Airport's Jamison Ready to Give Her Best

Name: Jayla Jamison
Personal bests: 100 meter: 11.82, 200 meter 24.37, 400 meter: 56.34, Long jump: 18.6
Academic interests: Approaching high school I am undecided on what I want to pursue in the future but I try to make good grades in all classes.
Hobbies: Playing video games, playing basketball and spending time with family and friends
Favorite quote: "If there is a will, there is a way"

How did you get involved in the sport? 
My mom took me out to run when I was about seven years old and it all started there.

Tell us about your thoughts on this season so far? 
This season is going good so I am seeing that all my hard work is paying off.

How are you feeling the week of the SCHSL Championships? 
I am excited to have an opportunity to go out there and give my best and to run my race.

What is it like for you to be able to compete in public school meets and place?
It feels good to run in all the meets I compete in, it is a blessing to be able to run and have success.

How do you look at being one of the top ranked? 
It is exciting to be considered one of the best.

What goals do you have for this weekend?  
My goal is always to go out and win no matter what event it is.

From your success in 2017, what goals did you have at the beginning of the season and for the rest of the season? 
I wanted to improve on all my events this season and continue my progress on the track.

What's your favorite event and why?

I like all the events I run but I prefer the 100 meter, 200 meter and long jump.

Do you have a specific motivation? 
My family motivates me and I consider God my most important motivation.

What has been your biggest challenge in the sport? 
It is tough physically and I make many sacrifices for track but I feel nothing is that big of a challenge so far because as the quote says, "where there is a will, there is a way"

Do you have any post season meet plans?
Yes, I run AAU over the summer and I run in a lot of meets that my family and coaches put plan for me.

Walk us through a race for you.
The first thing I do is look at the track I am about to run and I imagine myself running the race. Then I focus on the run and go through my warm-up routine, I say a prayer and I get ready to run. What I do after depends on how I performed.

What goes through your mind? 
Just to finish the race strong and win!

Do you play other sports? How does track help you with other sports and vice versa? 
Yes, I play basketball and volleyball as well.

Do you prefer one over the other?
Yes, I prefer track over the other sports.

How and when did you start training for track and field this season? 
I run all year long, so I train pretty much year round.

What do you enjoy the most about the team? 
I like being around my teammates and having fun with them.

What do you feel you have learned from your coaches, teammates and the sport? 
If you have a goal in life there is always a way to achieve it but you have to put the work in.

What would like to see happen in the future? 
I want to set some state records and maybe even more!

If there is one thing in the world you could do, what would it be and why? 
I want to help people in need, because it feels good to give back to people that maybe don't have what I have or can't do what I can do.