Chapin meet 2 2019

Chapin, SC
Hosted by Chapin

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Moore, Houston Chapin
Jamison, Latrell Brookland Cayce
Dwyer, Bubba Pelion
Brown, Malachi Brookland Cayce
Adams, Kazarius Brookland Cayce
Wilson, Olajuwon 11.33 Chapin
Lehmann, Conner 11.36 Chapin
Dwyer II, Marcus 11.4 Pelion
Wells, Josh 11.64 Chapin
Daniels, Jeremy 11.64h Brookland Cayce
Davis, Micah 11.72 Chapin
Evans, Cooper 11.87 Chapin
Porter, Ronnie 11.95 Heathwood Hall
Haigler, Will 11.99 Chapin
Edenfield, Cooper 12.04 Chapin
Rankin, Noah 12.22 Chapin
Green, Jeremiah 12.22 Pelion
Hendrickson, Mason 12.24 Chapin
Caulder, Connor 12.27 Chapin
Bedenbaugh, Adam 12.29 Chapin
Grey, Dehontez 12.30 Pelion
Tobias, Kalvin 12.33 Heathwood Hall
Lyles, Trey 12.50 Chapin
Stewart, Max 12.60 Chapin
Ainsley, Justin 12.64 Heathwood Hall
Boliman, Christian 12.68 Chapin
McCray, Tyler 12.70 Chapin
Downs, Casey 12.78 Chapin
Babcock, Robert 12.78 Chapin
Williams, Mathew 12.81 Chapin
Huet, Enrique 12.83 Chapin
MCCutchen, Jackson 13.35 Chapin
Meier, Hunter 13.38 Chapin
Williams, Damien 13.62 Chapin
Creel, Charles 13.83 Chapin
Buttrey, Elias 13.87 Chapin
Whittle, Landon 13.98 Chapin
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Barker, Sam Heathwood Hall
Dwyer, Bubba Pelion
Lauer, Will 17.28 Chapin
Kell, Ian 18.0 Pelion
Norwood, Ryan 18.19 Chapin
Brand, Malik 18.64 Chapin
Osmanski, Jacob 19.3 Pelion
Lynn, Tytus 20.96 Chapin
Kitchens, Aiden 21.11 Chapin
Owings, Jackson 21.38 Chapin
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ritterbandt, Michael Brookland Cayce
Smith, Calvin Chapin
Ziehl, Zach 0:00.00 Chapin
Manley, Bryce 0:00.00 Chapin
Del Proire, Vince 0:00.00 Chapin
Kingsley, Jaden 4:27.25 Chapin
Willcox, Hugh 4:48.51 Heathwood Hall
Burgdorf, Edwin 4:50.44 Pelion
Golden, Robert 5:03.05 Heathwood Hall
Tutich, Holden 5:07.16 Chapin
Brophy, James 5:08.36 Chapin
Dedmond, Cody 5:15.16 Chapin
Babcock, Robert 5:15.60 Chapin
Black, Wesley 5:18.75 Chapin
Mckay, Walker 5:19.45 Heathwood Hall
Branham, Samuel 5:21.47 Chapin
Pieters, Jeremy 5:21.90 Chapin
Peeler, Bradley 5:25.45 Chapin
Hilt, Bailey 5:28.04 Chapin
Ricks, Davis 5:29.24 Chapin
Feldman, Ben 5:31.55 Heathwood Hall
Shumpert, Jacob 5:31.56 Pelion
Mott, Tanner 5:33.13 Chapin
Hewitt, Jacob 5:34.63 Brookland Cayce
Golbus, Tyler 5:36.27 Chapin
Patterson, Alex 5:39.08 Chapin
Coggins, Tanner 5:40.28 Chapin
Ziehl, Michael 5:40.88 Chapin
Sowers, Logan 5:41.50 Chapin
Jett, Walker 5:41.58 Pelion
Sondgeroth, Haydn 5:41.99 Chapin
Hornick, Toler 5:42.80 Chapin
Archer, Griffin 5:44.50 Chapin
Moore, Houston 5:47.46 Chapin
Moorey, Reece 5:47.65 Chapin
Brooks, Eric 5:49.73 Chapin
Hengeveld, Logan 5:50.34 Chapin
Smith, Garrett 5:50.42 Chapin
HIll, Jack 5:54.63 Chapin
Thomas, Dylan 5:56.26 Chapin
Miller, Meetze 5:57.04 Chapin
Rivera, Gabriel 5:59.01 Pelion
Tutich, Gage 6:00.76 Chapin
Davidson, Hunter 6:07.26 Chapin
Hardage, Hayden 6:08.85 Chapin
Varona, Ricardo 6:36.26 Chapin
Martin, Connor 6:40.35 Chapin
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Glover, Payden Brookland Cayce
Moorey, Reece Chapin
Morris, Noah Chapin
Lyles, Trey 00.0 Chapin
Rankin, Noah 00.00 Chapin
Babcock, Robert 00.00 Chapin
Wilson, Olajuwon 23.25 Chapin
Lehmann, Conner 23.26 Chapin
Dwyer II, Marcus 23.8 Pelion
Wells, Josh 23.85 Chapin
Haigler, Will 24.02 Chapin
Evans, Cooper 24.24h Chapin
Salaam, Azhane 24.34 Heathwood Hall
Davis, Micah 24.36 Chapin
Daniels, Jeremy 24.67 Brookland Cayce
Tobias, Kalvin 24.69 Heathwood Hall
Owings, Jackson 24.85 Chapin
Caulder, Connor 24.88 Chapin
Bedenbaugh, Adam 25.08 Chapin
Ainsley, Justin 25.56 Heathwood Hall
Kitchens, Aiden 25.69 Chapin
Hendrickson, Mason 25.82 Chapin
Marsh, Peyton 26.0 Pelion
Mcleod, Ryan 26.2 Pelion
Edenfield, Cooper 26.35 Chapin
Moore, Houston 26.60 Chapin
Boliman, Christian 26.83 Chapin
Meier, Hunter 27.14 Chapin
Tomlin, Donald 27.59 Heathwood Hall
Williams, Damien 27.80 Chapin
Babcock, Gunther 27.83 Chapin
Creel, Charles 28.17 Chapin
Huet, Enrique 28.52 Chapin
Buttrey, Elias 29.02 Chapin
Whittle, Landon 30.08 Chapin
Jeffcoat, James 30.59 Chapin
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Coggins, Tanner Chapin
Smith, Calvin Chapin
Peeler, Bradley 0:00.00 Chapin
Kingsley, Jaden 10:06.40 Chapin
Burgdorf, Edwin 10:32.59 Pelion
Tutich, Holden 11:33.89 Chapin
Dedmond, Cody 11:34.17 Chapin
Hewitt, Jacob 11:35.10 Brookland Cayce
Shumpert, Jacob 11:53 Pelion
Ricks, Davis 11:54.72 Chapin
Brophy, James 11:55.34 Chapin
Rivera, Gabriel 12:00 Pelion
Black, Wesley 12:00.34 Chapin
Pieters, Jeremy 12:01.31 Chapin
Branham, Samuel 12:04.99 Chapin
Mott, Tanner 12:21.29 Chapin
Hilt, Bailey 12:35.89 Chapin
Golbus, Tyler 12:42.13 Chapin
Jett, Walker 12:55 Pelion
Engh, Jackson 12:57.76 Heathwood Hall
Ziehl, Michael 12:59.59 Chapin
Mckay, Walker 13:00.61 Heathwood Hall
Hengeveld, Logan 13:05.39 Chapin
Searfoss, Weston 14:08.00 Heathwood Hall
Runyan, Caleb 14:08.54 Heathwood Hall
Davidson, Hunter 15:46.44 Chapin
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Glover, Payden Brookland Cayce
Caulder, Connor Chapin
Truong, Khai Brookland Cayce
Hendrickson, Mason Chapin
Adams, Travis Brookland Cayce
Mcleod, Ryan 1:00.00h Pelion
Levi, Duke 1:01.64h Brookland Cayce
Cooper, Gabe 1:01.89 Heathwood Hall
Edenfield, Cooper 1:04.15 Chapin
Johnson, Brennan 1:06.88 Chapin
Miller, Brandon 1:10.40 Chapin
Lehmann, Conner 53.03 Chapin
Rankin, Noah 55.02 Chapin
Baughman, Jesse 55.20h Pelion
Jenkins, Jason 56.39 Chapin
Salaam, Azhane 56.40 Heathwood Hall
Aun, AJ 56.61 Chapin
Golden, Robert 57.00 Heathwood Hall
Tobias, Kalvin 57.10 Heathwood Hall
Chapman, Phillip 57.41 Chapin
Thomas, Jordan 58.65 Chapin
Stewart, Max 58.77 Chapin
MCCutchen, Jackson 59.25 Chapin
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HS Boys 400 Meter Hurdles 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Norwood, Ryan 1:01.93 Chapin
Lauer, Will 1:05.31 Chapin
Riley, Jack 1:07.11 Chapin
Rhooms, Elijah 1:07.55 Heathwood Hall
Babcock, Robert 1:07.64 Chapin
Roberts, Myles 1:07.67 Heathwood Hall
Barker, Sam 1:08.98 Heathwood Hall
Brand, Malik 1:09.83 Chapin
Owings, Jackson 1:10.14 Chapin
Lynn, Tytus 1:11.17 Chapin
Kitchens, Aiden 1:14.70 Chapin
Patel, Myan 1:14.75 Heathwood Hall
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B Pelion
Relay Team A Brookland Cayce
Relay Team A 43.54 Chapin
Relay Team B 43.54 Chapin
Relay Team C 46.97 Chapin
Relay Team A 47.20h Pelion
Relay Team A 49.50 Heathwood Hall
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Brookland Cayce
Relay Team C 3:48.82 Chapin
Relay Team B 3:48.82 Chapin
Relay Team A 3:50.71 Heathwood Hall
Relay Team A 3:54.00h Pelion
Relay Team B 4:00.59 Pelion
Relay Team B 4:10.00 Heathwood Hall
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B 10:13.00 Pelion
Relay Team A 9:10.40 Heathwood Hall
Relay Team A 9:13.61 Chapin
Relay Team B 9:13.61 Chapin
Relay Team A 9:14.00h Pelion
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Varona, Ricardo Chapin
Walter, Chase Pelion
Ziehl, Zach Chapin
Del Proire, Vince Chapin
Manley, Bryce Chapin
Ritterbandt, Michael Brookland Cayce
Hardage, Hayden Chapin
Kingsley, Jaden 2:00.97 Chapin
Willcox, Hugh 2:08.90 Heathwood Hall
Moore, Levi 2:16 Pelion
Tirado, Julien 2:21.30 Chapin
Peeler, Bradley 2:22.05 Chapin
Gardner, John David 2:23.88 Heathwood Hall
Mott, Tanner 2:29.24 Chapin
Golbus, Tyler 2:29.62 Chapin
Brooks, Eric 2:32.78 Chapin
Mckay, Walker 2:33.84 Heathwood Hall
Patterson, Alex 2:34.10 Chapin
Sondgeroth, Haydn 2:34.62 Chapin
Aun, AJ 2:37.65 Chapin
Sowers, Logan 2:37.99 Chapin
Thomas, Dylan 2:38.42 Chapin
Archer, Griffin 2:38.96 Chapin
Truong, Khai 2:39.05 Brookland Cayce
Moore, Houston 2:40.26 Chapin
MCCutchen, Jackson 2:40.89 Chapin
Morris, Jack 2:42.17 Heathwood Hall
Moorey, Reece 2:42.95 Chapin
Miller, Meetze 2:43.67 Chapin
Tutich, Gage 2:44.00 Chapin
Smith, Garrett 2:45.00 Chapin
Sierra, Adair 2:45.14 Pelion
Hill, John 2:45.33 Chapin
Hornick, Toler 2:45.70 Chapin
Hengeveld, Logan 2:47.18 Chapin
Jenkins, Jason 2:53.42 Chapin
Stewart, Max 2:57.83 Chapin
Martin, Connor 3:00.66 Chapin
Gunter, Luke 3:01.74 Pelion
Miller, Brandon 3:10.24 Chapin
Jeffcoat, Andrew 3:24.30 Pelion
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HS Boys Discus Throw 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nash, Lucas 130-1 Chapin
Hames, Jacob 114-8 Chapin
Harrell, Maddux 109-6 Chapin
Sherlock, Parker 104-0 Pelion
Vick, Caleb 97-4 Pelion
Goodwin, Gavin 96-8 Heathwood Hall
Hayes, Juwan 93-9 Heathwood Hall
Barfield, William 85-10 Chapin
McCoy, Tyrick 81-6 Brookland Cayce
Lucas, Jacob 79-11 Pelion
Mason, Glen 76-10 Chapin
Jeffcoat, Will 75-4 Pelion
Major, Luke 72-2 Chapin
Brown, Keshaun 67-5.5 Heathwood Hall
Thomas, Dylan 58-6 Chapin
Nagy, John 56-2 Heathwood Hall
Tillman, London Brookland Cayce
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HS Boys High Jump 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McNeal, Michael 5-10 Chapin
Harrell, Maddux 5-10 Chapin
McCray, Tyler 5-10 Chapin
Davis, Ethan 5-8 Pelion
Willcox, Hugh 5-8 Heathwood Hall
Caldwell, Isiah 5-8 Heathwood Hall
Vinson, Joseph 5-2 Pelion
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HS Boys Long Jump 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thomas, Taison 20-3.75 Chapin
Dwyer II, Marcus 19-4 Pelion
McCray, Tyler 19-2 Chapin
Davis, Ethan 19-0 Pelion
Baughman, Jesse 18-3 Pelion
Haigler, Will 17-10 Chapin
Jamison, Latrell 17-10 Brookland Cayce
McNeal, Michael 17-9 Chapin
Thomas, Jordan 17-4 Chapin
Porter, Ronnie 17-1 Heathwood Hall
Graves, Jason 16-11.5 Chapin
Dwyer, Bubba 16-0 Pelion
Ainsley, Justin 15-5 Heathwood Hall
Barker, Sam Heathwood Hall
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HS Boys Pole Vault 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Clarkson, Lane 13-0 Heathwood Hall
LaRosa, Sam 13-0 Chapin
Norris, Jack 12-6 Chapin
Dickson, Jacob 12-6 Chapin
Tenbrunsel, Nick 10-6 Chapin
Wessinger, Cooper 10-0 Chapin
Marsh, Peyton 9-6 Pelion
Lynn, Tytus 9-6 Chapin
Torres, Giovanni 9-0 Chapin
Scheble, Griffin 9-0 Chapin
Feldner, Drake 9-0 Chapin
Miller, Justus 8-6 Pelion
Smith, Landon 7-0 Pelion
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HS Boys Shot Put 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hames, Jacob 41-0 Chapin
Nash, Lucas 40-5 Chapin
Green, Jeremiah 38-6 Pelion
Hayes, Juwan 38-5 Heathwood Hall
Porter, Ronnie 37-2 Heathwood Hall
Brown, Keshaun 36-9.5 Heathwood Hall
McCoy, Tyrick 35-8.5 Brookland Cayce
Vick, Caleb 35-3 Pelion
Harrell, Maddux 33-9 Chapin
Barfield, William 33-3 Chapin
Sherlock, Parker 33-2 Pelion
Lucas, Jacob 32-6 Pelion
Goodwin, Gavin 31-6 Heathwood Hall
Mason, Glen 27-7 Chapin
Major, Luke 26-8.5 Chapin
Thomas, Dylan 26-5.5 Chapin
Abstance, David 19-2 Chapin
Tillman, London Brookland Cayce
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HS Boys Triple Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McNeal, Michael 41-0 Chapin
McCray, Tyler 40-5.75 Chapin
Vinson, Joseph 39-9 Pelion
Baughman, Jesse 37-1 Pelion
Graves, Jason 36-3 Chapin
Harrell, Maddux 34-9 Chapin
Miller, Justus 29-6 Pelion
Davis, Ethan Pelion
Caldwell, Isiah Heathwood Hall
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 55 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Osbia, Kendall Brookland Cayce
Broxton, Te'Aria Brookland Cayce
Oliver, Tanajah Brookland Cayce
Goodwin, Morgan 13.26 Heathwood Hall
Rich, Mary Grace 13.45 Chapin
Belk, Amira 13.48 Chapin
Williams, Jelani 13.77 Chapin
Pate, Ashley 13.78 Chapin
Frierson, Jazzy 13.85 Heathwood Hall
Samuels, Ishia 13.87 Pelion
Meetze, Camden 13.87 Chapin
Dickey, Macie 14.05 Chapin
Webb, Ayanna 14.15 Chapin
Singerling, Mia 14.20 Heathwood Hall
Webb, Iyanna 14.23 Chapin
Pearson, Ollie 14.29 Chapin
Henry, Caroline 14.57 Chapin
Robinson, Riley 14.61 Chapin
Marchese, Kylie 14.63 Chapin
Wray, Jordan 14.69 Chapin
Simmons, Yazmine 14.71 Pelion
McDaniel, Dallas 14.79 Pelion
Synder, Madison 14.85 Chapin
Giard, Morgan 14.88 Chapin
Schelble, Alyssa 14.93 Chapin
Jumper, Shelbey 14.99 Chapin
Koch, Emme 15.00 Chapin
Mims, Kathryn 15.04 Chapin
Causey, Ashlynn 15.08 Chapin
Miller, Sarah 15.08 Chapin
Medlin, Hanna 15.15 Chapin
Harper, Jordyn 15.18 Heathwood Hall
Kallenbach, Krista 15.36 Chapin
Rackliffe, Savannah 15.43 Chapin
Lynn, Haven 15.49 Chapin
Kaminer, Nina 15.50 Chapin
Godoy, Katie 15.50 Chapin
Fisher, Ruby 15.52 Chapin
Cosper, Julia 15.57 Chapin
Garcia, Susanna 15.61 Chapin
Gandhi, Rachel 15.64 Chapin
McCray, Tori 15.65 Chapin
Estep, Lauren 15.79 Chapin
McKelvey, Cali 15.87 Chapin
Harbison, Ryan 15.88 Chapin
Porras, Arlene 16.01 Chapin
Sanchez, Monica 16.07 Chapin
Stephenson, Madison 16.43 Chapin
Gardiner, Rebecca 16.44 Chapin
Timmons, Emma 16.78 Chapin
Raynor, Emily 17.11 Chapin
Trussell, Emma 17.22 Chapin
Niemann, Nele 17.76 Chapin
Pratheepthaweephon, Chanisara 18.47 Chapin
Angely, Alana 18.54 Chapin
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nicholson, Madison 17.93 Pelion
Dwyer, Dymani 19.10 Pelion
Robertson, Faith 19.24 Heathwood Hall
Laugh, Caelyn 19.61 Chapin
Smith, McKenna 19.82 Pelion
Jones, Jasmine 20.39 Heathwood Hall
Bukszar, Katie 20.45 Chapin
Sobel, Claire 20.87 Heathwood Hall
Hankins, Haleigh 21.00 Chapin
Patrick, Evelyn 21.00h Chapin
Davis, Abby 21.81 Chapin
Monroe, Kyla 21:06.00 Pelion
Pierce, Erika 25.00h Chapin
Lawrence, Brenna 25.00h Chapin
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Swygert, Morgan Brookland Cayce
Bishop, Ella Chapin
Caplinger, Laela 5:53.93 Heathwood Hall
Edwards, Riley 6:13.67 Pelion
Jones, Devon 6:16.78 Chapin
Starnes, Olivia 6:20.85 Chapin
Bradley, Makenna 6:23.18 Chapin
Patrick, Evelyn 6:25.12 Chapin
Truesdale, Cameron 6:25.64 Heathwood Hall
Elliott, Grayson 6:25.83 Heathwood Hall
Pennington, Savanna 6:28.83 Pelion
Gisewhite, Mela 6:31.00 Heathwood Hall
Lawrence, Brenna 6:36.90 Chapin
Hernandez-Esquivel, Esmeralda 6:38.00h Pelion
Davis, Katherine 6:42.48 Chapin
Wren, Jenna 6:45.00h Pelion
Thrower, Kellie 6:46.77 Chapin
Taylor, Kennedy 7:24.00h Pelion
Miller, Mara 7:24.78 Pelion
Adam, Reese 7:35.64 Chapin
Charre, Carmen 7:39.00h Pelion
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dickey, Macie Chapin
McKelvey, Cali Chapin
Hook, Genesis Brookland Cayce
Angely, Alana Chapin
Marchese, Kylie Chapin
Rackliffe, Savannah Chapin
Schelble, Alyssa Chapin
Estep, Lauren Chapin
Koch, Emme Chapin
Osbia, Kendall Brookland Cayce
Rich, Mary Grace Chapin
Miller, Sarah Chapin
Gardiner, Rebecca Chapin
Pratheepthaweephon, Chanisara Chapin
McCray, Tori Chapin
Mims, Kathryn Chapin
Sanchez, Monica Chapin
Goodwin, Morgan 27.67 Heathwood Hall
Belk, Amira 27.80 Chapin
Ashline, Taylor 28.07 Pelion
Singerling, Mia 28.96 Heathwood Hall
Pate, Ashley 29.16 Chapin
Frierson, Jazzy 29.37 Heathwood Hall
Samuels, Ishia 29.49 Pelion
Williams, Jelani 29.85 Chapin
Pearson, Ollie 29.91 Chapin
Wray, Jordan 30.35 Chapin
Meetze, Camden 30.43 Chapin
McDaniel, Dallas 30.53 Pelion
Henry, Caroline 30.56 Chapin
Smith, Savannah 30.61 Heathwood Hall
Webb, Iyanna 31.19 Chapin
Causey, Ashlynn 31.32 Chapin
Webb, Ayanna 31.55 Chapin
Jumper, Shelbey 31.61 Chapin
Medlin, Hanna 32.01 Chapin
Kallenbach, Krista 32.10 Chapin
Giard, Morgan 32.14 Chapin
Cosper, Julia 32.97 Chapin
Kaminer, Nina 33.04 Chapin
Fisher, Ruby 33.13 Chapin
Porras, Arlene 33.36 Chapin
Niemann, Nele 33.78 Chapin
Gandhi, Rachel 34.46 Chapin
Trussell, Emma 36.24 Chapin
Raynor, Emily 36.26 Chapin
Timmons, Emma 36.34 Chapin
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lawrence, Brenna Chapin
Edwards, Riley 12:52.23 Pelion
Barron, Catherine 13:14.64 Heathwood Hall
Truesdale, Cameron 14:22.84 Heathwood Hall
Patrick, Evelyn 14:24.31 Chapin
Gisewhite, Mela 14:26.00 Heathwood Hall
Pennington, Savanna 14:27.00 Pelion
Thrower, Kellie 14:27.06 Chapin
Elliott, Grayson 14:51.00 Heathwood Hall
Wren, Jenna 15:09.00 Pelion
Bishop, Ella 15:18.24 Chapin
Hernandez-Esquivel, Esmeralda 15:54.00 Pelion
Adam, Reese 16:51.87 Chapin
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hilt, Joie Chapin
Webb, Iyanna Chapin
Meetze, Camden Chapin
Myers, Victoria Pelion
McCray, Tori Chapin
Pate, Ashley Chapin
Webb, Ayanna Chapin
Miller, Sarah Chapin
Henry, Caroline Chapin
Tweed, Sierra Brookland Cayce
Porras, Arlene Chapin
Moore, Brooklyn 1:01.74 Heathwood Hall
Ashline, Taylor 1:02.41 Pelion
Hicks, Janie 1:06.34 Heathwood Hall
Washington, Taylor 1:06.54 Heathwood Hall
Miller, Haylea Layne 1:06.68 Chapin
Barfield, Katie 1:10.31 Chapin
Stebbins, Kate 1:10.66 Chapin
Simmons, Yazmine 1:11.20 Pelion
Salaam, Alyssa 1:12.31 Heathwood Hall
Miller, Ashley 1:12.86 Chapin
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HS Girls 400 Meter Hurdles 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Coetsee, Hanna 1:12.91 Heathwood Hall
Singerling, Ellie 1:13.42 Heathwood Hall
Nicholson, Madison 1:18.92 Pelion
Hankins, Haleigh 1:20.25 Chapin
Smith, McKenna 1:21.07 Pelion
Bukszar, Katie 1:21.67 Chapin
Davis, Abby 1:23.12 Chapin
Patrick, Evelyn 1:25.00h Chapin
Pierce, Erika 1:25.00h Chapin
Davis, Katherine 1:25.00h Chapin
Lawrence, Brenna 1:25.00h Chapin
Monroe, Kyla 1:41.90 Pelion
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Brookland Cayce
Relay Team A 52.25 Chapin
Relay Team C 53.40 Chapin
Relay Team A 53.96 Heathwood Hall
Relay Team A 53:32.00 Pelion
Relay Team B 54.54 Chapin
Relay Team B 58.22 Heathwood Hall
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Brookland Cayce
Relay Team A 4:33.79 Heathwood Hall
Relay Team B 4:58.00h Heathwood Hall
Relay Team A 4:59.60 Pelion
Relay Team B 5:01.12 Chapin
Relay Team C 5:01.12 Chapin
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B Brookland Cayce
Relay Team A Brookland Cayce
Relay Team A 10:55.45 Heathwood Hall
Relay Team A 11:21.79 Chapin
Relay Team B 11:21.79 Chapin
Relay Team A 11:32.01 Pelion
Relay Team B 13:05.00 Pelion
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Davis, Katherine Chapin
Brennan, Ashley Brookland Cayce
Gonzalez, Lucia Heathwood Hall
Mack, Samanta Brookland Cayce
Bradley, Makenna Chapin
Washington, Taylor Heathwood Hall
Stiglbauer, Ada Brookland Cayce
Caplinger, Laela 2:36.66 Heathwood Hall
Edwards, Riley 2:39.00h Pelion
Burk, Tessa 2:39.87 Chapin
Barron, Catherine 2:44.57 Heathwood Hall
Miller, Haylea Layne 2:45.01 Chapin
James, Darragh 2:48.12 Chapin
Barfield, Katie 2:49.71 Chapin
Pennington, Savanna 2:55.00h Pelion
Jones, Devon 2:55.66 Chapin
Stebbins, Kate 2:56.35 Chapin
Wren, Jenna 3:01.00h Pelion
Starnes, Olivia 3:04.82 Chapin
Watson, Camryn 3:07.52 Chapin
Miller, Mara 3:13.62 Pelion
Hernandez-Esquivel, Esmeralda 3:17.00h Pelion
Pringle, Jailyn 3:22.00 Brookland Cayce
Taylor, Kennedy 3:23.00h Pelion
Dennis, Zi 3:23.00h Pelion
Charre, Carmen 3:30.00h Pelion
Norris, Ella 4:49.57 Chapin
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HS Girls Discus Throw 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Downs, Olivia 109-3 Chapin
Arender, Raynie 102-9 Pelion
Colwell, Lexi 83-5.25 Heathwood Hall
Lynn, Haven 81-5 Chapin
Jacobson, Hanna 66-3 Heathwood Hall
Keith, Elaysia 65-0 Pelion
Isidore, Kalea 61-4 Chapin
Samuels, My'Asia 60-8 Pelion
Derrick, Chloe 52-5 Heathwood Hall
Hennig, Beverly 39-10 Heathwood Hall
Blanton, Kaitlin Pelion
Martin, Bella Chapin
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HS Girls High Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hicks, Janie 5-2 Heathwood Hall
Wilson, Clara 4-8 Heathwood Hall
Singerling, Ellie 4-6 Heathwood Hall
Meola, Violet 4-6 Chapin
Trull, Logan 4-4 Heathwood Hall
Harbison, Ryan 4-4 Chapin
Barton, Kaylin 4-4 Brookland Cayce
Dwyer, Dymani 4-2 Pelion
McCray, Tori Chapin
Hilt, Joie Chapin
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HS Girls Long Jump 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Martin, Bella 16-11 Chapin
Meola, Violet 14-8 Chapin
Goodwin, Morgan 14-6.5 Heathwood Hall
Bukszar, Katie 13-7 Chapin
Belk, Amira 13-7 Chapin
Fields, Camron 13-3 Pelion
Causey, Ashlynn 12-11 Chapin
Dwyer, Dymani 12-9.5 Pelion
Robinson, Riley 12-8.5 Chapin
Smith, McKenna 12-7 Pelion
Koch, Emme 12-4.5 Chapin
Synder, Madison 12-1 Chapin
Gonzalez, Lucia 11-10 Heathwood Hall
Harbison, Ryan 11-8 Chapin
Garcia, Susanna 11-5 Chapin
Dorrah, Emily 11-4 Pelion
Bowers, Mary Evelyn 11-1 Heathwood Hall
DeLong, Lucy 9-11 Heathwood Hall
Hilt, Joie Chapin
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HS Girls Pole Vault 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fleetwood, Noelle 10-0 Chapin
Fleetwood, Emma 9-6 Chapin
Daniel, Lauren 8-0 Chapin
Christianson, Kaitlyn 8-0 Chapin
Pope, Pamela Ann 7-0 Heathwood Hall
Singletary, Lexi 6-6 Heathwood Hall
Shubert, Kathryn 6-6 Chapin
Graham, Mary 6-6 Chapin
Miller, Mara 6-0 Pelion
Harter, Kaelyn 6-0 Chapin
Stephenson, Madison 6-0 Chapin
Anderson, Caroline 5-6 Chapin
Neuberg, Graycen 5-0 Chapin
Bowers, Kayleigh 5-0 Chapin
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HS Girls Shot Put 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Downs, Olivia 35-2 Chapin
Isidore, Kalea 29-6.5 Chapin
Arender, Raynie 29-3 Pelion
Colwell, Lexi 27-5.75 Heathwood Hall
Jacobson, Hanna 26-7.5 Heathwood Hall
Samuels, My'Asia 26-6 Pelion
Keith, Elaysia 24-5 Pelion
Lynn, Haven 22-8 Chapin
Hagood, Mariah 19-4.5 Heathwood Hall
Todd, Mary Holland 18-7 Heathwood Hall
Pratheepthaweephon, Chanisara 15-0.25 Chapin
Smith, McKenna Pelion
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HS Girls Triple Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Martin, Bella 32-4 Chapin
Wright, Mary Ann 30-7 Heathwood Hall
Fields, Camron 28-10 Pelion
Meola, Violet 27-6 Chapin
Robertson, Faith 27-0 Heathwood Hall
Causey, Ashlynn 26-8 Chapin
Gonzalez, Lucia 26-1.5 Heathwood Hall
Monroe, Kyla 24-8 Pelion
Bowers, Mary Evelyn 24-6 Heathwood Hall
Dorrah, Emily 23-0 Pelion
Myers, Victoria 22-6 Pelion
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