Region 2-AAA Championship 2021

Williamston, SC
Hosted by Palmetto

Meet Information

2021 Region 2-AAA Championship

DATE: Tuesday, October 26


5:30 PM -- All Girls (Varsity and JV)

6:15 PM -- AllBoys (Varsity and JV)

7:00 PM - Awards *** Top 10 female and male finishers will be recognized as All-Region

COURSE: This is a 95% grass and trail course. It includes Two 1 mile woods sections and short, but strenuous uphill sections. The remainder of the course is a gentle grassy areas ending on the track. It will be well-marked, and mile splits will be indicated and times called. It is located around the track facility behind Palmetto High School, Williamston, SC.

TIMING: The race will be timed by RaceTab and reported to A copy of times will be made available for coaches before you leave and will also be emailed the following morning.

OTHER INFO: This is the Region Championship XC race for SCHSL Region 2-AAA.

TO ENTER: Contact Mark Roberts by email at