SCISA Region 3-AA 2020

Boiling Springs, SC

Meet Information

Registration help:

Region Teams: Greenwood Christian School, Oakbrook Preparatory School, Shannon Forest Christian School, Spartanburg Christian Academy, Spartanburg Day School

Location: Va-Du-Mar McMillan Park, 591 McMillin Blvd, Boiling Springs, SC 29316

Race Times: Boys -- 4:50pm; Girls -- 5:30pm

*Note there are not separate JV and Varsity races.

Registration: Please register your runners online on milesplit ASAP. The deadline is Monday 10/19/2020 at 9:00am.

There is no registration fee.

Team Tents / Restrooms: Team tents can be setup on the soccer/football fields or in the parking area next to the playground. There are flush toilets at the park.

Check-in: You can pickup your team packets at the scorer's tent at the finish line.

Course: The cross-country course consists of 2 equal 1.55 mile loops and is relatively easy to follow. Each loop includes a mile trail through the woods, with the remainder of the loop around the park. The course is mostly dirt and grass but it includes some asphalt.

Coach's Meeting: We will have a brief coach's meeting at 4:40pm at the finish line.

Athletic Trainer: There will be an athletic trainer on site.

Awards/Results: Awards will be presented at 6pm, shortly after the conclusion of the girls' race. Top 10 individual varsity girls and top 10 individual varsity boys will receive medals and earn "all-region" honors. Top 3 individual JV girls and top 3 individual JV boys will receive medals as top JV finishers. Championship trophies will be awarded to the winning varsity teams. Since there are not separate JV and Varsity races, JV finishers will be sorted within results.


      Spectators are allowed but they should wear a mask at all times, unless they are social distancing.

      Coaches should keep a mask on during all non-race times, unless they are social distancing.

      Runners should also be masked, unless they are warming up or racing.They should carry their mask with them and then put it back on when they catch their breath.

      Runners should bring their own fluids, but we may give out some fluids as the runners finish if that can be done quickly and in a safe way.