Salute to Seniors: Jake Liebert Talks with MileSplit SC

Jake Liebert is our first senior runner from the Class of 2024 salute to seniors series. Read his interview and look back at his high school career before going to Tennessee.

School and event personal bests
5K: 14:06 and two mile 8:47

What was your most memorable race/competition? 
State cross country my junior year or Foot Locker.

Out of all your high school accomplishments, which stands out the most? 
Leading Wando to a state title in cross country.

If you could do it all over again, what would you change about your athletic career in high school? 
Nothing, everything happened for a reason and I'm proud of all I've accomplished.

What were the most difficult obstacles you had to overcome? 
Training alone all of my senior year.

"Everything, my parents sacrificed so much for me to do what I love and I am forever grateful for that." - Jake Liebert, on family impact

What advice do you have for younger athletes? 
If you want to reach your goals, you need to go all in and make sacrifices.

How have your coaches influenced your performances and your life goals?
My coaches made running as fun as possible, I never once felt overwhelmed from pressure. Along with that they also taught me what it means to work as hard as possible.

Related:  Wando's Jake Liebert Receives S.C. CC Boys Gatorade POY Honor 

What kind of impact did your family have on your time as a high school student-athlete?
Everything, my parents sacrificed so much for me to do what I love and I am forever grateful for that.

What are your college or post-high school plans? 
Running at the University of Tennessee.

"I would want to be a college coach. Running has been the biggest part of my life and I would love to help an athlete get the same amount out of it as me." - Liebert on the future

What do you hope to achieve after high school?
I want to become the best runner and person possible at UTK.

Do you see yourself coaching in the future? Please explain and if so, what level and why? 
Yes, I would love to coach at the college level. I've always enjoyed trying different things in training and have always felt proud helping those out who ask for training advice.

I want to shout out Brendan Gomez, Tanner Jelliff and Brennan Harp.

If there is one thing in the world you could do, what would it be and why?
I would want to be a college coach. Running has been the biggest part of my life and I would love to help an athlete get the same amount out of it as me.