Interview: Broome High\'s Addie Hutson

Addie Hutson Broome State
Hutson finished third at the state meet on Nov. 6.
Full Name: Addie Sims Hutson
Date of Birth 4/23/89
Academic Interest Math
Hobbies water skiing/tubing, running and golf
Event PR's cross country- 20:42
Brother/sisters one sister, Lauren Hutson

scrunners: When did you start to run?
hutson: I started to run in the ninth grade at Broome.

scrunners: Do you remember your first race? How old were you and how did you do?
hutson: The first race I had was when I was 14 years old and it was at Union. I was extremely nervous which probably caused me to have a bad race. I think my times may have been in the 23's or 24's.

scrunners: What made you decide or whom to start running?
hutson: One of my friends talked me into running cross country with her and basketball hadn't started at the time. Now, I am very glad that I did it.

scrunners: Does or did anyone else in your family run?
hutson: My sister also runs for Broome.?

scrunners: How has the competition been as you moved from AAA to AA?
hutson: We have had more wins as a team and placed better as individuals. But, regardless of the division our school is in, we are always running against the clock and trying to get the best times. Each of us on the team has a goal in mind.

scrunners: With a third place finish at the State Championships on Nov. 6, how do you feel about your performance and the team's second place finish?
hutson: I had no idea that I was going to be able to finish third. In fact, I actually had a dream before the meet that I did finish third and was standing on the podium and I woke up thinking, "I wish." I was very excited when I heard that both Broome teams finished second. We have worked hard for it for a long time and I think the team definitely deserved it.

scrunners: What were you thinking as you stepped to the line in the first race of the day at the state championships?
hutson: I was so nervous!! I knew I had to run a good race and the pressure was on. And it was the only thing I had thought about the whole week prior to the big meet. The rest of my team was nervous also, so it made me feel better to know I wasn't alone.

scrunners: How much rest do you take in between each season?
hutson: Last year, I played basketball and ran track after cross country. Then, I ran during the summer.

scrunners: How will your training change as the track season rolls around?
hutson: We will probably shorten the runs down a little bit and work more on speed for the 4x8 and 1600.

scrunners: What kind of training did you undergo this summer?
hutson: We had a lot of long runs early in the morning. We ran four days a week and I missed a lot because of trips to the beach.

scrunners: How did this training change throughout the season and as the state meet came around?
hutson: It really didn't change too much. Our speed work altered a little, but Coach Frye really just wanted us to stay in shape and be ready to run well.

scrunners: What kind of goals did you set as an individual for the 2004 cross country season?
hutson: I really just wanted to run my best and see where that would take me. I also wanted to catch Sawyer and Mary, two of my other teammates that had always been ahead during my season in ninth grade.

scrunners: What kind of team goals did Broome set?
hutson: We had a pretty big goal of winning State this year, the boy's team especially, and we worked hard with that on our minds. I'm sure we will have another good shot at it again next year.

scrunners: Did these goals change at any time throughout the season, why?
hutson: No, they really didn't. This was our first year in AA and we had the same goals throughout the entire season.

scrunners: What track events would you like to run?
hutson: The 4x8, 1600, and possibly the 3200.

scrunners: What kind of goals would you like to accomplish this season?
hutson: Win State!!

scrunners: Will you run any indoor meets? If so, which ones do you have in mind?
hutson: No, I don't think so.

scrunners: Does Broome or you have any rivals?
hutson: Chesnee is our team rival.

scrunners: How did these rivals develop and when do they become most intense?
hutson: Chesnee became a rival when they finished second at our region meets. So, it was important that we always ran our best, knowing they were close behind. They became more intense as the meets progressed, getting closer to the state championships.

scrunners: What kind of race strategy works best for you?
hutson: Figure out before a meet who you want to be with or be in front of crossing the finish line and stay with them through the run.

scrunners: Did you have a race strategy going into the state meet?
hutson: Yes, I wanted to stay with Carrie Philips, a really good Chesnee runner.

scrunners: If a race strategy changes how do you adapt?
hutson: I just run my best and try not to let anything else bother me.

scrunners: Does Broome have a team tradition prior to competing?
hutson: Before every meet we do strides, our team chant, and the Lord's Prayer.

scrunners: Have you ever been injured? Explain.
hutson: Yes, last year I twisted my ankle at Union and was out for a while. Unfortunately, it was near the end of the season.

scrunners: How did you stay motivated during this time?
hutson: Really, just by watching my other team mates, cheering them on and wanting to be running with them.

scrunners: What do you look for in a coach and what do you expect a coach to look for in you?
hutson: I think a coach should push his/her runners and still motivate them and make them feel good about themselves at the same time. Running is the hardest thing I've ever done and I definitely need someone who is always there to help and make me better. I don't think I would still be running if I didn't have Coach Frye as a coach. He is as good as it gets and I know that all of Broome's runners agree.

scrunners: With new runners joining the sports all the time, what advice can you give them on training and racing?
hutson: It's definitely not an easy thing to do and you have to put your heart into it and want to do it. The feeling of winning and crossing the finish line makes it all worth the hard work. And just like all other sports, you have to work hard in practice to do well when it counts.

scrunners: What would you say is the most prestigious meet you have competed in? How did you fare?
hutson: I would have to say that would be this year's State meet. Like I said earlier, I had no idea I would finish third and it really felt great.

scrunners: Have you ever met a professional runner? If so, what did you talk to them about?
hutson: No, but I would really like to.

scrunners: If there is one thing in the world you could do what would it be and why?
hutson: Live my life to the fullest and have fun doing it because you only get one chance.