Woodmont Invitational 2024

Piedmont, SC
Hosted by Woodmont

Meet Information

With the expected amount of rain and flooding, we have decided to cancel the Woodmont Invitational for the safety of everyone. I hope you all will consider coming to our invitational next year. Best of luck on the rest of your season and we will see you at a future race!

Woodmont Invitational

Sponsored by Fleet Feet

SCHSL Sanctioned Event

Schedule of Events:

- Coaches Meeting: 8:15 am

- Varsity Boys: 8:30 am (limit to 10 runners)

- Varsity Girls: 9:00 am (limit to 10 runners)

- JV Boys: 9:30 am

- JV Girls 10:00 am

* Awards: To follow JV Girls race

* Please note there may be schools participating that are not members of the South Carolina High School League. These schools may be members of SCISA, homeschool associations or other organizations.


- $50 per team

- $100 Per School

- $10.00 for individual (if less than 5 per team) 

- Parking Fee: $5 (excluding buses, coaches, runners in uniform)


Checks should be made payable to Woodmont High SchoolPlease put "Woodmont XC Invitational" on the memo line.

Mail checks to:

Woodmont High School

Attn: Chris Carter

2831 W. Georgia rd.

Piedmont SC 29673

DEADLINE for entry is Tuesday, September 24 at 12pm.


- Fleet Feet

- Additional Vendors TBA.

Course Map://assets.sp.milesplit.com/meets/483209/files/whs_xc_course.jpg


- Yellow = Bus Parking (Bottom Right)

- Orange = Overflow (Top Left)

- Red = Spectator (Top Right)