Meet information
To: Athletic Director and Head Track Coaches
From: Linda Segers
Re: Region 3-AA Track & Field Information
The Region 3-AA Track Meet is April 25, 2013, at Memorial Track Stadium, starting at 3:00 p.m., hosted by Eau Claire High School.
Coaches all registrations are done on-line at Registration deadline is Noon., April 23, 2012.
MILESPLIT Online Registration Trouble Shooting Hints
1. Make sure that you are logged in. If you don’t know if you are check the right side of the gray navigation bar at the top of the page. If it says “Hello, (your name)” then you are logged in.
If it says “You are not logged in. Register or Login.” Then you are not logged in. Click on login, a box will drop, and you will be prompted to enter your username and password. Once you enter your username and password, click on the gray Login button. Once the page reloads it will say “Hello, (your name)” and you will be logged in.
If you do not have a username and password click on “Register” in the gray navigation bar and go through the process. It is best to use a home email account as opposed to a school email account because some school email accounts will filter out MileSplit emails (although you could ask your school tech person to allow emails from and @ Also if you do not receive your password within about a half hour or less, check your spam or junk folder of your email to see if the email was forwarded to this folder.
2. Navigate to the meet that you want to enter by going to the red navigation bar, scroll over teams, and then click on the season that you want to enter. Once on the meet calendar page you will see a list of meets sorted by date. Find the meet that you want to enter and click on the Meet Name in blue. This will take you to the Meet Page.
3. On the Meet page, click on the green box that says “Enter Online Now”. This will take you to the Online Registration Page.
4. If your Online Registration Page says “Registration Details” first and then has the meet information and a gray box that says “Enter Team >>”, click on the gray box to enter your team and follow the prompts.
If the next page has a black box that says “You Have Not Claimed Your Team,” follow the instructions below and type your school name into the box and click the blue “Search” link. A dropdown box will appear and you will need to select your team. Please double check that you are clicking on the right team! Check the name of the school against the city that it is located in. Once you do this follow the directions on how to claim a team and then wait for an email saying that you are approved. Most team approvals are done between 6-10pm, but some will be done during the day if possible.
If your Online Registration Page says “Already Entered” first, then says “(your team name) – View/Edit Entries” and then has the “Registration Details”, click on the View/Edit Entries link to go to the Event Entries Page.
5. On the Event Entries Page you will see “Online Registration: (school name)” at the top of the page. Below this you will have an off colored box that will say “You are entered in this meet. Your entries are below. You may update them up until (a certain date and time to enter). Print confirmation.” After you finish all of your entries click on the Print Confirmation link to print your Entry Confirmation. On the next page, in your browser go to file, and then print to print the page.
6. Also on the Event Entries Page, beneath the Print Confirmation box you will see a black bar on the left side of the screen that says “Event Entry.” Below this you will have all of the events listed and next to the name you will see a blue link that says “[Edit Entries]”. Click on this link to go through the entry procedure.
For individual events, simply check the box next to the name of the athlete that you want to enter into the event. On the right hand side of the screen the athlete will appear with a box to enter their seed mark/time. If the seed mark/time does not appear you will be able to enter one. In some meets you can override the given seed/mark, in other meets you will not be allowed to do this.
For relay events, simply click the gray box that says “Add New Relay”, your seed time will appear and then the page will reload and your athletes will appear to the right of the screen and you can select the athletes that you want to put into the relay and then select the order that they will run in (1,2,3,4).
7. On the Event Entries Page, if you do not see both genders to enter and the school is sending both a boys and girls team, you will need to change the Divisions that the school is entered in.
To do this, locate the black “Divisions Entered” bar. Below this will be something similar to: High School F, High School M, or High School F+M. If both a boys team and a girls team are attending the meet, then this area should say “High School F+M”, if it doesn’t then you need to click on the blue link that says “Edit Divisions Entered.”
On the “(school name) – Change Divisions Entered” Page you will see the word “Divisions” then a bar beneath it and then something along the lines of:
High School
Male - Not Entered Enter
Female - Entered Delete
In this instance, if you wanted to enter the boys team, you would simply click on the blue “Enter” link to enter the boys team into the meet.
Entries closing date is Monday, APRIL 23 at 12:00 Noon.
• Four (4) athletes per-event
All questions or concerns should be directed to Linda Segers, Eau Claire High School, (Telephone number: 735-7609), email:
Meet Director Timing
Linda Segers Jump Start PT Timing
Boys long Jump Girls long Jump
Keenan Columbia
Boys high Jump Girls high Jump
Fairfield Central Fairfield Central
Boys triple jump Girls triple jump
Keenan Columbia
Boy’s pole vault Girls pole vault
Pelion Pelion
Boys Discus Girls discus
North Central North Central
Boys shot put Girls shot put
Eau Claire Eau Claire
100/110 hurdles 400 hurdles
Bring Tape Measure(s) and a Pencil to run off your event.
If you have questions please email or call Coach Segers at EC 735-7609. Cell 3613022
Referee: Field Event Judge
Michael Steward Corey Wright (DF)
Starter(s) Rules Committee
Ricky Griddine Lamont Britt (EC)
Mark Bedenbaugh(P)
Cedrick Simpson (FC)
Region III AA Track & Field Time Schedule
Thursday April 25, 2013
3:00 Coaches Meeting
3:30 Boys High Jump (FC)
Boys Shot Put (EC )
Girls Discus (NC )
Girls and Boys Long Jump (Col ) (K )
Girls Pole Vault (P )
4:00 3200 Meter Relay (4 X 800) (Girls followed by Boys)
400 Meter Relay (4 X 100)
5:30 Girls High Jump (FC )
Girls Shot Put (EC )
Boys Pole Vault (P )
Boys Discus (NC )
Girls and Boys Triple Jump (Col), (K)
100/110 Meters Hurdles Finals (section vs time)
100 Meters Finals (section vs time)
1600 Meters (1 mile)
400 Meters Dash (section vs time)
400 Meters Hurdles (section vs time)
800 Meters Run
200 Meters Dash (section vs time)
1600 Meter Relay (4 X 400)
Presentations of Team Awards
South Carolina High School League
PO Box 211575
Columbia, SC 29221-6575
Fax: 803-731-9679
This form applies to the Track & Field State Series. (Region, Upper/Lower & Finals)
Please read the following carefully, sign in the space provided and return to the referee immediately.
As the head Coach for _________________________ High School Boys/Girls Track team (circle one), I have discussed the following or will discuss the following with all members of my team.
• No jewelry of any type may be worn during the competition. Jewelry should be removed prior to reporting to an event.
• Soft single color elastic hair controlling items, excluding hats, may be worn. Must be non-abrasive. This includes headbands without logos.
• Only prescription eyewear will be allowed by contestants during the competition.
• No electronic devices (i.e. cell phones, IPods, MP3 players, etc) will be allowed by contestants in the competition area.
• My team is in a school issued same color uniform. My relay teams will report with identical uniforms and undergarments of the same color (if worn by two or more).
• My athletes have or will be informed of the off-limit areas.
• My athletes have been instructed about the rules and penalties for unsportsmanlike conduct. They will also be respectful to all officials and competitors.
• My athletes understand, that if in a field event, the ten-minute rule to return to the field event will be enforced.
• If I have a vaulter, I certify that his/her weight is at or below the weight specifications of the pole.
Signed ______________________________________________ Date
This must be returned to the referee before your athletes will be allowed to compete.
• A student must have participated in at least two regular season track meets prior to entering region qualifying leading to the State Meet. The High School League Executive Committee must make any exceptions.
• Be sure that everyone clearly understands Rule 5-9-2. Being listed as one of the six members of a relay team does not count as an event unless the competitor actually participates. Remind them that an athlete may not participate in more than four events. He or she may be listed in two individual events and as a member of three relay teams. However, once this athlete participates in two of these relays he/she is not eligible for the other relay.
• The rules for the pole vault must be enforced. Specifically, the vaulter’s weight shall be at or below the manufacturer’s pole rating. The manufacturer’s pole rating shall be visible in a one-inch contrasting color, as well as a one-inch circular band indicating the maximum top handhold position. Pole rating markings are to be located above the handhold band. The coach of a vaulter must verify that the athlete is utilizing the appropriate pole and must be able to certify the vaulter’s actual weight to the event judge. The weight of each vaulter must be supplied to the event judge and entered on the event sheet.
• Schools must register their contestants (using both first and last names) with the region track chairperson by a date set by the chairperson. The region chairperson in turn will report all contestants to the Upper/Lower or Qualifier Meet Directors. The best performances of each event in region meets must be sent to the director of the Upper/Lower or Qualifier Meet. This information is requested in order that contestants may be placed in heats. A form will be sent to all track chairpersons for making this report. First and last names will be used in reporting all qualifiers.
• The meet director should report region qualifiers to the Upper/Lower or Qualifier Meet Directors is within 48 hours of your region meet for all classes. A region may qualify four contestants in each event for the Upper/Lower or Qualifier Meet, and four contestants in each event will be qualified from these meets for the State Finals. No more than four contestants from any school may be entered in any event in the region meet. A school may enter one team in each relay.
• In the event there are regions involved in the preliminaries having only one high school entered, the list of entries must be sent to the meet director at the time entries are sent by regions. No changes will be allowed by any school after the list has been received.
• All throwing implements will be chosen/designated by the Meet Director and/or event judge for competition.
• Qualifiers for the meets will be reported to the directors of these meets. The Qualifying Meet Directors will report their qualifiers directly to the League Office. FIRST AND LAST NAMES AND GRADE LEVELS will be used in reporting all qualifiers.
• The Qualifying Meet Directors will secure competent officials. Meets must have a referee, exchange zone judges and turn judges. The decision of the judges will be final. No protest will be allowed unless violation of track or eligibility rules occurs.
• In all meets that qualify contestants for the State Track Meet, these rules will be followed in the shot put, discus, triple jump and long jump. There will be three sections in each event. They will be seeded by region champions first - serpentined, then by performance for all other qualifiers - serpentined. . Each competitor will take six jumps. Each section winner and the best five non-winning distances from all the sections will qualify for the state meet. All ties for the eight qualifying positions will be broken according to the National Federation Rule Book. All throwing implements will be chosen/designated by the Meet Director and/or event judge for competition.
• Contestants must be ready at the scheduled time of their events. If not, the Meet Director will scratch them. A contestant will not be allowed to compete unless he is in a legal track uniform.
• An admission of $5.00 will be charged for Qualifying State Meets. The meet director must submit a financial statement to the League Office.
• Sites for the qualifying meets will be determined by each classification.