Meet Information
This meet is by invitation only. Please email Tanner Graham ( for meet password.
Entry Fee
$100 per school
Make checks payable to Run Hard Athletics
9 runners per gender
Time Schedule:
8:30- Varsity Girls, runners 1-3
8:31- Varsity Girls, runners 4-6
8:32- Varsity Girls, runners 7-9
9:15- Varsity Boys, runners 1-3
9:16- Varsity Boys, runners 4-6
9:17- Varsity Boys, runners 7-9
Special Instructions:
This race will start on the Heathwood Hall practice fields. The top 3 runners for each team will be lined up in a shoot. We will have 3 waves for this race, 24 runners in each wave.
Masks must be worn until instructed to take off by the starter. Athletes may warm up and cool down without masks, but they must wear them at all other times.
Course is on the campus of Heathwood Hall Episcopal School, sponsored by Run Hard Athletics, and timed by Strictly Running.
There will be NO spectators for this meet.