Spring Valley coach John Jones is seeking athletes and coaches to make the trip on a bus to New Balance Indoor Nationals at The Armory in New York City.
The meet starts March 9 and ends March 11. Jones, Taco Bell Classic meet director, said he needs at least 40 people on the bus, that is scheduled to leave from Columbia early Thursday morning. Jones said he is willing to do pickups along the route in other states.
"In order to make the trip happen, I will need at least 40 people on the bus. The cost for the bus and the hotel will be $275 for an athlete (four to a room) and $375 for coaches (two to a room)," said Jones. "Athletes could go two to a room but would have to pay the coach price. You will have to pay for your own food, souvenirs and entry into the meet.
I have made the trip to the Indoor Nationals over 20 times: Boston, Syracuse, DC , Indiana, Ohio and Annapolis but never The Armory," he said. "Each of these trips have been a highlight in my career in track and field. I hope you will be able to join us and bring our great S.C. athletes to this super meet. Please email me (johjones@richland2.org) if you wish to go. I will make the final decision (based on numbers) by Dec. 16."
The itinerary includes touring New York City (Statue of Liberty, Ground Zero, etc.).
scrunners.com managing editor John Olson is scheduling to travel on the bus.