Meet Information
You are invited to a mid-week night race. We will race under the lights of the fields and along a wooded path by glow sticks. Course is approximately 50 % grass. Entry fees - 40 dollars per team - 75 dollars for both teams. 10 dollars for individuals. non-affiliated SCHSL teams may be participating in this event. Make Checks Payable to
A. C. Flora Booster Club C/O Cross Country - One Falcon Drive, Columbia, SC 29204
Junior Varsity Boys - 6:0 PM up to 30 entries
Junior Varsity Girls - 6:30 PM up to 30 entries
Varsity Boys - 7:00 PM 10 entries
Varsity Girls - 7:30 PM 10 entries
Awards to Follow - 1 - 3 medals individual - 1st place plaque or trophy for each division