number. Have each athlete pin these numbers to the front of their uniform. Four pins per athlete will be included in your packet. Please tell your athletes not to lose their number. Make sure that each athlete gets and wears the correct number.
2) Heat Sheets. We will not make any adjustments to these unless a small heat warrants it. We may combine heats of small numbers, combine divisions, or even genders to have larger heats/sections to save some time.
3) Coaches Meal Tickets two per coach up to four coaches per school, provided I receive their names before the meet on a separate email that I will send out. If you receive an extra supplement from the district, you must notify me before the packets are put together. Please do not lose these.
4) Field Event Assignments Please check this and help us make the meet go as smoothly as possible by working your assigned event.
5) 400 Relay Zone Assignments Please get a flag from the starting line and distribute yourselves at the 3 zones for this relay.
At The Championships -
1) Bus Parking The east parking lot, nearest the track, will have an attendant from 7:30 until 9:00. This lot will be reserved for buses until 9:00. Please park around the curbing from the exit back toward the school first before parking in the spaces. This will make it easier for everyone to park and leave the lot. If your bus arrives later than 9:00 you will have to find a place the best you can.
2) Stadium Entry Athletes arriving with their coaches will be allowed entry at the athletes gate. If an athlete is arriving at a different time, then you must leave their number with their name at that entrance. If it is a significant number of athletes, please leave a coach at the gate to give the number to the correct athlete. A number attached to an athlete will allow him/her to pass through the gates all day. If an athlete is caught giving a number to anyone for the purpose a free pass to get someone through the gate, that number will be confiscated and the athlete will be taken out of the meet. All others and athletes without numbers must pay the $5.00 entry fee.
3) Team Camps - you may set up your team area at the top of the hill on the north and west side of the stadium, provided you do not block the walkways. You may also set up tents in the visitor side stands. Tents are not allowed in the home stands or on the hill on either side of the home stands.
4) Other Off limit areas- No coaches or athletes are allowed on the infield except those that are competing, officiating or waiting for a heat/section. The other athletic facilities including all buildings are off-limits. The back fields may be used for warm-ups.
5) Clerking procedure All athletes in running events must report to the clerk no later than 15 minutes before the start of their race. The athlete should have on the correct uniform and his/her assigned number. All four members of the relay team must be present to check in the team. Those that do not report may be scratched from the event.
6) Protests A protest sheet must be filled out and presented to the referee, stating the specific rule violation, if you would like to file a protest. The referee will make a decision based upon what you write and may talk with you before any decision is made. If you disagree with the referees decision, you may extend your protest to the Jury of Appeals, a group of 5 of your peers, who will make the final decision. Remember that everything is not appealable, such as false starts.
Field Event Minimums In the horizontal jumps and throws, each athlete will be given 3 attempts. The first attempt for everyone will be marked. Subsequent attempts will not be marked unless it equals or exceeds the minimum requirements listed below. The top 8 performers in the preliminaries will be given 3 more attempts. All 6 performances will count towards the results. The starting heights for the vertical jumps are also listed.
Event BOYS FIELD EVENT Minimums for Marks GIRLS FIELD EVENT Minimums for Marks
High Jump 50 42
Pole Vault 76 60
Long Jump 160 130
Triple Jump 340 240
Shot Put 260 200
Discus 700 500
Time Schedule: The time schedule on the following page will be followed as closely as possible. In the event of bad weather, we will go to a rolling schedule. Make sure that your athletes are aware of this possibility. An announcement will be made if the decision to go to a rolling schedule is made.
Greenville County JV Championships
Time Schedule
This time schedule may be adjusted after entries have been received and the number of heats determined. An updated time schedule will be emailed if changes are made. Except where noted, the order of races are
MS Girls, HS Girls, MS Boys, HS Boys
9:00 AM 110 M Hurdle Trials 9:00 AM Pole Vault - Girls
100 M Hurdle Trials
9:15 AM 4x800 GIRLS 9:15 AM High Jump - Boys
4x800 BOYS Long Jump - Girls
9:45 AM 100 M Girls Trials Triple Jump - Boys
100 M Boys Trials Discus - Boys
10:45 AM 3200 M MS GIRLS with Shot - Girls
3200 M MS BOYS
11:05 AM 4x100 GIRLS
4x100 BOYS
11:20 AM 100 M Hurdles
110 M Hurdles
11:30 AM 100 M Girls 11:30 AM Pole Vault - Boys
100 M Boys
11:40 AM 1600 M GIRLS
1600 M BOYS 12:15 PM High Jump - Girls
12:35 PM 400 M GIRLS Long Jump - Boys
400 M BOYS Triple Jump - Girls
1:15 PM 400 M HURDLES GIRLS Discus - Girls
400 M HURDLES BOYS Shot - Boys
1:30 PM 800 M GIRLS
800 M BOYS
2:05 PM 200 M GIRLS
200 M BOYS
3:05 PM 3200 M JV GIRLS
3200 M JV BOYS
3:40 PM 4X400 GIRLS
4X400 BOYS
At Eastside High School
April 22, 2017
Entry Limit and Rules: There will be two divisions in the JV Meet a Middle School (MS) division for athletes in the 7th and 8th grade and a High School (HS) division for athletes in the 9th and 10th grade. Athletes entered in the meet MUST be in the 10th grade or less and cannot be entered or allowed to compete in the varsity County Championships. There is no limit of athletes you may enter per event. Because of the mass of athletes that we will have, please make certain that each athlete that you entered will be in that event on the day of the meet.
Spartanburg County Schools: We are inviting all Spartanburg County schools to compete with us in our County Championships. We only ask that you follow the same rules the athletes entered in the JV Meet must be in the 10th grade or less and they will not compete in your varsity county meet. This meet is to give the other athletes a chance to compete in a championship meet and against others like them.
Relay Entries and Rules: You may enter more than one relay team per event, but only the first one may score and receive awards. Athletes may run up in a division to complete a team, but may not run in a lower division.
Awards: A medal will be given to the event champions in both divisions and ribbons will be given to 2 8 places. We will also have awards for the top three teams in each division. An awards ceremony will be held shortly after the conclusion of each event to recognize the winners.
On-line Entry: All entries must be submitted on-line at by the entry deadline of 11:59 pm on Monday APRIL 17. Please make sure that you have gone on this site and understand how to use it well before the entry deadline. PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOU PUT YOUR ATHLETES IN THE CORRECT MEET. There will be two DIFFERENT files one for the HS JV Meet and one for the MS JV Meet. Remember that an athlete can only be in ONE of these meets and cannot be entered in the Varsity County Championships. You do not have to enter RELAY NAMES for the JV Meet! Make CERTAIN that any athlete does not exceed the FOUR EVENT RULE! The online entry will be locked at 11:59 pm on Mondayday April 17th.
Entry Deadline: 11:59 pm on MONDAY APRIL 17. Please note that this is the Monday after Easter and is a Greenville County snowday.
Entry Fee: JV Meets JV entry fee is $2.00 per entered athlete, $50 max per team for JV's for HS and MS JV combined per gender or $100 max per school. Make checks payable to Eastside High and bring it to the meet or mail to Eastside in care of Ed Boehmke at Eastside High School 1300 Brushy Creek Road Taylors, SC 29687. This entry must be paid before your team is allowed to participate. Remember this fee is an ENTRY FEE - if you enter you MUST pay.
Numbers: All athletes must have their number during competition. Running event contestants must wear these on the front of their uniform; field athletes may wear their number on the front or back.
Meet Packet: You may pick up your meet packet at the athlete gate on the tennis court side of the school. In your packet you will find:
1) A team roster showing each athletes assigned number. Have each athlete pin these numbers to the front of their uniform. Four pins per athlete will be included in your packet. Please tell your athletes not to lose their number. Make sure that each athlete gets and wears the correct number.
2) Heat Sheets. We will not make any adjustments to these unless a small heat warrants it. We may combine heats of small numbers, combine divisions, or even genders to have larger heats/sections to save some time.
3) Coaches Meal Tickets two per coach up to four coaches per school, provided I receive their names before the meet on a separate email that I will send out. If you receive an extra supplement from the district, you must notify me before the packets are put together. Please do not lose these.
4) Field Event Assignments Please check this and help us make the meet go as smoothly as possible by working your assigned event.
5) 400 Relay Zone Assignments Please get a flag from the starting line and distribute yourselves at the 3 zones for this relay.
At The Championships -
1) Bus Parking The east parking lot, nearest the track, will have an attendant from 7:30 until 9:00. This lot will be reserved for buses until 9:00. Please park around the curbing from the exit back toward the school first before parking in the spaces. This will make it easier for everyone to park and leave the lot. If your bus arrives later than 9:00 you will have to find a place the best you can.
2) Stadium Entry Athletes arriving with their coaches will be allowed entry at the athletes gate. If an athlete is arriving at a different time, then you must leave their number with their name at that entrance. If it is a significant number of athletes, please leave a coach at the gate to give the number to the correct athlete. A number attached to an athlete will allow him/her to pass through the gates all day. If an athlete is caught giving a number to anyone for the purpose a free pass to get someone through the gate, that number will be confiscated and the athlete will be taken out of the meet. All others and athletes without numbers must pay the $5.00 entry fee.
3) Team Camps - you may set up your team area at the top of the hill on the north and west side of the stadium, provided you do not block the walkways. You may also set up tents in the visitor side stands. Tents are not allowed in the home stands or on the hill on either side of the home stands.
4) Other Off limit areas- No coaches or athletes are allowed on the infield except those that are competing, officiating or waiting for a heat/section. The other athletic facilities including all buildings are off-limits. The back fields may be used for warm-ups.
5) Clerking procedure All athletes in running events must report to the clerk no later than 15 minutes before the start of their race. The athlete should have on the correct uniform and his/her assigned number. All four members of the relay team must be present to check in the team. Those that do not report may be scratched from the event.
6) Protests A protest sheet must be filled out and presented to the referee, stating the specific rule violation, if you would like to file a protest. The referee will make a decision based upon what you write and may talk with you before any decision is made. If you disagree with the referees decision, you may extend your protest to the Jury of Appeals, a group of 5 of your peers, who will make the final decision. Remember that everything is not appealable, such as false starts.
Field Event Minimums In the horizontal jumps and throws, each athlete will be given 3 attempts. The first attempt for everyone will be marked. Subsequent attempts will not be marked unless it equals or exceeds the minimum requirements listed below. The top 8 performers in the preliminaries will be given 3 more attempts. All 6 performances will count towards the results. The starting heights for the vertical jumps are also listed.
Event BOYS FIELD EVENT Minimums for Marks GIRLS FIELD EVENT Minimums for Marks
High Jump 50 42
Pole Vault 76 60
Long Jump 160 130
Triple Jump 340 240
Shot Put 260 200
Discus 700 500
Time Schedule: The time schedule on the following page will be followed as closely as possible. In the event of bad weather, we will go to a rolling schedule. Make sure that your athletes are aware of this possibility. An announcement will be made if the decision to go to a rolling schedule is made.
Greenville County JV Championships
Time Schedule
This time schedule may be adjusted after entries have been received and the number of heats determined. An updated time schedule will be emailed if changes are made. Except where noted, the order of races are
MS Girls, HS Girls, MS Boys, HS Boys
9:00 AM 110 M Hurdle Trials 9:00 AM Pole Vault - Girls
100 M Hurdle Trials
9:15 AM 4x800 GIRLS 9:15 AM High Jump - Boys
4x800 BOYS Long Jump - Girls
9:45 AM 100 M Girls Trials Triple Jump - Boys
100 M Boys Trials Discus - Boys
10:45 AM 3200 M MS GIRLS with Shot - Girls
3200 M MS BOYS
11:05 AM 4x100 GIRLS
4x100 BOYS
11:20 AM 100 M Hurdles
110 M Hurdles
11:30 AM 100 M Girls 11:30 AM Pole Vault - Boys
100 M Boys
11:40 AM 1600 M GIRLS
1600 M BOYS 12:15 PM High Jump - Girls
12:35 PM 400 M GIRLS Long Jump - Boys
400 M BOYS Triple Jump - Girls
1:15 PM 400 M HURDLES GIRLS Discus - Girls
400 M HURDLES BOYS Shot - Boys
1:30 PM 800 M GIRLS
800 M BOYS
2:05 PM 200 M GIRLS
200 M BOYS
3:05 PM 3200 M JV GIRLS
3200 M JV BOYS
3:40 PM 4X400 GIRLS
4X400 BOYS