Name: Weston Hutto
High school: Lexingon
Event PRs: 5K-15:54, 3200-9:48, 1600- 4:37
Hobbies: Running, Singing, Hanging out with friends
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What was your most memorable race/competition?
My most memorable race would definitely be cross country state in 2014. The season before, we finished in eighth place after four years of winning the state meet. After a rough start to the season, we all improved tremendously and ended up with a fifth place finish. We put everything out there in that race and that is one I will definitely never forget.
Out of all your high school accomplishments, which stands out the most?
Getting all-state this past cross country season really stood out to me. The feeling of knowing that all the mornings you have gotten up early to run and all the hard workouts you have pushed yourself through have all played out to that moment is just amazing.
If you could do it all over again, what would you change about your athletic career in high school?
I honestly wouldn't change anything. I like to think that everything happens for a reason and what I do now sets me up for my future.
What were the most difficult obstacles you had to overcome?
I had to overcome two injuries my freshman and sophomore year. Instead of giving up, I used it as motivation to bounce back and get even better than I was before. The following years I ended up having more success than I ever dreamed of having.
What will you miss the most?
I will miss my teammates more than anything else. We have been through so much together as runners as well as friends. It's going to be tough adapting not being with the same people you have ran with for your whole high school career.
Do you have any advice for younger athletes?
Yes, even if you are one of the slower runners, continue to work hard and your time will come. I started out as a 22:30 5K runner my first race and now I am where I am today.
How have your coaches influenced your performances and your life goals?
I honestly couldn't ask for better coaches. Coach Harris and Coach Oberly haven't only shaped me into a better runner; they also have shaped me into a better person. The work ethic and leadership I have learned can't even compare to what it would have been like if I never started running.
What kind of impact did you family have on your time as a high school student-athlete?
It would have been a lot harder to be a student athlete without my family. They were always out there to support me no matter what. Whether it was a good race or a bad race, I would always get support from my family, which can be a real confidence booster when you don't perform your best.
What are your college or post high school plans?
I plan to run track and cross country at Anderson University and major in Supply Chain Management.
What do you hope to achieve after high school?
I hope to succeed in college and move on to get my masters in business at the University of South Carolina. As far as running goes, I want to have a conference championship. After college I want to continue running until I am physically unable.
Do you see yourself coaching in the future? Please explain and if so, what level and why?
No, I don't see myself as a coach. I don't think I have the patience and leadership to deal with a team. I will definitely continue to keep up with the sport though.
Shout out to my teammates Jeffery Keene and Thomas Sutcliffe. Hope you guys kill it senior year in cross country as well as track!
If there is one thing in the world you could do, what would it be and why?
If I could change one thing in the world, there would be no separate countries, just one united country. We wouldn't have to face a lot of today's problems such as racism and war, as it wouldn't be possible since everyone would be united under one banner. It would also lower costs, because we wouldn't be importing and exporting our goods since all the worlds recourses belong to one country. This would make everyone's life simpler and we wouldn't have to face a lot of the problems we are facing in today's society.