What was your most memorable race/competition?
My most memorable cross-country race was my first varsity race. I was only 11-years-old
and in sixth grade. Coach (Steve) Conway offered me the option to run the varsity race at The Citadel Invitational in Charleston. One of my teammates forgot her varsity jersey so we switched jerseys on the starting line and I ran in the JV jersey, in case I did not score for the team. Already overcome by nerves, I see a sign “beware of alligators”, then finally, being pushed down on the course. After I finished I stood in the fountains and washed off the mud and blood. In the end, I ran one of the best races of my career. What a way to catapult an 11-year-old to the varsity team.
My most memorable track event was SCISA State 2015. I had struggled for years, never quite being able to qualify in the 100. Finally, my senior year I had qualified. However, that was useless to the team unless I could score points in the state meet. After much debate in deciding my four events, my coaches decided instead of entering me in the 400 (my favorite event) to enter me in the 100. Their hope was that I could at best score one point for the team, although unlikely. The competition was extremely tough. I had never beaten the no. one and two seeds. It was too close to call. We had to wait until the times were posted. Surprisingly, I won the event! From first to sixth place was a difference of 0.21 seconds. The event ended up being one of the closest events in SCISA history.
Where did you face your biggest competition?
My toughest competition was in the Spartanburg County meet. Spartanburg has extremely talented athletes. My toughest competition was in the 200.
Out of all of your high school accomplishments, which stands out the most?
Over the past seven years, I have ran seven seasons of cross-country and five seasons of track. I was fortunate to have ran the state meet in all 12 seasons -- with all 12 resulting in a state championship. From running hot summer mileage, to cross-country camp, to grueling hill workouts and speed work, my teammates and coaches have been a second family. All the hard work came to fruition recently. I was humbled and honored when SCA retired my jersey.
If you could do it all over again, what would you change about your athletic career in high school?
If I could go back, I would have ran track in seventh and eighth grade. At that time, I thought track was not for me. I played soccer instead.
What were the most difficult obstacles you had to overcome?
The most difficult obstacles I had to learn to overcome were dealing with injuries. It would have been very easy to give up or not finish a race, but I pushed through them. In the end, it made me stronger person and a better teammate to have dealt with injury.
What will you miss the most?
I will miss my teammates and coaches the most. They have been there for me for seven years with constant encouragement and have pushed me to become the best runner I can be. They are so much more than a team, they are my family.
Do you have any advice for younger athletes?
My advice for the younger athletes is that the pain only last for a short time and pain makes you better. If you push through the pain when it is the hardest, you will be improving beyond your wildest expectations.
How have your coaches influenced your performances and your life goals?
Two coaches have had a huge influence in my life. Coach Steve Conway has pushed me to become the runner I have always wanted to be. He took a skinny 11-year-old and through his training and guidance turned me into a future collegiate runner. He also showed faith in me by naming me a team captain. This gave me the opportunity to be the leader I never thought I could be. He pushed me from a shy, awkward sixth grader to a confident athlete.
Coach Chad Turner has influenced me in every area of my life. He would make me write down my goals and he would help me set up a plan to reach them. More than the athletic aspect, Coach Turner taught me so much from a spiritual aspect. He has been one of my most valued Christian mentors by the way he serves others and put Christ at the center of everything.
What are your college plans?
I plan to go to North Greenville University and run cross-country and track, majoring in Elementary Education.
I would like to give a special shout out to my family for their constant support and encouragement throughout the years. They have been there supporting me, whether it was driving me to practices, encouraging me after a disappointing race, etc. I am truly blessed to have the love and support of my family.