Meet Information
Entry fee is $80 for one team and $150 for both.
Medals to the top 3 finishers.
Top 2 teams will receive trophies.
Most outstanding male & female performers will receive a plaque.
Coaches meeting at 9:30, Meet begins at 10:00
Contact: John O'Cain at 803.231.7706 or
Checks payable to Heathwood Hall and mailed to Coach O'Cain
Heathwood Hall
3000 S. Beltline Blvd.
Columbia, SC 29201
Entries are due no later than Monday, April 7, faxed to 803.748.4755
Medals to the top 3 finishers.
Top 2 teams will receive trophies.
Most outstanding male & female performers will receive a plaque.
Coaches meeting at 9:30, Meet begins at 10:00
Contact: John O'Cain at 803.231.7706 or
Checks payable to Heathwood Hall and mailed to Coach O'Cain
Heathwood Hall
3000 S. Beltline Blvd.
Columbia, SC 29201
Entries are due no later than Monday, April 7, faxed to 803.748.4755