Name: Amanda and James Dortch
Date of birth: Nov. 28, 1990
School: T.L. Hanna
Coach: Chuck Parker
Personal bests: Amanda 5K: 21:03, James 5K:17:30
Typical training week: Mostly distance runs and a few interval workouts.
Any other interesting notes: James: made all region last year(2007)
Amanda: All region x3 (2006, 2007, 2008)
scrunners: What made you decide to run cross country?
Amanda and James Dortch: We both decided to run cross country because our friends were running.
scrunners: What do you remember from your first race?
Amanda and James Dortch: We were both very nervous.
scrunners: Did you both decide to run at the same time?
Amanda and James Dortch: No, Amanda started in seventh grade and James started in eigth grade.
scrunners: How has it been to have a twin on the team?
Amanda and James Dortch: It's been fun considering we are not identical twins we get to cheer for each other during our races. It's great to have someone to share your accomplishments with.
scrunners: Do you seeing having a twin on the team helping your running?
Amanda: I think it does help us run better because we can motivate and push each other. It's great having someone to run with on the weekends.
scrunners: What has been your biggest challenge with a twin on the team?
Amanda and James Dortch: Sometimes it's hard when one of us runs a good race and the other doesn't. Or when only one of us gets a medal.
scrunners: Do you have a specific tradition prior to a race?
Amanda: I don't really have a tradition prior to a race I just make sure I don't eat any dairy products the day of my race and not to eat anything unless its at least two or three hours before my race.
James: I always have a banana before my race.
scrunners: Do you see you two going to the same college?
Amanda: Probably not, because our majors are completely different. I think we will be going to a college thats near each other.
James: No.
scrunners: How will you adapt to college with or without your twin?
Amanda and James Dortch: We don't think it will be that different for us considering we ran different races and our pace is completely different.
scrunners: Do you have any other family members that run?
Amanda and James Dortch: Our cousin Jennifer runs marathons.
scrunners: What do you think it takes to be a cross country runner?
Amanda: I think it takes a lot of dedication and you definetely have to love the sport to continue to do it.
James: I think it takes determination.
scrunners: What do you want to achieve the rest of this season and the future?
Amanda: I really want to get in the 20 minutes by the end of the season, and I want to improve my time.
James: For the rest of the season I don't want to get injured.