Name: Krashawn Guess
High school: Ridge View
Event PRs: 5K-19:32.00 1600- 5:10.00 3200- 11:22.00
Hobbies: Running, worshipping God, hanging out with friends, reading my bible.
What was your most memorable race/competition?
When I came dead last at Wendy's Invitational my senior year. I never came dead last in a race before, It was so embarrassing. I will never forget this race. I got the pity clap. I look back and laughed. That will be motivation never to come last again.
1600 rankings | 3200 rankings
Out of all your high school accomplishments, which stands out the most?
Serving as the President of Ridge View High School Fellowship Of Christian Athletes for four years.
If you could do it all over again, what would you change about your athletic career in high school?
I would have start running cross country in seventh grade and I would have ran club track every summer and did indoor track.
What were the most difficult obstacles you had to overcome?
Being diagnosed with ADHD. Track and field and cross county really help me overcome these obstacles.
What will you miss the most?
I will miss the people. When I first started running cross country in eight grade I came from playing football and I was taught to "trash talk" and I thought that is how sports was suppose to be. I remember racing Dutch Fork High School and I remember talking trash while running and the guy I was running against said "you are doing great." Cross country really thought me good sportsmanship and that I will definitely miss.
Do you have any advice for younger athletes?
Keep working hard. Especially younger. Don't take time off. Keep working and go get that money! Scholarships are there you just have to earn them.
How have your coaches influenced your performances and your life goals?
My coaches are awesome. Coach Brian Rosenfield, my first cross country coach, really helped develop great character and help me grow as a person.
My distance coach, Sierra Oliphant is an amazing trainer. She helped me reach my max and she pushed me to the best that I can be, and she told me the season is not over yet.
What are your college or post high school plans?
I plan on running in college. STAY TUNED! Currently committed to Keiser University in West Palm Beach in Florida.
Do you see yourself coaching in the future? Please explain and if so, what level and why.
Yes, because I love the sport!
Shout to GOD!! JESUS CHRIST!! Shout out to my parents for the support. Shout out to my beautiful girlfriend Mikayla Leeha Thomas. Shout out to everyone!