Meeting minutes
South Carolina Track and Cross Country Coaches Association
TD Convention Center – Greenville, SC
Minutes July 25, 2012
Rules Meeting with Nessie Harris – SC High School League
Quick points of the rules meeting –
---Concussion course is mandatory and Heat Related illnesses and Treatment is highly suggested. Go to the National Federation webpage for these courses at These are free.
---Discussed ejection and fines for coaches and athletes
---Calendar of important dates for cross country and track and field on the league webpage in the AD notebook
---Discussed regulation for home school, virtual school and Governor’s school students. Form must be filled out for each sport and prior to the first day of tryouts. See you AD.
---Track Qualifier Locations 4A-Spring Valley, 3A -Lower Richland, 2A Lower -Woodland, 2A Upper – Landrum, 1A Upper – SCSDB (tent) and no site determined for 1A Lower
---Rule Changes and clarifications given. A major uniform rule change – now like jewelry rule.
2:14 – President Cummings (Riverside) opened the meeting. Told all, this is our election year and asked for nominations. President Eric Cummings was unanimously reelected. The vice-president positions are – 4A Jeff Buys (Dorman), 3A Michael Stewart (Lower Richland), 2A John Javis (Eau Claire), and 1A Marie Kernell (St. Joseph’s). The board is the same as the previous term with the exception of Marie Kernell who was elected from 3 nominees.
2:25 – Ed Boehmke (Eastside) presented the minutes from the January meeting and moved they be accepted. They were seconded by Jeff Buys and unanimously approved. Boehmke then gave a brief financial report. There are a few outstanding checks, but the association had over $19,000 in the bank at the end of June.
2:30 – The vice president’s presented the Coach of the Year plaques. Jeff Buys presented the 4A Girls COY to George Moss of JL Mann (not present) and the 4A Boys COY to Matt Overly of Lexington. Michael Steward presented the 3A Girls COY to Carl Addis of Seneca and the 3A Boys COY to Daniel Brooks of Dreher (not present). John Javis presented the 2A Girls COY to Tony Washington (not present) of Dillon and the 2A Boys COY to Tony Collizi of Bishop England. Marie Kernell presented the 1A Boys COY to Terry Fillmore of Whale’s Branch (not present) and the 1A Girls COY to Rodney Adamee of Christ Church.
2:35 – Rodney Adamee, outgoing 1A VP, presented the State Record Trophies to the coaches of the athletes. The Boys 4 x 800 record was broken by Lexington in a time of 7:48.95. The 4 trophies were presented to their coach Matt Overly. The Girls 4 x 800 record was broken by Wando with a time of 9:25.40. The 4 trophies were accepted by coaches from James Island. The Boys 200 Meters record was broken by Andre Watson of Whale’s Branch with a time of 21.16. The trophy was accepted by Herbert Glaze of Beaufort. These trophies will be presented to the athletes at a future school function.
2:38 – Michael Steward announced the Assistant Track Coach of the Year to Bennie Isaacs of Dreher. His award will be presented at a future school event.
2:39 – Ron Sullivan (Greenwood) presented a quick career overview and announced Jim Crawford from Crescent as our new inductee to our Hall-of-Fame. Jim will be officially inducted at the Coaches Classic Cross Country Meet in September.
2:40 – Eric Cummings announced the results of the Shrine Bowl coach election held yesterday during the cross country meeting. Jim Koterba of South Pointe will serve as this year’s assistant coach and Jerry Kimbrell of Dorman will serve as the head coach.
2:41 – Cummings told the group that our request to increase our dues from $5 to $10 has been approved by the SCACA. He also told the group that $2500 from our dues is given to the Herlong Scholarship fund. Over $59,000 was awarded to children of SC coaches and that the SCTCCCA gives the 3rd most of all sports in the SCACA. He encouraged all coaches to apply for their graduating children.
2:43 – Ed Boehmke reminded the group of our webpage, A calendar of the 2012 cross country season is there. He also explained the procedure for using our online XC entry for any meets the coaches may host.
2:46 – Eric Cummings explained the agreement with the USATF Coaches Association that Bob Jenkins brought to the group last January. He said that it will be offered again in January at the same price, $10 for a one year membership which includes 4 issues of their coaching magazine. Several coaches stated how good that magazine is and that this is a very good deal.
2:49 – Calvin Hudgins (Northwestern) gave a report on the status of an all-star meet after the track and field season. He and Bob Davis (Liberty) will continue working on the idea. They think now that it will be an open meet held through the USATF.
2:52 – Bob Jenkins explained to the group his efforts to get the HSL to approve an indoor track season. John Jones made a proposal that we again ask the HSL to approve indoor track in SC. Seconded by Rick Crumpler and approved unanimously by a vote of 62-0. Further discussion said that we would like a season beginning the Monday after the state football games with a two week practice session and then a competitive season until the middle or late February. The group charged the board to draft a letter to be sent to every AD and principal in the state discussing our reasons for the season. Jones and Jenkins encouraged everyone to get to their principals and convince then to vote in favor of this proposal when it comes to the activities board.
3:11 - Eric Cummings made a motion that the association make a donation to John Olson of SCRunners for his continued contribution to the sports. Bob Jenkins seconded the motion and an amount of $1000 was unanimously accepted.
3:13 – President Cummings made two proposals for Hall of Fame by-law changes. The first is to include the treasurer as a voting member of the hall of fame. The second is to allow all present members of the Hall of Fame to be allowed to vote. These were both seconded and approved unanimously.
3:16 – Ginger Belka (Richland Northeast) asked if we had done anything as an association for the family of George Johnson who died in July. Mark Bedenbaugh (Pelion) made a proposal that we make a donation to the George Johnson scholarship program in the amount of $500. It was seconded and after some discussion about the amount and any precedent that we may be setting, the motion was approved unanimously.
3:25 – Bill Conley (Gaffney) proposed that the association give a maximum of $500 to a charity or scholarship as directed by the family to any SCTCCCA Hall-of-Fame member that dies. Seconded by Jack Van Deman (Cheraw) and it passed unanimously.
3:30 – President Cummings asked that Region 2-4A Track Coaches meet for a few minutes after this meeting. The meeting was then adjourned.
TD Convention Center – Greenville, SC
Minutes July 25, 2012
Rules Meeting with Nessie Harris – SC High School League
Quick points of the rules meeting –
---Concussion course is mandatory and Heat Related illnesses and Treatment is highly suggested. Go to the National Federation webpage for these courses at These are free.
---Discussed ejection and fines for coaches and athletes
---Calendar of important dates for cross country and track and field on the league webpage in the AD notebook
---Discussed regulation for home school, virtual school and Governor’s school students. Form must be filled out for each sport and prior to the first day of tryouts. See you AD.
---Track Qualifier Locations 4A-Spring Valley, 3A -Lower Richland, 2A Lower -Woodland, 2A Upper – Landrum, 1A Upper – SCSDB (tent) and no site determined for 1A Lower
---Rule Changes and clarifications given. A major uniform rule change – now like jewelry rule.
2:14 – President Cummings (Riverside) opened the meeting. Told all, this is our election year and asked for nominations. President Eric Cummings was unanimously reelected. The vice-president positions are – 4A Jeff Buys (Dorman), 3A Michael Stewart (Lower Richland), 2A John Javis (Eau Claire), and 1A Marie Kernell (St. Joseph’s). The board is the same as the previous term with the exception of Marie Kernell who was elected from 3 nominees.
2:25 – Ed Boehmke (Eastside) presented the minutes from the January meeting and moved they be accepted. They were seconded by Jeff Buys and unanimously approved. Boehmke then gave a brief financial report. There are a few outstanding checks, but the association had over $19,000 in the bank at the end of June.
2:30 – The vice president’s presented the Coach of the Year plaques. Jeff Buys presented the 4A Girls COY to George Moss of JL Mann (not present) and the 4A Boys COY to Matt Overly of Lexington. Michael Steward presented the 3A Girls COY to Carl Addis of Seneca and the 3A Boys COY to Daniel Brooks of Dreher (not present). John Javis presented the 2A Girls COY to Tony Washington (not present) of Dillon and the 2A Boys COY to Tony Collizi of Bishop England. Marie Kernell presented the 1A Boys COY to Terry Fillmore of Whale’s Branch (not present) and the 1A Girls COY to Rodney Adamee of Christ Church.
2:35 – Rodney Adamee, outgoing 1A VP, presented the State Record Trophies to the coaches of the athletes. The Boys 4 x 800 record was broken by Lexington in a time of 7:48.95. The 4 trophies were presented to their coach Matt Overly. The Girls 4 x 800 record was broken by Wando with a time of 9:25.40. The 4 trophies were accepted by coaches from James Island. The Boys 200 Meters record was broken by Andre Watson of Whale’s Branch with a time of 21.16. The trophy was accepted by Herbert Glaze of Beaufort. These trophies will be presented to the athletes at a future school function.
2:38 – Michael Steward announced the Assistant Track Coach of the Year to Bennie Isaacs of Dreher. His award will be presented at a future school event.
2:39 – Ron Sullivan (Greenwood) presented a quick career overview and announced Jim Crawford from Crescent as our new inductee to our Hall-of-Fame. Jim will be officially inducted at the Coaches Classic Cross Country Meet in September.
2:40 – Eric Cummings announced the results of the Shrine Bowl coach election held yesterday during the cross country meeting. Jim Koterba of South Pointe will serve as this year’s assistant coach and Jerry Kimbrell of Dorman will serve as the head coach.
2:41 – Cummings told the group that our request to increase our dues from $5 to $10 has been approved by the SCACA. He also told the group that $2500 from our dues is given to the Herlong Scholarship fund. Over $59,000 was awarded to children of SC coaches and that the SCTCCCA gives the 3rd most of all sports in the SCACA. He encouraged all coaches to apply for their graduating children.
2:43 – Ed Boehmke reminded the group of our webpage, A calendar of the 2012 cross country season is there. He also explained the procedure for using our online XC entry for any meets the coaches may host.
2:46 – Eric Cummings explained the agreement with the USATF Coaches Association that Bob Jenkins brought to the group last January. He said that it will be offered again in January at the same price, $10 for a one year membership which includes 4 issues of their coaching magazine. Several coaches stated how good that magazine is and that this is a very good deal.
2:49 – Calvin Hudgins (Northwestern) gave a report on the status of an all-star meet after the track and field season. He and Bob Davis (Liberty) will continue working on the idea. They think now that it will be an open meet held through the USATF.
2:52 – Bob Jenkins explained to the group his efforts to get the HSL to approve an indoor track season. John Jones made a proposal that we again ask the HSL to approve indoor track in SC. Seconded by Rick Crumpler and approved unanimously by a vote of 62-0. Further discussion said that we would like a season beginning the Monday after the state football games with a two week practice session and then a competitive season until the middle or late February. The group charged the board to draft a letter to be sent to every AD and principal in the state discussing our reasons for the season. Jones and Jenkins encouraged everyone to get to their principals and convince then to vote in favor of this proposal when it comes to the activities board.
3:11 - Eric Cummings made a motion that the association make a donation to John Olson of SCRunners for his continued contribution to the sports. Bob Jenkins seconded the motion and an amount of $1000 was unanimously accepted.
3:13 – President Cummings made two proposals for Hall of Fame by-law changes. The first is to include the treasurer as a voting member of the hall of fame. The second is to allow all present members of the Hall of Fame to be allowed to vote. These were both seconded and approved unanimously.
3:16 – Ginger Belka (Richland Northeast) asked if we had done anything as an association for the family of George Johnson who died in July. Mark Bedenbaugh (Pelion) made a proposal that we make a donation to the George Johnson scholarship program in the amount of $500. It was seconded and after some discussion about the amount and any precedent that we may be setting, the motion was approved unanimously.
3:25 – Bill Conley (Gaffney) proposed that the association give a maximum of $500 to a charity or scholarship as directed by the family to any SCTCCCA Hall-of-Fame member that dies. Seconded by Jack Van Deman (Cheraw) and it passed unanimously.
3:30 – President Cummings asked that Region 2-4A Track Coaches meet for a few minutes after this meeting. The meeting was then adjourned.