Meet Information
- $100/school or $60/single gender team or $12/runner
- Boys race at 5:30 pm. Girls race at 6:15 pm.
- Location: North Charleston Riverfront Park, (1001 Everglades Ave, North Charleston)
- Maximum of 12 runners per gender team. This is a small, compact course.
- Top 7 runners from each team line up at the front. Remaining runners from a team line up on a secondary line.
- Chip timing and scoring by Charlestowne Road Race Services.
- Please mail checks to: North Charleston High School, attn: AD, 1087 E. Montague Ave, North Charleston, SC 29405. Checks need to arrive by September 19.
- Awards
Top boys and girls team
Top 3 individuals in each race
Best young runner in each race (9th grader or younger)