Full Name: Sophie Chambers Academic Interest: English Brother/Sisters: Sister/ Helen Chambers Hobbies: Cross Country and Track Date of Birth: 9/19/88 Personal Bests: 5k/19:14 and the 3200/12:17 |
scrunners: When did you start to run? In 8th grade.
chambers: What made you decide to run cross country? My step dad ran and it looked like fun.
scrunners: Do you also compete in track and field? What events do you specialize in and why?
chambers: Yes, the 3200 the 4x8 and the 800. I specialized in the 3200 because it was my best event.
scrunners: How does your training shift following the end of the cross country season to prepare for track and field?
chambers: I continued to run with the volunteer coach a couple of teammates.
scrunners: What course is your favorite in South Carolina and out of state?
chambers: West Ashley. I have never run out of state.
scrunners: How would you say your season has gone so far?
chambers: It has been the best season so far, I have ran many PR\'s and have stayed injury free.
scrunners: How will your training change as the state meet comes around on Nov. 6?
chambers: We will do more strength workouts such as hill repeats to prepare for the hills the state course has.
scrunners: From your 19th place at the 2003 state meet, what are you looking to achieve individually and as a team?
chambers: Individually I would like to be in the top 10. As a team top five.
scrunners: How did the 2003 race unfold?
chambers: I trained really hard between region and state, I knew it was my last race, I didn't really have a plan. I just ran the best I could.
scrunners: When did you start to run?
chambers: The summer of seventh grade.
scrunners: What made you decide to run cross country?
chambers: Because it was the first thing that was offered to me.
scunners:What kind of training did you undergo this summer?
chambers: No hard work outs I was just trying to build a strong base.
scrunners: What do you look for in a coach and what do you expect a coach to look for in you?
chambers: I look for someone who is knowledgeable about running and gives good advice, someone who is positive, and builds team spirit. I expect a coach to look for my weak points and help me grow stronger in those areas.
scunners: Have you ever been injured? Explain? How did you stay motivated during this time?
chambers: Yes, my first season I had a stress fracture half way through the season. I stayed motivated by reading articles about other runners who over came their injury and had the best season they ever had.
scrunners: Who has been Stratford\'s team rival and do you have an individual rival?
chambers: Stratford\'s team rival is Summerville. My individual rival would have to be Elizabeth Temple (Beaufort).
scrunners: How did these rival\'s develop and when do they become most intense?
chambers: They developed over each meet and became more intense as I stood a chance in beating them.
scrunners: What kind of race strategy works best for you? Explain. If a race scenario changes from the expected how do you alter your plans.
chambers: I don't really have a race strategy, it mostly depends on the course, the weather, and how I feel that day.
scrunners: Does Stratford have a team tradition prior to a meet?
chambers: Yes, the nights before meets we have a pasta dinner together, and say the Lord\'s prayer before every race.
scrunners: What would you say is the most prestigious meet you have competed in? How did do you fare?
chambers: State, I placed 19th.
scrunners: Have ever thought about coaching the sports? If so, why, and what level?
chambers: Not at this point.
scrunners: Do you have a favorite running book or movie, if so which one and why?
chambers: Prefontaine, because it was inspiring.
scrunners: When not running what do you do for fun?
chambers: Go out with my friends.
scrunners: With beginning runners increasing more, what do you think they should to during their first year of running for training and racing?
chambers: I think they should make sure they build a strong base and gradually increase mileage to decrease the chance of injury.
scrunners: What keeps you motivated to get out the door on a daily basis for school, running and life?
chambers: To try and excel in everything I do.
scrunners: If there is one thing in the world you could do what would it be and why?
chambers: To one day be such a good runner that I could participate in the Olympics, but I know that's a big dream!