Cheraw coach Jack Van Deman and Daniel coach Ron Sullivan will be inducted into the South Carolina Track and Cross Country Coaches Classic Hall of Fame at Coaches Classic on Sept. 15 in Columbia.
Other notes:
SCTrackworld, the online home of the coaches association, has a new Web site address. The link is The previous link, will remain active. Eastside coach Ed Boehmke, entering his 30th year, is Web master of the site for the assocation.
A new state meet course and time schedule was announced at the summer meeting that took place Tuesday in Charleston. The map and schedule are not currently available.
Broome coach Doug Purington was awarded cross country assistant coach of the year.
Easley coach Larry Clarke was named track assistant coach of the year.
Scott Barefield, previously at Fort Mill and now at new school Nation Ford (Class AAAA), was named assistant Shrine Bowl Run coach. Northwestern coach Calvin Hudgins is serving as head coach for 2007. The 2007 run is scheduled for Dec. 15.
Meeting minutes
To: Daniel Brooks, President, SCTCCCA
From: Ginger Foley, Secretary-Treasurer, SCTCCCA
Date: July 24, 2007
Re: Minutes of the summer business meeting
15:05 Danny Brooks (Dreher) opened the meeting with a call to order.
15:06 Pledge of Allegiance
15:07 Danny Brooks (Dreher) recognized Jerome Singleton, director of the SCHSL. Mr. Singleton offered congratulations to the 2007 State Track Champions. He also thanked SCTCCCA for its hard work in helping put on the state championships. He introduced Nessie Harris from the HSL who will be in charge of cross country and track.
15:10 Danny Brooks (Dreher) presented state record trophies to the 2007 Girl’s 4 x 800 relay team from Summerville High School. The team is made up of Maria Rocha, Brianna Blanton, Sydney Hazel, and Ashia M. Frazier. They were accompanied by their coach Jim Kilbreath.
15:14 Danny Brooks (Dreher) presented Doug Purinton (Broome) with the 2006 Assistant Cross Country Coach of the Year.
15:15 Sammy Owen (Easley) proposed that the minutes of the summer clinic business meeting be approved. John Jones (Spring Valley) seconded the motion. The minutes were approved unanimously.
15:16 Treasurer Ginger Foley (Richland Northeast) presented the budget report. Sammy Owen (Easley) made a motion to approve the budget. Rick Crumpler (Spring Valley) seconded the motion. The budget was approved unanimously.
15:18 Danny Brooks (Dreher) announced that a $500 donation to Kwanebe Brown (Westside), better known as KB, was approved in the SCTCCCA officer’s meeting. Brown has been hospitalized at Emory University Hospital since undergoing surgery for an aneurysm in June.
15:20 John Jones (Spring Valley) announced that Jack Van Deman (Cheraw) and Ron Sullivan (Daniel) will be awarded as the fall inductees into the SCTCCCA Hall of Fame. They will be recognized at the 2007 State Cross Country Championships in November.
15:22 Ed Boehmke (Eastside) announced the 2007 Cross Country calendar and informed members that meet information can be found @ under the link for meets and then calendar. Boehmke also announced that John Olson of is requesting that coaches update/create team pages. In addition, it was announced that SCTrackWorld, the official website of SCTCCCA, will have a new domain name, Links to the cross country online registration will be found at this site.
15:30 Jeff Buys (Dorman) reminded the membership about the email list, and requested that all replies to group emails be sent to the sender rather to him. If anyone needs an email address to be added to the email list, they should send that request to
15:31 Danny Brooks (Dreher) requested that coaches pass on information about their team’s community service activities to the HSL Office.
15:32 Calvin Hudgins (Northwestern) was recognized as the 2007 Shrine Bowl Run Coach. It was announced that applications will be available online. All applications for nominated senior athletes must be turned in by the day of the 2007 State Cross Country Championships. It was also announced that the 2007 Shrine Bowl Assistant Coach will be Scott Barefield (Nations Ford).
15:27 Danny Brooks (Dreher) announced that Larry Clarke (Easley) is the 2007 Assistant Track Coach of the Year. Larry will be recognized at the 2008 winter clinic.
15:38 Danny Brooks (Dreher) announced that the 2007 Track All-State Certificates were mailed to recipients.
15:40 The Vice Presidents handed out the 2007 Track Coaches of the Year awards:
1A Girls: Tony Colizzi (Bishop England)
1A Boys: Charlie Poole (Lamar)
2A Girls: Jackie Ryant (Woodland)
2A Boys: Jackie Ryant (Woodland)
3A Girls: Wren Moss (J.L. Mann)
3A Boys: Tom Jordan (Seneca)
4A Girls: Shay Rice (Spartanburg)
4A Boys: Jeff Buys (Dorman)
15:45 Jeff Buys (Dorman) announced that August 14, 2007 will be first publication date of the state cross country rankings for the 2007 season. He also requested assistance in compiling the girls list.
15:46 Danny Brooks (Dreher) reported that the association’s request of a one week extension to the track season was denied by the executive committee of the SCHSL. Brooks also announced that the HSL did approve the changes in the cross country state meet schedule for the 2007 season, which had been unanimously approved by SCTCCCA. The new schedule involves a rotation of classes. One year the 1A and 2A races will be run first and the next year the 3A and 4A classifications will be run first. A break for awards will occur between the first set of races and the second set of races. This will allow teams to leave early rather than wait for the conclusion of the 4A events to receive their awards. For the 2007 state meet, 1A will run first. For 2008, 3A will run first.
15:50 John Jones (Spring Valley) announced Sandhills as the 2007 state meet course. Maps showing changes to the state meet course were presented.
15:52 John Jones (Spring Valley) brought an item on the 2007 winter meeting minutes regarding the creation of performance standards to establish All-State designees to the attention of the members. Several members volunteered to be on a committee to study the issue: Jeff Buys (Dorman), Bob Jenkins (South Pointe), Rick Crumpler (SV), Jack Van Deman (Cheraw) and Glover Shealy (Spartanburg). Danny Brooks (Dreher) tabled the discussion and requested that comments be sent to him so that he may forward them to the committee.
15:56 Jeff Buys (Dorman) announced progress on the SC Top 10 All-time List. Buys is compiling the boy’s list, while Ed Prytherch (Dutch Fork) is compiling the girl’s. Members should send comments, etc to either or
16:00 John Jones (Spring Valley) made a proposal that SCTCCCA dues be raised to $8.00. The motion was seconded by Calvin Hudgens (Northwestern). It was noted that the association has added features, such as the announcer at the state meet, to make these meets more attractive. The motion passed unanimously.
16:02 John Jones (SV) proposed that SCTCCCA raise the amount that we give to the SCACA scholarship fund by additional $500. Bob Jenkins (South Pointe) seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
16:04 Jeff Buys (Dorman) made a motion that the cross country season be extended by one week and the state meet be moved to the second Saturday in November. It was noted that this would be more consistent with the later school start dates. The motion was seconded by John Jones (Spring Valley) and the proposal passed 42-2.
16:09 Jeff Buys (Doman) proposed that SCTCCCA make a request of a one week extension of the track season to the SCHSL. This additional week would come at the start of the season. It was discussed that the track season is just 10 weeks long, with three weeks devoted to playoffs, one week of spring break, and the remaining 6 weeks for competition (one week fewer than other spring sports). The motion was seconded by John Jones (Spring Valley) and the proposal passed unanimously.
16:13 John Jones (Spring Valley) proposed that Danny Brooks (Dreher) ask for a one week extension to the competition season for track if the above proposal by Buys is denied by the HSL. Bob Jenkins (South Pointe) seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
16:14 John Jones (Spring Valley) proposed that the location of the Coaches Classic Track Meet be rotated. Bob Jenkins (South Pointe) seconded the motion. The proposal would involve the following:
1. The Coaches Classic Track and Field Meet will change sites each year on a rotating basis from the lower state, to the upper state, and then to the middle part of the state.
2. The meet must be hosted by a school that has a head track coach who is a member of the SCTCCCA.
3. The meet may be held at any appropriate facility with a minimum of an eight lane track.
4. To be considered to host the meet, a member coach must put in a proposal to the Association President by January 1st of the year in which that school wishes to host.
5. Automatic timing must be used.
6. All concession revenue will be kept by the host school. Entry fees, t-shirt revenue and admission will go to the Association.
The proposal passed unanimously.
14:18 John Jones (Spring Valley) proposed to change to the State Track Meet to a Dual Meet Team Championship format, with an Individual State Championship to follow one week later. The team championships would consist of three playoff rounds concluding with the team championship. Bob Jenkins (South Pointe) seconded the motion. The motion was tabled for further discussion until the winter meeting.
14:25 President Brooks (Dreher) closed the meeting.
Information courtesy of SCTrackworld.