Meet information
Run Hard Invitational
Saturday October 8th, 2016
The course is located on the campus of Lexington High School.
Time Schedule:
8:00 Run Hard Open Race
9:30 Varsity Boys (can run up to 9 boys)
10:00 Varsity Girls (can run up to 9 girls)
10:30 Boys JV (unlimited)
11:00 Girls JV (unlimited)
11:45 Awards
Entry Fee
$60.00 per team or $100.00 for boys and girls team
Make checks payable to Lexington High School, attn. Bailey Harris
Lexington High School
2463 Augusta Hwy.
Lexington SC 29072
Entries will be made through
Entries for the open 5k for parents or spectators can be made at
Bus Parking and Spectator Parking
Parking is available at the parking lot in front of the football stadium.
Entries will be made through The deadline for entries is Tuesday October 4th at 11:59 PM.
Team Awards for the top 3 teams
Top 15 individuals in eacg varsity race
Top 5 individuals in each jv race
Any questions contact:
Matt Oberly, Head Girls Cross Country Coach
Lexington High School