Meet information
Cross Country Championships
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Sandhills Research Center Clemson Road, Columbia, SC
Race Times:
Girls & Boys Open 5:00 p.m.
Girls Varsity 5:45 p.m.
Boys Varsity 6:15 p.m.
Awards Ceremony will be immediately following last race at the finish line .
From I-20: Take exit 80 (Clemson Road) and head North about 4 miles down Clemson Road and you will see Sandhill Research Center on the right. Buses and cars must enter from Clemson Road directly across from the Sandhills Village shopping area.
Parking attendants will guide busses and spectator parking. There will be no charge for parking. Please follow attendants’ directions to ensure quick and organized parking.
Tents: Please keep all tents and team areas in the large field near your bus. We will not use the normal tent area behind the brick building.
This race will determine the Region IV Champion.
Top 7 runners from Girls and Boys Varsity race are All-Region.
Enter online at Registration is open until Monday, October 19th at midnight.
OFF LIMITS: Coaches please keep all athletes away from all buildings and machinery. Also, please clean up your team area.