Meet Information
With the expected amount of rain and flooding, we have decided to cancel the Woodmont Invitational for the safety of everyone. I hope you all will consider coming to our invitational next year. Best of luck on the rest of your season and we will see you at a future race!
Woodmont Invitational
Sponsored by Fleet Feet
SCHSL Sanctioned Event
Schedule of Events:
- Coaches Meeting: 8:15 am
- Varsity Boys: 8:30 am (limit to 10 runners)
- Varsity Girls: 9:00 am (limit to 10 runners)
- JV Boys: 9:30 am
- JV Girls 10:00 am
* Awards: To follow JV Girls race
* Please note there may be schools participating that are not members of the South Carolina High School League. These schools may be members of SCISA, homeschool associations or other organizations.
- $50 per team
- $100 Per School
- $10.00 for individual (if less than 5 per team)
- Parking Fee: $5 (excluding buses, coaches, runners in uniform)
Checks should be made payable to Woodmont High School. Please put "Woodmont XC Invitational" on the memo line.
Mail checks to:
Woodmont High School
Attn: Chris Carter
2831 W. Georgia rd.
Piedmont SC 29673
DEADLINE for entry is Tuesday, September 24 at 12pm.
- Fleet Feet
- Additional Vendors TBA.
Course Map://
- Yellow = Bus Parking (Bottom Right)
- Orange = Overflow (Top Left)
- Red = Spectator (Top Right)