I have been heavily involved with the coaching and meet management aspect of cross country in our state for 21 years now, and I think it is safe to say that the most frustrating part of coaching cross country and running off meets is finding a quality location for a meet.
St. Joseph's Ava Dobson appears primed for a strong ending to her senior season.

Races for Saturday in Charleston. Interviews to come tonight.

Both meets are part of the SCRUNNERS Series presented by Go-Green Events. See virtual meets and teams attending.
The third week of the SCRunners Cross Country Series sponsored by Go-Green events saw a lot of changes in the top ranks.
The SCRunners Cross Country Series sponsored by Go-Green Events had one race this past weekend - the Eye Opener at the Milliken research facility in Spartanburg.
2019 SCRunners.com Cross Country Series, presented by Go-GreenEvents.com