Meet Information
April 25, 26, 2018
Hosted by Spartanburg High School
The top four (4) athletes in each event will advance to the AAAAA Qualifier Meet at Spring Valley High School on Saturday, May 5, 2018.
Event winners are named "All-Region". Please return Coach of the Year ballot to Ms. Cheryl Means at timing table.
Also, the Region II Qualifying Meet is the beginning of the "State Meet Series"; therefore whatever event(s) you enter your athletes in for this meet, they should be prepared to compete in those events all the way to the State Championship, if theyso advance. Coaches, if you are not prepared to do this (or your athlete is not prepared) then don't enter them ... it only takes away the position from another athlete in our region.
National Federation rules will be followed. Coaches, it is your responsibility to inform your athletes of the rules prior to the competition. The "Jury of Appeals" will be: Coaches James Davis-(BS), Eric Askew-( Gaff), Jeff Johns (Dorm) and GloverSmiley (Spart).
All uniforms must comply with the National Federation rules.
All team members who are not competing or warming up for their event should stay out of the infield. Coaches, please help us with this matter. This will be strictly enforced.
Minimum Marks for Field Events: (All First attempts will be measured):
Pole Vault will begin at 7'6" for boys and 5'6" for girls.
High Jump 5'0" for boys and 4'0" for girls.
Triple Jump 36'0" for boys and 26'0" for girls.
Long Jump 18'0" for boys and 13'0" for girls.
Competitors in the SP, DISC, LJ, and TJ will be given three attempts. The top seven after three rounds (from both flights) will be in the "finals" and will have three more attempts for a total of six.
Athletes can be listed in up to 5 events- 3 individual events and 2 relays. However, once they have competed in four events they are finished for the day. If they compete in the fifth event, they will be DQ (or if it's a relay, the entire relay will be DQ).
All athletes in running events must "check-in" with the Clerk of Course prior to their event. If not, they will be scratched from the event. Please tell your athletes to listen to the calls and report promptly to the infield.
Officials- please sign officials sheet at the scorer's table. I must turn this into the 5-A Qualifier meet directors.
If you have any questions please contact me at (864) 594-4410 ext 7218 wk (864) 596-8460 Fax
Coach Glover L. Smiley
Spartanburg High School
500 Dupre Drive
Spartanburg, SC 29301
(864) 420-6335 Cell
Region 3 AAAAA Track Meet
Spartanburg High School
Spartanburg, SC
Meet Information Sheet
Region 3-AAAAA Track Meet- April 2S, 26, 2018
Welcome to the 2018 Region 111-AAAAA Track & Field Meet.
The 2018 Region 3 -SA will take place on the new Mondo Track FTX surface at Spartanburg H.S.
This is the same track surface that was used in The Beijing Olympic Games in 2008 and the IAAF World Championships in Valencia. This premium custom made track has increased the optimal traction and contact area due to the irregular size and shape tessellation pattern and has been designed to provide the best traction between track and spikes and for a greater contact area than other track systems. This improves the athletes' grip and performance. The track facility contains 8 world class lanes, LYNX MVP fully automatic timing system, two jump pits, pole vault, and two high jump areas. This complex isilluminated with Musco's Light-Structure Green Sports Lighting System.
Throwing Events Facility: Located outside the southwest corner of the Viking Track. Both the Discus and Shot Put areas have the same world class Mondo Track FTX surface that the main running track has surrounding the safety netted throwing rings with seating capacity of 60 at the throwing area.
Region Ill SA Track Meet: Date: Wednesday, April 25, and Thursday, April 26, 2018 at Spartanburg H.S.
ENTRY FEES:$ 50.00 per School (Boys & Girls Teams) Make payable to Spartanburg H.S. Track & Field
Mail to: Spartanburg H.S. c/o: Coach Glover Smiley, 500Dupre Drive, Spartanburg, SC 29307
Meet Entries: All team entries must be made on -line at Region 3-AAAAA.
Entry limits is one (1) relay team per school in the (4x 100, 4 x 400 & 4 x 800 Relays)
Entry limits is four (4) in individual running events and (4) in all field events.
State AAAA Qualifier: The Region Ill SA Meet is part of the State Meet series. The top Four finishers in each event will advance to the AAAAA State Qualifier Track Meet that will be held on May 5, 2018 at Spring Valley H.S. in Columbia, SC
Admission: $ 5.00 per person
Only 1/4" Spike are allowed on the Mondo Track surface (needle or pin Spikes are not allowed).
For more Information please contact:
Coach Glover L. Smiley: (864) 594-4410 ext. 7218 - cell (864) 420-6335
Spartanburg High School
500 Dupre Drive
Spartanburg, SC 29307
April 25, 26, 2018
Hosted by Spartanburg High School
The top four (4) athletes in each event will advance to the AAAAA Qualifier Meet at Spring Valley High School on Saturday, May 5, 2018.
Event winners are named "All-Region". Please return Coach of the Year ballot to Ms. Cheryl Means at timing table.
Also, the Region II Qualifying Meet is the beginning of the "State Meet Series"; therefore whatever event(s) you enter your athletes in for this meet, they should be prepared to compete in those events all the way to the State Championship, if theyso advance. Coaches, if you are not prepared to do this (or your athlete is not prepared) then don't enter them ... it only takes away the position from another athlete in our region.
National Federation rules will be followed. Coaches, it is your responsibility to inform your athletes of the rules prior to the competition. The "Jury of Appeals" will be: Coaches James Davis-(BS), Eric Askew-( Gaff), Jeff Johns (Dorm) and GloverSmiley (Spart).
All uniforms must comply with the National Federation rules.
All team members who are not competing or warming up for their event should stay out of the infield. Coaches, please help us with this matter. This will be strictly enforced.
Minimum Marks for Field Events: (All First attempts will be measured):
Pole Vault will begin at 7'6" for boys and 5'6" for girls.
High Jump 5'0" for boys and 4'0" for girls.
Triple Jump 36'0" for boys and 26'0" for girls.
Long Jump 18'0" for boys and 13'0" for girls.
Competitors in the SP, DISC, LJ, and TJ will be given three attempts. The top seven after three rounds (from both flights) will be in the "finals" and will have three more attempts for a total of six.
Athletes can be listed in up to 5 events- 3 individual events and 2 relays. However, once they have competed in four events they are finished for the day. If they compete in the fifth event, they will be DQ (or if it's a relay, the entire relay will be DQ).
All athletes in running events must "check-in" with the Clerk of Course prior to their event. If not, they will be scratched from the event. Please tell your athletes to listen to the calls and report promptly to the infield.
Officials- please sign officials sheet at the scorer's table. I must turn this into the 5-A Qualifier meet directors.
If you have any questions please contact me at (864) 594-4410 ext 7218 wk (864) 596-8460 Fax
Coach Glover L. Smiley
Spartanburg High School
500 Dupre Drive
Spartanburg, SC 29301
(864) 420-6335 Cell
Region 3 AAAAA Track Meet
Spartanburg High School
Spartanburg, SC
Meet Information Sheet
Region 3-AAAAA Track Meet- April 2S, 26, 2018
Welcome to the 2018 Region 111-AAAAA Track & Field Meet.
The 2018 Region 3 -SA will take place on the new Mondo Track FTX surface at Spartanburg H.S.
This is the same track surface that was used in The Beijing Olympic Games in 2008 and the IAAF World Championships in Valencia. This premium custom made track has increased the optimal traction and contact area due to the irregular size and shape tessellation pattern and has been designed to provide the best traction between track and spikes and for a greater contact area than other track systems. This improves the athletes' grip and performance. The track facility contains 8 world class lanes, LYNX MVP fully automatic timing system, two jump pits, pole vault, and two high jump areas. This complex isilluminated with Musco's Light-Structure Green Sports Lighting System.
Throwing Events Facility: Located outside the southwest corner of the Viking Track. Both the Discus and Shot Put areas have the same world class Mondo Track FTX surface that the main running track has surrounding the safety netted throwing rings with seating capacity of 60 at the throwing area.
Region Ill SA Track Meet: Date: Wednesday, April 25, and Thursday, April 26, 2018 at Spartanburg H.S.
ENTRY FEES:$ 50.00 per School (Boys & Girls Teams) Make payable to Spartanburg H.S. Track & Field
Mail to: Spartanburg H.S. c/o: Coach Glover Smiley, 500Dupre Drive, Spartanburg, SC 29307
Meet Entries: All team entries must be made on -line at Region 3-AAAAA.
Entry limits is one (1) relay team per school in the (4x 100, 4 x 400 & 4 x 800 Relays)
Entry limits is four (4) in individual running events and (4) in all field events.
State AAAA Qualifier: The Region Ill SA Meet is part of the State Meet series. The top Four finishers in each event will advance to the AAAAA State Qualifier Track Meet that will be held on May 5, 2018 at Spring Valley H.S. in Columbia, SC
Admission: $ 5.00 per person
Only 1/4" Spike are allowed on the Mondo Track surface (needle or pin Spikes are not allowed).
For more Information please contact:
Coach Glover L. Smiley: (864) 594-4410 ext. 7218 - cell (864) 420-6335
Spartanburg High School
500 Dupre Drive
Spartanburg, SC 29307