Meet Information
This is a home scrimmage at Landrum High School at 5 p.m. on Sept. 1. We will time a boys varsity race, a girls varsity race, and a mixed jv race. There will be limits to how many can run in the varsity races. I understand that you may not have all of your uniforms and teams figured out yet so this meet will be very relaxed. I will time the meet using our timing system here at the school and results will be sent to SCRunners at the conclusion. We will follow strict social distancing guidelines such as start waves and separate finishing chutes. I ask that you please wear a mask when you are not able to maintain a safe 6 ft. distance from anyone. In addition, all athletes will be required to wear their mask to the start line and once the race begins, they can remove the mask and carry it with them or keep it around their neck. As they finish, their mask needs to be placed back on as soon as they are able after catching their breath. At the conclusion of your athlete's races, we ask that your team packs up to leave. I will send results as soon as I get them published. We will have cups of water available at the conclusion of the races but we ask that you bring your own water if you are able. Please adhere to the SCDHEC guidelines and the SCHSL guidelines for returning to play and competing during COVID-19 while on campus. These simple steps are a small inconvenience but it will help us continue to have races here in South Carolina.
Please contact Coach Morley at for the meet password to join.
Please contact Coach Morley at for the meet password to join.