Name: Cody and Meredith Frye
Date of birth: Oct. 28, 1992
School: Broome
Coach: Skip Frye (also their dad)
Personal bests: Meredith: 22:56, Cody: 17 minutes
Typical training week:
Meredith: M: 3.5 miles, T: 4.5 mileds, W: 3.5 miles, Th: Speed work, F: three miles
Cody: M: 4.5 miles, T: six miles, W: five miles, Th.: Speed work, F: four miles, Sun.: 6.5
Any other interesting notes: Meredith plays varsity basketball and softball. Cody plays jv basketball and varsity golf.
scrunners: What made you decide to run cross country?
meredith: Dad persuaded me.
cody: I like to run.
scrunners: What do you remember from your first race?
meredith: I could not believe the number of people at Eye Opener.
cody: At Eye Opener I fell and broke 20 minutes.
scrunners: Did you both decide to run at the same time?
cody and meredith: Yes.
scrunners: How has it been to have a twin on the team?
meredith: It is sometimes annoying just because he is my brother. We do not compete against one another since we are male and female. I do like to cheer him on.
cody: The same as having a friend on the team.
scrunners: Do you seeing having a twin on the team helping your running?
cody and meredith: Yes, because we do discuss stategies.
scrunners: What has been your biggest challenge with a twin on the team?
meredith: He talks about running all the time.
cody: We don't compete against each other.
scrunners: Do you have a specific tradition prior to a race?
meredith: No.
cody: Pray.
scrunners: Do you see you two going to the same college?
meredith: I have not thought that far ahead.
cody: No.
scrunners: How will you adapt to college with or without your twin?
meredith: I don't see us majoring in the same degree program and I will probably not run cross country in college.
cody: I don't see us majoring in the same degree program. Not sure if I will run cross country or play golf.
scrunners: Do you have any other family members that run?
cody and meredith: Our older sister and father.
scrunners: What do you think it takes to be a cross country runner?
meredith: Determination and stamina.
cody: Be tough mentally and physically. Don't give up
scrunners: What do you want to achieve the rest of this season and the future?
meredith: To do my best in both.
cody: To break 17 minutes and make all state (top 15 per race).