Hobbies: Dorman's Chamber Choir, play piano and guitar, and love to paint. I love being outdoors (hiking or running).
Academic Interests: Mathematics is my favorite field of study, but I would like to go into the medical field.
Personal Bests: 5K- 18:30, Mile- 5:27, 1600- 5:30, 800- 2:28, 3200- 11:55
What does it mean to be named to the Shrine Bowl Run team and helping the hospital?
It is a huge honor to be a part of the Shrine Bowl Run team. I am so excited to have the opportunity to help the hospital alongside some of the best runners in our state.
What did you hear about the Shrine Bowl Run before this year?
My freshman year, one senior from my school ran in the Shrine Bowl Run. She had a great experience and told the team about what a fun time she had. Since then, no one from my school has been named to the Shrine Bowl team, so I am excited to represent Dorman cross country.
What do you hope to experience during the event?
I hope to meet new people and form bonds with runners from all over the state, as well as making a difference for the Shriners Hospital.
How are you preparing to run with a football?
During recovery runs, I am carrying a football to become more comfortable with running with it.
How would you rate your senior season?
I would rate my season a 10 out of 10. Not only did I improve my times from past years, but I was also blessed to be a part of such a loving and talented team. Those girls are some of my closest friends and really made my senior season special.
What future goals do you have?
In the future, I would like to break 18:30 in the 5K. I have set smaller goals in order to achieve this goal. Also, I want to keep improving my leadership skills in order to have a positive impact on future teammates or co workers that I will come in contact with.
How did you get involved with the sport and when?
Growing up, I played soccer for as long as I can remember. In the eighth grade, I tore my hip flexor. The only physical activity I could take part in during my recovery was running. I hated it at first, but over the course of my recovery, I fell in love with running. The next year, my freshman year, I joined the cross country team.
Do you have any relation or know someone that has attended the Shriners Hospital?
I do not know anyone who has attended the Shriners Hospital.
How have you seen the sport change in the state? Please explain.
Over the course of four years, the level of competitive runners in our state has greatly increased. There are so many talented runners that range from seventh graders to seniors, and it has been so inspiring to watch and compete alongside girls who are constantly getting faster.
What was your motivation for your final XC season?
My motivation for my last XC season was the clock. I really wanted to beat my own times from the past three years in order to help my team.
If there is one thing in the world you could do, what would it be and why?
If I could do one thing in the world, I would travel to as many places as possible to learn about different cultures, while bringing some of my culture to leave behind as well. I'd also run a race in every place I visit, uniting with runners from all over the world.