
Fort Mill

Venue Records

NOT OFFICIAL RECORDS. These stats are according to our database.

Meets Held Here

Date Meet
2027-04-10 Fort Mill #3
2026-03-13 Fort Mill #2
2025-03-05 Pleasant Knoll Versus Banks Trail and Gold Hill
2024-04-24 FMAC Conference Meet
2024-04-17 Catawba Ridge Meet #1
2024-04-17 Week 6 Meet: PKMS, ILMS & FMMS
2024-04-15 FMAC - SMS, GHMS, FCMS vs BTMS 2024
2024-04-10 Fort Mill meet 4
2024-04-10 FMAC Meet - FCMS/ PKMS/ GHMS/ SMS
2024-03-27 FMAC: SMS, BTMS, FCMS, FMMS
2024-03-27 GHMS vs PKMS/ILMS
2024-03-20 Fort Mill Meet 3
2024-03-20 FMAC (Dual Meet) FCMS/ GHMS
2024-03-20 Week 3 Meet: PKMS, FMMS & BTMS
2024-03-13 Fort Mill Meet 2
2024-03-13 FMAC (Tri-Meet) - FCMS/ PKMS/ ILMS
2024-03-13 FMAC (Dual Meet) FMMS vs SFMS
2024-03-13 GHMS vs BTMS
2024-03-07 Week 1 Meet: PKMS & BTMS
2024-03-07 SMS vs FCMS
2024-03-06 Fort Mill #2
2024-03-06 Fort Mill #1
2023-04-24 FMAC Track and Field Championships
2023-04-19 Fort Mill/Indian Land/Forest Creek/Springfield
2023-04-19 Catawba Ridge #2
2023-04-19 GHMS vs PKMS
2023-04-13 Catawba Ridge #1
2023-04-13 GHMS vs BTMS
2023-04-12 ILMS vs SMS
2023-04-12 Fort Mill meet
2023-03-30 Week 3 Meet: PKMS & BTMS
2023-03-29 Fort Mill vs. Clover
2023-03-29 PKMS, FMMS, GHMS & SMS
2023-03-29 Forest Creek/ Indian Land/ Banks Trail Meet
2023-03-28 Week 1 Meet: PKMS & FMMS - duplicate
2023-03-28 Pleasant Knoll meet
2023-03-27 Week 3 Meet: PKMS & BTMS
2023-03-23 Fort Mill home meet - duplicate
2023-03-23 Fort Mill home meet
2023-03-23 GHMS vs FCMS/SFMS
2023-03-22 Fort Mill vs Spring Valley
2023-03-22 FMAC - BTMS vs FMMS 2023
2023-03-22 FMMS vs SF
2023-03-15 FMAC - SMS VS FMMS
2023-03-15 Pleasant Knoll Versus Banks Trail
2023-03-15 Pleasant Knoll Versus Banks Trail
2023-03-15 Forest Creek/ Indian Land/ Gold Hill Meet
2022-05-02 Fort Mill Athletic Conference Championship Meet
2022-04-30 Fort Mill Athletic Conference Championship Meet
2022-04-27 FMAC - FMMS, PKMS vs BTMS

XC Course Rating

The higher the number the more difficult the course statistically.

Conversion Table
15:00 21:00
16:00 22:00
17:00 23:00
18:00 24:00
19:00 25:00
20:00 26:00