Coca-Cola LowCountry Invitational 2015

Woodland, SC
Hosted by Woodland

Meet information

Dear Coaches,

We are excited to extend an invitation for your teams to participate in the Coca-Cola LowCountry Track & Field Invitational on Saturday, March 7, 2015 at Woodland High School.

We hope that you will be attending our meet this year. You will be provided a luncheon for all coaches and meet officials.

Your entry fee is due by Wednesday, March 4, 2015 to reserve your place at the Invitational. On-line entries must be received and completed by Wednesday, March 4, 2015. Failure to send in an entry fee will result in your entries being deleted from the meet.

The entry fee is $75.00 for boys or girls teams, $125.00 for both boys and girls teams, or $15.00 per individual. Make checks payable to “Woodland High School.” Individual entries will be accepted if room is available. All entry fees along with the Entry Notification Form located at the bottom of this page should be mailed to Woodland High School, C/O Chavez James at the above address.

Please feel free to call me at (843) 259-6835 or e-mail We look forward to having your team compete at the Coca-Cola LowCountry Invitational.

Sincerely Yours,

Chavez James
Meet Director

------------------------------------------------------------------------DETACH AND SUBMIT WITH PAYMENT-------------------------------------------------

Coca-Cola LowCountry Track & Field Invitational Entry Notification

School: ______________________________________ Teams Competing: Boys ____ (Include $75 entry fee)

Coaching Contact: ______________________________________ Girls ____ (Include $75 entry fee)

E-mail or Phone: ______________________________________ Both ____ (Include $125 entry fee)