Hayley Lyons' marathon training: week 16

Marathon Training: Week 16


I have to be at work at 5:45 a.m. on Friday, which means that I’m going to have to update my plan a little bit this week.  And then, on Friday, I’m headed out for the Kiawah half-marathon.  My brother, Ryan, registered me last December for Christmas, and my sister, Sarah, is running it as her very first half-marathon (but not her last, despite what she will try to tell you.)  I will be running an additional six or seven after the race.

Monday: 5 miles

Tuesday: 8 miles.

Wednesday: 4 miles.

I shortened today’s run by a mile, for recovery purposes, but I also conquered the steepest hill in my neighborhood (which I always avoid) three times.

Thursday: 8 miles.

This was my fastest eight-mile run by several minutes.  I’m not sure what I put in my oatmeal this morning, but I felt great!

Friday: Rest.

3:45 a.m. wake-up, longest work-day ever, and then off to Kiawah for pizza and sleep!

Saturday: 20 miles

There was a large group of us participating in both the half and the full this morning.  We stayed at a condo in Kiawah and had an amazing time together.  There’s nothing I want to talk about more than running, and, with a group of experienced endurance runners, I felt inspired, informed, and psyched for my own upcoming marathon.

Ryan ran the 13 with me, as a pacer and to keep me company.  Our friend, Ivan, was running his first open full, so Ryan insisted that we stand at the starting line with him.  I started out at a cautious, slow pace, making sure that, no matter what, I got my mileage in.  At around mile 9, and my second Gu (of four total—obsessed…mint chocolate and peanut butter are my new favorites), I felt on top of the world and realized that I could pick up the pace and finish my run.  

I ended up setting my second fastest half-marathon PR and running the full 20 miles, which is the longest run to date.  I treated the last seven as a fairly easy cool down.  

I can’t tell you how proud and happy I am for Sarah and her friend, Kirtley, who ran and finished her first half-marathon today, as well as of Ivan and our friend, Maria, who finished in fantastic time.  And I’d like to extend a special thank you to Ryan for running the race with me.  He is such a supportive big brother and, as an IronMan and ultra runner, an inspiration and mentor to me, a young runner.

In the excitement of my own accomplishments, as well as of those of my friends who raced, I was on a runners high for the rest of the day.  

So I did something a little spontaneous and registered for the Richmond Marathon 2013.

Yep, I haven’t even run my first 26.2, and I’ve already registered for another.  Luckily, it’s not until next November, so it isn’t completely idiotic.  But what is idiotic is that I’m already looking for a spring/summer marathon (after a long recovery from the first, of course)…before then, however, I’d like to train for and race another half—I’m curious where my half-marathon time would be right now, if I were actually racing.  

I’m addicted.

Sunday: Rest.

Conclusion:  Next week is a step back week.  I have two more 20+ milers, with two more step-back weeks, and then it’s time to taper!  

I am getting so excited for my upcoming marathon, and I’m really proud of myself for how hard I’ve worked to get here.  I can’t even think about race day without tearing up!!!