Lexington County Championships 2022

Lexington, SC
Hosted by Lexington HS
Timing/Results Mitchell Timing

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 74 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Allen, Noah White Knoll
Parker, Matthew Irmo
Agnew, Elijah White Knoll
Dixon, Nate Swansea
Danley, Landon Dutch Fork
Morst, William Lexington
Spencer, Ryley White Knoll
Gerald, Jaylen White Knoll
Summers, Khalif White Knoll
Ryals, Alexander White Knoll
Allen, Drake Irmo
Mike, Jarius White Knoll
Hope, Stephen White Knoll
Harris, Jeremyah Batesburg-Leesville
Haro, Santiago Lexington
Bartlett, Jameson Northside Christian Academy
Tyler, Jarvis White Knoll
Bond, Andrew 10.34 White Knoll
Johnson, Zacorian 10.93 White Knoll
Gissendanner, Justin 11.34 Swansea
Mewborn, Jarrod 11.39 Lexington
Smith, Malachi 11.43 Irmo
Cook, Apollos 11.45 River Bluff
Montgomery, Ben 11.48 Dutch Fork
Maxwell, Kamadi 11.56 Lexington
Cook, Jaden 11.57 River Bluff
Jones, Torie 11.59 Lexington
Lodge, Trenton 11.59 Dutch Fork
Sutton, Joshua 11.69 Swansea
Bell, McCoy 11.72 White Knoll
Blocker, Matthew 11.77 Irmo
Williams, Craig 11.77 River Bluff
Gates, Jalen 11.77 White Knoll
Norris, Jonah 11.77 Lexington
Ilunga, Lincoln 11.78 White Knoll
Dwyer, Marcus 11.81 White Knoll
Dye, Isaiah 11.81 Swansea
McCraw, Dawson 11.86 Lexington
Coulter, Kameron 11.90 Lexington
Johns, Cooper 11.91 River Bluff
Benjamin, Bradley 11.99 White Knoll
Brown, Taevion 12.02 Irmo
Gordon, Ryan 12.04 Lexington
Nicholson, LaTrez 12.06 Batesburg-Leesville
Mack, JVon 12.07 Dutch Fork
Jones, Anthony 12.13 Irmo
Tolen, Jayson 12.15 Gilbert
Williams, Korey 12.22 Batesburg-Leesville
Grant, Jordan 12.23 River Bluff
Bryant, Jamar 12.23 Lexington
Edwards, Brady 12.33 Gilbert
Foster, Kory 12.36 Irmo
Fender, Blaine 12.45 River Bluff
Haynes, Jeffrey 12.50 White Knoll
Whitt, KiSharn 12.67 Batesburg-Leesville
Anderson, Jaiden 12.69 White Knoll
Myers, Davis 12.70 White Knoll
Weston, Ryan 12.73 Lexington
Allen, Bishop 12.79 Northside Christian Academy
Taylor, Major 12.84 Irmo
Hampton, Malik 12.85 Swansea
Ancone, Kristopher 12.93 Lexington
Ducat, Kayden 12.97 White Knoll
Nocho, Donovan 13.02 River Bluff
Pagano, Dominick 13.23 Gilbert
Allen-Hendrix, Makari 13.24 Gilbert
Widmer, Jayden 13.25 Irmo
Aziz, Zayd 13.26 Lexington
Smith, Tyzai 13.28 Gilbert
Bruton, Bruce 14.11 Northside Christian Academy
Polite-Wise, Tristan 14.19 Irmo
Frazier, Michael 14.27 Lexington
Rogers, Hunter 14.38 River Bluff
Burgess, Terry 14.64 Lexington
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Davis, Antonyio Lexington
Smith, Malachi Irmo
Scheflin, Joshua Lexington
Peebles, TJ 14.20 White Knoll
Williams, Philip 14.41 River Bluff
Andrews, TJ 15.38 Batesburg-Leesville
Gepfert, Christopher 16.17 Lexington
Brucks, Ethan 17.60 White Knoll
Bauer, Jack 18.27 Dutch Fork
Smith, Andrew 18.38 Lexington
Taylor, Greyson 18.59 Gilbert
Amberg, Gabe 19.34 Dutch Fork
Roberts, Darrius 19.57 Gilbert
Reid, Bennett 19.69 Gilbert
Pollock, Keiondre 20.25 Dutch Fork
Flowers, Mason 20.67 River Bluff
Taylor, Jackson 20.74 Gilbert
Echols, Keenan 21.09 Swansea
Rogers, Charlie 22.61 Dutch Fork
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 50 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Davis, Bryson Swansea
Sightler, Logan Swansea
Taylor, Judson 4:40.01 Lexington
Corley, Brandon 4:42.02 River Bluff
Forche, Connor 4:44.05 Lexington
Holliday, James 4:46.31 Irmo
Kurtz, Ethan 4:48.55 Lexington
Oates, Jesse 4:52.14 Lexington
Hammond, Carter 4:54.05 River Bluff
South, Nathan 4:55.29 Lexington
McKenna, Luke 4:56.66 Lexington
Figueroa, Jovan 4:56.82 Irmo
Hodges, Carson 4:57 Dutch Fork
Burge, Tristan 4:57.75 Irmo
DeMasi, Evan 4:58 Dutch Fork
Guyton, Gavin 4:58.63 Lexington
Hartung, Hunter 5:00.67 Lexington
Fowler, Dallas 5:00.95 Lexington
Huang, Austin 5:04 Dutch Fork
Ortiz, Hunter 5:04 Dutch Fork
Wendland, Jonah 5:04.19 Irmo
Manzi, Trenton 5:08.11 Northside Christian Academy
Villaseca-Torres, Brayan 5:13.40 Batesburg-Leesville
South, Justin 5:17.44 Lexington
Bowers, Lucas 5:26.52 Lexington
Gambrell, Eric 5:31.21 Batesburg-Leesville
Long, Cade 5:32.32 Batesburg-Leesville
Sprouse, Matthew 5:33.62 Gilbert
Waugh, Patrick 5:35.81 Gilbert
Heim, Aaron 5:36.62 Lexington
Weston, Derek 5:40.14 Lexington
Heim, Jacob 5:40.31 Lexington
Erickson, Chase 5:40.52 Lexington
Long, Graylan 5:43.32 Batesburg-Leesville
McQuade, Thomas 5:44.15 Lexington
Holmes, Ethan 5:49.49 Gilbert
Bush, Harley 5:52.73 Lexington
Gonzalez, Xavier 5:53.00 Lexington
Robles, William 5:53.52 Lexington
Jernigan, Austin 5:56.47 Gilbert
Hampton, Mekhi 5:56.95 Swansea
Rowe, Theodore 5:58.28 Batesburg-Leesville
Correa, Nick 5:59.79 Lexington
Oates, Silas 6:04.12 Northside Christian Academy
Cummins, Cade 6:14.02 Northside Christian Academy
Lafave, Jonah 6:36.53 Northside Christian Academy
Marohl, Paul 6:58.60 Lexington
Rangel, Sixto 7:00.39 Swansea
Rekers, Ethan 7:03.42 Northside Christian Academy
Cripps, Aiden 8:05.97 Northside Christian Academy
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dixon, Nate Swansea
Edwards, Brady Gilbert
Bond, Andrew 21.74 White Knoll
Johnson, Zacorian 22.56 White Knoll
Andrews, TJ 22.60 Batesburg-Leesville
Cook, Apollos 23.04 River Bluff
Montgomery, Ben 23.16 Dutch Fork
Williams, Craig 23.23 River Bluff
Maxwell, Kamadi 23.53 Lexington
Beard, Addison 23.54 Dutch Fork
Savage, Andrae 23.60 Swansea
Ross-El, Kaiden 23.61 Dutch Fork
Atkinson, Alandre 23.78 Irmo
Proctor, Wyatt 23.78 River Bluff
Norris, Jonah 23.80 Lexington
Gissendanner, Justin 23.87 Swansea
Kinard, Jaden 24.08 Dutch Fork
Mewborn, Jarrod 24.26 Lexington
Gordon, Ryan 24.27 Lexington
Brown, Taevion 24.31 Irmo
Merrit, Zy'Korrian 24.40 Batesburg-Leesville
Johns, Cooper 24.42 River Bluff
Blocker, Matthew 24.78 Irmo
Williams, Korey 24.85 Batesburg-Leesville
Caldwell, Dante 25.04 Swansea
Dwyer, Marcus 25.19 White Knoll
Bell, McCoy 25.23 White Knoll
Tolen, Jayson 25.32 Gilbert
Nicholson, LaTrez 25.56 Batesburg-Leesville
Smith, Tytrell 25.76 Gilbert
Kollmansberger, John 26.20 Irmo
Allen, Bishop 26.21 Northside Christian Academy
Smith, Tyzai 28.08 Gilbert
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fuge, Zachary Irmo
Taylor, Judson 10:10.05 Lexington
McKenna, Luke 10:18.44 Lexington
Oates, Jesse 10:25.97 Lexington
Wendland, Jonah 10:43.57 Irmo
Chavis, Brady 10:48.36 Dutch Fork
Guyton, Gavin 10:49.40 Lexington
Krebs, Zachary 11:05.14 Dutch Fork
Shealy, Matthew 11:08.55 Gilbert
Strickland, Wyatt 11:15.88 Dutch Fork
Figueroa, Rickson 11:25.61 Irmo
Gambrell, Eric 12:02.04 Batesburg-Leesville
Applegate, Hayden 12:18.44 Irmo
Oates, Silas 12:18.64 Northside Christian Academy
Holmes, Ethan 12:51.42 Gilbert
Sprouse, Matthew 12:55.83 Gilbert
Jernigan, Austin 13:08.31 Gilbert
Long, Cade 13:14.92 Batesburg-Leesville
Ringer, Sawyer 13:21.00 Batesburg-Leesville
Hampton, Mekhi 13:22.03 Swansea
Rowe, Theodore 13:37.12 Batesburg-Leesville
Lafave, Jonah 13:39.80 Northside Christian Academy
Davis, Bryson 13:49.12 Swansea
tyler, Rickey 18:01.63 Swansea
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bond, Andrew White Knoll
Branch, Dominick Irmo
Yongue, Zane Gilbert
Harries, Adam Lexington
Gilliam, Ta'Maj 1:00.18 Batesburg-Leesville
Hampton, Malik 1:00.89 Swansea
Harris, Jeremyah 1:03.50 Batesburg-Leesville
Pagano, Dominick 1:03.75 Gilbert
Scott, Zion 1:03.89 Irmo
Allen, Bishop 1:04.52 Northside Christian Academy
Bruton, Bruce 1:15.12 Northside Christian Academy
Brown, Jeff 50.74 Dutch Fork
Gissendanner, Justin 52.63 Swansea
Beard, Addison 52.68 Dutch Fork
Hart, Caleb 52.98 River Bluff
Ross-El, Kaiden 53.22 Dutch Fork
Sutton, Joshua 53.98 Swansea
Heldreth, Lane 54.01 River Bluff
Banks, Donald 54.09 White Knoll
Emerson, Thomas 54.28 River Bluff
Atkinson, Alandre 54.47 Irmo
Mostakim, Hadi 54.48 River Bluff
Herriott-White, Xavier 55.02 White Knoll
White, Tristan 55.29 White Knoll
Mack, JVon 56.17 Dutch Fork
Smith, Tytrell 57.02 Gilbert
Alexander, Landin 57.05 Lexington
Caldwell, Dante 57.83 Swansea
Kollmansberger, John 58.37 Irmo
Boatwright, Harley 58.48 Gilbert
Lewis, Nigel 58.72 Lexington
Davenport, Keon 59.98 Lexington
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HS Boys 400 Meter Hurdles 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Scheflin, Joshua Lexington
Andrews, TJ 1:00.86 Batesburg-Leesville
Gepfert, Christopher 1:02.39 Lexington
Reid, Bennett 1:06.28 Gilbert
Taylor, Greyson 1:07.33 Gilbert
Davis, Antonyio 1:08.52 Lexington
Flowers, Mason 1:08.76 River Bluff
Smith, Andrew 1:09.32 Lexington
Brucks, Ethan 1:10.24 White Knoll
Taylor, Jackson 1:12.27 Gilbert
Roberts, Darrius 1:12.53 Gilbert
Smedley, Justin 1:13.21 River Bluff
Echols, Keenan 1:16.03 Swansea
Sandifer, Isaac 1:16.12 Swansea
Guiendon, Jacob 1:17.23 Batesburg-Leesville
Nickens, Andrew 1:30.59 Swansea
Williams, Philip 54.47 River Bluff
Peebles, TJ 55.57 White Knoll
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 43.17 White Knoll
Relay Team A 43.83 River Bluff
Relay Team A 44.14 Dutch Fork
Relay Team A 44.48 Lexington
Relay Team A 44.78 Batesburg-Leesville
Relay Team A 46.43 Swansea
Relay Team A 46.61 Irmo
Relay Team B 46.61 Irmo
Relay Team A 47.62 Gilbert
Relay Team A 53.51 Northside Christian Academy
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:35.29 River Bluff
Relay Team B 3:35.29 River Bluff
Relay Team A 3:41.13 White Knoll
Relay Team A 3:48.46 Lexington
Relay Team A 3:51.12 Batesburg-Leesville
Relay Team A 4:00.31 Irmo
Relay Team A 4:51.44 Northside Christian Academy
Relay Team A 5:33.93 Gilbert
Relay Team A 5:47.00 Swansea
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 11:02.30 Swansea
Relay Team A 12:32.73 Northside Christian Academy
Relay Team A 8:19.52 Lexington
Relay Team A 8:50.82 Irmo
Relay Team A 8:51.57 Dutch Fork
Relay Team A 9:26.97 Batesburg-Leesville
Relay Team A 9:48.41 Gilbert
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lanzagorta, Carlos 1:58.75 River Bluff
Faison, Caleb 2:01.54 River Bluff
Eaton, Cole 2:07.63 River Bluff
Kurtz, Ethan 2:09.43 Lexington
Burge, Tristan 2:11.55 Irmo
Holliday, James 2:12.51 Irmo
Fowler, Dallas 2:12.64 Lexington
Shealy, Seth 2:14.06 Dutch Fork
Figueroa, Jovan 2:14.23 Irmo
Bradberry, Grayson 2:15.15 Lexington
Dismukes, Wyatt 2:17.95 Batesburg-Leesville
Korman, James 2:18.41 Lexington
Kiser, Joseph 2:19.59 Dutch Fork
West, Tamarion 2:21.21 Batesburg-Leesville
Wendland, Jonah 2:21.53 Irmo
Houey, Tatorian 2:21.88 Dutch Fork
Villaseca-Torres, Brayan 2:24.12 Batesburg-Leesville
Oxner, Wilson 2:24.69 Gilbert
Hodges, Carson 2:27.20 Dutch Fork
Long, Graylan 2:28.75 Batesburg-Leesville
Waugh, Patrick 2:31.00 Gilbert
Sprouse, Matthew 2:32.68 Gilbert
Voshell, Drew 2:36.48 Gilbert
Hampton, Mekhi 2:38.24 Swansea
Price, Cooper 2:38.49 White Knoll
tyler, Rickey 2:39.88 Swansea
Temple, Cameron 2:46.42 White Knoll
Cummins, Cade 2:46.97 Northside Christian Academy
Oates, Silas 2:51.39 Northside Christian Academy
Wright, Cameron 2:55.05 Swansea
Lafave, Jonah 3:00.07 Northside Christian Academy
Rangel, Sixto 3:11.67 Swansea
Rekers, Ethan 3:25.02 Northside Christian Academy
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HS Boys Discus Throw 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cooke, Blake 143-0 Gilbert
Ergle, Brooks 133-10 Lexington
Clayton, Colin 133-0 River Bluff
Yarbrough, Meosphia 132-8.5 Gilbert
Allen-Hendrix, Jaden 128-9 Gilbert
Broadwaters, Braxton 121-10 Lexington
Bell, Davon 121-2 River Bluff
Sandifer, Ethan 119-6.5 Swansea
China, Reginald 117-9.5 Dutch Fork
Corley, Ja'Quan 114-1 Batesburg-Leesville
Brown, Jeremiah 113-5 White Knoll
Lewis, Marcellus 110-11 Irmo
Copeland, Joseph 105-7 Swansea
Hairens, Vernen 105-1 Irmo
McClary, Bradford 104-8 Dutch Fork
Leaphart, Gray 104-2 Gilbert
Barnes, Terrence 102-5 Lexington
Smoak, Myles 96-9 Dutch Fork
Waters, Jayden 96-4 Batesburg-Leesville
Martin, Sebastian 96-3 White Knoll
Hill, Steven 93-7 Dutch Fork
Carter, Zachary 87-8 Irmo
Albright, Jake 84-4 River Bluff
Jeffries, Kade 84-2 Lexington
Mills, Omari 82-3 Irmo
Cripps, Aiden 79-10 Northside Christian Academy
Eichhorn, Bailey 78-7 River Bluff
Pinckney, Gregory 78-0 White Knoll
Wright, Cameron 77-4 Swansea
Davis, Ethan 76-2 White Knoll
Gates, Travis 69-0 Batesburg-Leesville
Berry, Matthew 54-9 Batesburg-Leesville
Sightler, Logan 49-7 Swansea
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HS Boys High Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lee, Courtney 6-0 Dutch Fork
Savage, Andrae 5-10 Swansea
Sutton, Joshua 5-10 Swansea
Wright, Ahrick  5-10 River Bluff
Graves, Jamais 5-8 Lexington
Kollmansberger, John 5-8 Irmo
Alexander, Caleb 5-6 Irmo
Daniels, Phil 5-4 White Knoll
Cook, Blake 5-4 Dutch Fork
Ray, TyRon 5-4 River Bluff
Guiendon, Jacob 5-4 Batesburg-Leesville
Edwards, Brady 5-4 Gilbert
Etherege, LaQuenton 5-2 Gilbert
Gibbons, Jonah 5-0 River Bluff
Gilliam, Ta'Maj 5-0 Batesburg-Leesville
Stewart, Naesean 5-0 Batesburg-Leesville
Davenport, Keon 4-10 Lexington
Davis, Antonyio 4-10 Lexington
Ancone, Kristopher Lexington
Stewart, Gage Dutch Fork
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HS Boys Javelin 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Copeland, Joseph 106-5 Swansea
Sandifer, Ethan 104-11 Swansea
Mills, Omari 86-7 Irmo
Linderman, Carter 76-6 Swansea
Sightler, Logan 51-6 Swansea
Gerald, Jaylen White Knoll
Pate, Jacen White Knoll
Hairens, Vernen Irmo
Lewis, Marcellus Irmo
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HS Boys Long Jump 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Trapp, Ty’kwan 21-11.5 White Knoll
Sutton, Joshua 20-8.25 Swansea
Danley, Landon 20-6 Dutch Fork
Cook, Blake 20-1.5 Dutch Fork
Kinard, Jaden 20-0 Dutch Fork
Savage, Andrae 19-10 Swansea
Branch, Dominick 19-7.5 Irmo
Wright, Ahrick  19-4.75 River Bluff
Gilliam, Ta'Maj 19-2 Batesburg-Leesville
Ilunga, Lincoln 18-11 White Knoll
Whitt, KiSharn 18-11 Batesburg-Leesville
Lee, Courtney 18-9.25 Dutch Fork
Young, Mason 18-8.5 River Bluff
Warthen, Jamari 18-7.25 White Knoll
Caldwell, Dante 18-6 Swansea
Daniels, Phil 18-6 White Knoll
Allen-Hendrix, Jaden 18-4 Gilbert
Merrit, Zy'Korrian 18-2 Batesburg-Leesville
Cheeks, Devin 17-10.25 River Bluff
Ray, TyRon 17-9 River Bluff
Graves, Jamais 17-8 Lexington
Williams, Eldred 17-6 Batesburg-Leesville
Stewart, Gage 17-4 Dutch Fork
Allen-Hendrix, Makari 16-11 Gilbert
Stewart, Naesean 16-8 Batesburg-Leesville
Davenport, Keon 16-6 Lexington
Etherege, LaQuenton 15-8.5 Gilbert
Black, Josh 14-9.5 Gilbert
Burger, Luke 12-9.5 White Knoll
Fuge, Zachary 11-9 Irmo
Brown, Taveion Irmo
Maxwell, Kamadi Lexington
Jones, Torie Lexington
Ancone, Kristopher Lexington
Bennett, Kae'veon White Knoll
Dixon, Nate Swansea
Williams, Philip River Bluff
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HS Boys Pole Vault 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Shumate, Anson 11-6 River Bluff
McFarland, Blain 10-6 Gilbert
Cason, Logan 10-6 Gilbert
Wisdom, Jeremiah 10-0 Lexington
Taylor, Greyson 10-0 Gilbert
Wessinger, Carson 9-6 Lexington
Michaud, Jaylin 9-0 Swansea
Keisler, Grayson 9-0 Gilbert
Long, Cade 8-6 Batesburg-Leesville
Ringer, Sawyer 8-6 Batesburg-Leesville
Busher, Laken 7-6 Lexington
Garrick, Grant Lexington
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HS Boys Shot Put 46 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Broadwaters, Braxton 47-9 Lexington
Clayton, Colin 47-1 River Bluff
Yarbrough, Meosphia 44-11 Gilbert
Cooke, Blake 42-11 Gilbert
Ergle, Brooks 42-2 Lexington
Allen-Hendrix, Jaden 41-10 Gilbert
Heldreth, Lane 41-8 River Bluff
Lewis, Marcellus 41-5.5 Irmo
Blose, Blaine 40-6.5 River Bluff
China, Reginald 40-3 Dutch Fork
Corley, Ja'Quan 40-2.5 Batesburg-Leesville
Brown, Jeremiah 39-2 White Knoll
Sandifer, Ethan 38-11 Swansea
Smoak, Myles 38-7 Dutch Fork
Williams, Korey 38-3.5 Batesburg-Leesville
Carter, Zachary 38-0 Irmo
Mills, Omari 37-7.75 Irmo
Blackwell, Kelvin 36-11.5 Gilbert
Hairens, Vernen 36-9 Irmo
Gates, Travis 36-2.5 Batesburg-Leesville
Bell, Davon 35-10.5 River Bluff
Hill, Steven 35-5 Dutch Fork
Albright, Jake 34-6.5 River Bluff
Jeffries, Kade 34-2 Lexington
Johnson, Tanner 34-2 Lexington
Barnes, Terrence 33-9 Lexington
Williams, DaMarcus 33-8 Batesburg-Leesville
McClary, Bradford 32-11 Dutch Fork
Feraci, Luca 32-7 Lexington
Copeland, Joseph 32-6 Swansea
Coetzee, Adrian 31-11 Lexington
Davis, Ethan 31-7 White Knoll
Smith, Josh 31-5 Dutch Fork
Martin, Sebastian 31-4 White Knoll
Williams, JaMarcus 31-3 Batesburg-Leesville
Wicker, Jayden 31-0 Irmo
Gerald, Jaylen 30-0 White Knoll
Wilkie, Matthew 30-0 Lexington
Linderman, Carter 28-11 Swansea
Pinckney, Gregory 28-0 White Knoll
Stone, Bryan Jefrey 27-4 Lexington
Zeller, Evan 26-6 Lexington
Berry, Matthew 26-6 Batesburg-Leesville
Sightler, Logan Swansea
Newell, Porter Lexington
Steele, John Lexington
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HS Boys Triple Jump 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Trapp, Ty’kwan 45-4 White Knoll
Proctor, Wyatt 43-5 River Bluff
Ilunga, Lincoln 42-3.5 White Knoll
Daniels, Phil 39-8 White Knoll
Young, Mason 38-9.5 River Bluff
Merrit, Zy'Korrian 38-3 Batesburg-Leesville
Cheeks, Devin 38-2 River Bluff
Gibbons, Jonah 37-9.25 River Bluff
Graves, Jamais 37-4.5 Lexington
Smith, Andrew 36-7.75 Lexington
Savage, Andrae 36-4 Swansea
Cook, Blake 36-3.5 Dutch Fork
Stewart, Gage 35-5 Dutch Fork
Gilliam, Ta'Maj 33-9 Batesburg-Leesville
Blocker, Matthew 33-8 Irmo
Etherege, LaQuenton 32-3.25 Gilbert
Whitt, KiSharn 30-4 Batesburg-Leesville
Black, Josh 30-3 Gilbert
Branch, Dominick Irmo
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 52 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Arriaga-Flores, Kimberly Swansea
Burton, Neveah Swansea
Burnett, Ryann Lexington
Oldham, Thatianna Swansea
Neese, Kaylee Swansea
Horne, Corliss Irmo
Grant, Makayla 12.69 Irmo
Singletary, Nya 12.76 Irmo
Love, Cheyenne 12.86 White Knoll
Dzinomurumbi, Noku 13.05 River Bluff
Fields, Kemonie 13.10 Dutch Fork
Crawford, Oluwaseyi 13.17 Swansea
Waters-Inman, Emory 13.17 Batesburg-Leesville
Rush-Glover, Elisha 13.21 Irmo
Jordan, Gabby 13.34 Lexington
Powell, Madalyn 13.38 Lexington
Savage, Nikayla 13.52 Swansea
Brisbane, Gabrielle 13.53 Dutch Fork
Vincent, Myaah 13.56 Irmo
Green, Serenity 13.58 Dutch Fork
Riley, Patience 13.60 Swansea
Ahmed, Nadia 13.66 River Bluff
Cole, Kassandra 13.67 White Knoll
Reed, Santasia 13.77 Swansea
Samuels, Ishia 13.78 Batesburg-Leesville
Smith, A'Mya 13.78 Batesburg-Leesville
Brown, Alina 13.84 Dutch Fork
Merritt, Ta'Nyah 13.89 Batesburg-Leesville
Sease, Addiyson 13.91 Gilbert
Williams, Ayala 14.03 Swansea
Boyd, Zaniyah 14.08 White Knoll
Hart, Jasmine 14.17 Dutch Fork
Edmond, Janiyah 14.18 Swansea
Minder, Joyanna 14.27 Irmo
Burkett, Alania 14.42 Lexington
Lindsay, Leah 14.43 Irmo
Beasley, Caroline 14.56 Gilbert
Hendrix, Kenzaria 14.60 Gilbert
Erwin, Jaiden 14.62 Lexington
Henderson, Morgan 14.71 Irmo
Murphy, Mariya 14.86 Irmo
Patterson, Gabrielle 14.90 Irmo
Millman, Reagan 15.03 Lexington
Jones, Justice 15.04 Swansea
Buzhardt, Bailee 15.06 Gilbert
Fortenot, D'asia 15.22 Irmo
Hoggins, Ellie 15.40 Northside Christian Academy
Hawkins, Zia 16.21 Irmo
Green, Deneka 16.32 Lexington
Hernandez, Ava 16.45 Lexington
Crow, Emery 17.05 Lexington
Porto, Lara 18.65 Lexington
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Alexander, Madison Lexington
Stokes, JaNiyah Irmo
Newman, Kendall River Bluff
Garvin, Mackenzie Gilbert
Thompson, Bryanna 16.04 White Knoll
Dennis, Teryn 16.26 Lexington
Haynesworth, Kaitlyn 17.54 River Bluff
Pate, Jada 17.91 White Knoll
Montgomery, Brittany 18.11 River Bluff
Outhous, Sophia 18.71 Dutch Fork
Walz, Kaylee 18.80 White Knoll
Blankenship, Courtney 19.03 Lexington
Hunter, Anna 19.15 Lexington
Parker, Rachael 19.64 Irmo
Minder, Joyanna 19.93 Irmo
Lever, Emoni 20.02 Gilbert
Boyd, Zaniyah 20.13 White Knoll
Lewis, Keyla 20.26 Batesburg-Leesville
Hart, Jasmine 20.27 Dutch Fork
McDougall, Callie 21.16 Batesburg-Leesville
Williams, Tanaejsha 21.18 Swansea
Weaver, Jayla 21.52 Irmo
Hively, Haylee 22.32 Gilbert
Hendrix, Zirailli 22.43 Gilbert
Oldham, Thatianna 22.81 Swansea
Jordan, Alivia 23.10 Dutch Fork
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Frye, Marlee Lexington
Jordan, Madison Lexington
Miles, Kendra 5:27.50 Lexington
Metz, Lydia 5:27.63 Lexington
Burdick, Carina 5:29.46 Irmo
Gemmill, Caitlin 5:31.15 River Bluff
Collins, Grayson 5:31.74 River Bluff
Metz, Jada 5:42.56 Lexington
Gonzalez, Juliana 5:45.46 Lexington
Cathey, Madelyn 5:45.67 River Bluff
Hall, Ellie 5:48.16 Irmo
Miller, Lillian 5:49.16 Dutch Fork
Kanitkar, Ava 5:50.54 Lexington
Tinsman, Abby 5:55.56 River Bluff
Drafts, Rachel 5:55.99 River Bluff
Fuel, Carly 5:56.13 White Knoll
Bobseine, Keira 5:57.70 Lexington
Denny, Taylor 6:12.20 River Bluff
Webster, Hannah 6:14.12 Lexington
Thomason, Shayley 6:17.01 Lexington
VIGUERAS, JENNYFER 6:19.38 Swansea
Baumgartner, Kay 6:24.41 White Knoll
Buccino, Avarose 6:31.03 Lexington
Mincel, Madison 6:32.44 Dutch Fork
Thomas, Hailee 6:32.49 Lexington
Brant, Emily 6:33.09 Gilbert
Powers, Megan 6:33.63 Gilbert
Lawson, Collier 6:35.30 River Bluff
Varga, Lauryn 6:37.77 Lexington
Boatwright, Lily 6:41.34 Gilbert
Shull, Mina 6:42.07 Batesburg-Leesville
Hamberg, Siiri 6:47.77 Irmo
Vallejo, Hannah 6:48.86 Lexington
Oxenrider, Lilli 6:52.87 Gilbert
Brooks, Elizabeth 6:57.93 Lexington
Spires, Emily 7:20.26 Batesburg-Leesville
Vigueras, Melanie 7:25.94 Swansea
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Alina Dutch Fork
Boyd, Zaniyah White Knoll
Grant, Makayla 26.37 Irmo
Love, Cheyenne 26.40 White Knoll
Fields, Kemonie 26.98 Dutch Fork
Singletary, Nya 27.20 Irmo
Dzinomurumbi, Noku 27.24 River Bluff
Crumpton, Nailah 27.28 River Bluff
Savage, Nikayla 27.40 Swansea
Jordan, Gabby 27.70 Lexington
Smith, A'Mya 27.75 Batesburg-Leesville
Waters-Inman, Emory 27.93 Batesburg-Leesville
Crawford, Oluwaseyi 27.94 Swansea
Dennis, Teryn 27.99 Lexington
Rush-Glover, Elisha 28.01 Irmo
Vincent, Myaah 28.10 Irmo
Powell, Madalyn 28.26 Lexington
Ahmed, Nadia 28.42 River Bluff
Wallace, Skyla 28.49 Gilbert
Cole, Kassandra 28.72 White Knoll
Weeks, Saniya 28.81 Lexington
Mays, Jessica 28.83 Dutch Fork
Williams, Ayala 29.30 Swansea
Lever, Emoni 29.36 Gilbert
Riley, Patience 29.46 Swansea
Brisbane, Gabrielle 29.46 Dutch Fork
Dickerson, Aaliyah 29.54 River Bluff
Merritt, Ta'Nyah 29.66 Batesburg-Leesville
Hendrix, Kenzaria 30.12 Gilbert
Sease, Addiyson 30.21 Gilbert
Hoggins, Ellie 33.50 Northside Christian Academy
Anderson, Darielle 36.25 White Knoll
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Vigueras, Melanie Swansea
Miles, Kendra 11:00.13 Lexington
Metz, Lydia 11:06.08 Lexington
Harrell, Grace 12:18.08 Lexington
Lawson, Evelyn 12:22.61 River Bluff
Hall, Ellie 12:25.61 Irmo
Lomoriello, Alyssa 12:25.88 Dutch Fork
Korman, Emily 12:42.82 Lexington
VIGUERAS, JENNYFER 13:24.87 Swansea
Powers, Megan 13:59.25 Gilbert
Rice, Abbie 14:01.06 White Knoll
Boatwright, Lily 14:07.80 Gilbert
Brant, Emily 14:23.41 Gilbert
Hamberg, Siiri 14:33.78 Irmo
Shull, Mina 14:40.60 Batesburg-Leesville
Oxenrider, Lilli 15:36.05 Gilbert
Spires, Emily 18:20.36 Batesburg-Leesville
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Henderson, Morgan Irmo
Weeks, Jayla 1:02.24 Lexington
Burton, Chaniya 1:02.78 Irmo
Robbins, Ryann 1:03.99 Lexington
Mays, Jessica 1:04.30 Dutch Fork
Scott, Marissa 1:05.25 River Bluff
Ross, Moriah 1:05.25 Dutch Fork
Blake, Tiara 1:05.71 River Bluff
Weeks, Saniya 1:07.02 Lexington
Young, Rebekah 1:07.25 River Bluff
Nagle, Alyssa 1:07.67 River Bluff
Wallace, Skyla 1:07.72 Gilbert
Cox, Khara 1:07.78 Gilbert
Keiper, Sophie 1:08.03 Lexington
Weaver, Jayla 1:08.71 Irmo
Brown, Alina 1:08.72 Dutch Fork
Stokes, JaNiyah 1:08.74 Irmo
Williams, Ayala 1:10.47 Swansea
Lewis, Keyla 1:10.70 Batesburg-Leesville
Williams, Tanaejsha 1:10.77 Swansea
Jones, Kimariah 1:11.58 Swansea
Waters-Inman, Emory 1:11.93 Batesburg-Leesville
Walz, Kelly 1:12.57 White Knoll
Waugh, Chloe 1:12.88 Gilbert
Hoggins, Ellie 1:13.88 Northside Christian Academy
Bedolla, Evelyn 1:13.98 Gilbert
Gunter, Alyssa 1:15.62 White Knoll
Jones, Justice 1:20.04 Swansea
Garrett, Chloe 1:39.74 White Knoll
Love, Cheyenne 59.53 White Knoll
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HS Girls 400 Meter Hurdles 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McDougall, Callie Batesburg-Leesville
Burns, Charlotte Swansea
Bedolla, Evelyn Gilbert
Outhous, Sophia 1:08.49 Dutch Fork
Montgomery, Brittany 1:11.40 River Bluff
Haynesworth, Kaitlyn 1:13.58 River Bluff
Thompson, Bryanna 1:14.76 White Knoll
Dennis, Teryn 1:15.26 Lexington
Parker, Rachael 1:17.40 Irmo
Walz, Kaylee 1:19.04 White Knoll
Alexander, Caylee 1:20.40 Irmo
Alexander, Madison 1:20.48 Lexington
Hunter, Anna 1:21.12 Lexington
Stokes, JaNiyah 1:21.57 Irmo
Jordan, Alivia 1:21.91 Dutch Fork
Rager, Mikayla 1:22.25 Swansea
Gantt, Lola 1:23.63 Irmo
Reed, Santasia 1:26.03 Swansea
Aguilara, Emely 1:27.89 Gilbert
Blankenship, Courtney 1:27.95 Lexington
Newman, Kendall 1:28.11 River Bluff
Hively, Haylee 1:30.73 Gilbert
Hart, Jasmine 1:34.02 Dutch Fork
Beck, Riley 1:37.52 Gilbert
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 50.15 Irmo
Relay Team C 50.15 Irmo
Relay Team A 51.12 Batesburg-Leesville
Relay Team A 51.68 Lexington
Relay Team A 51.90 River Bluff
Relay Team B 52.72 Irmo
Relay Team A 53.58 Dutch Fork
Relay Team A 53.90 Swansea
Relay Team B 53.95 Swansea
Relay Team A 54.51 Gilbert
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Swansea
Relay Team A 4:19.32 Dutch Fork
Relay Team A 4:22.94 Lexington
Relay Team B 4:35.37 Irmo
Relay Team A 4:35.37 Irmo
Relay Team A 4:35.64 River Bluff
Relay Team B 4:35.64 River Bluff
Relay Team A 4:36.15 White Knoll
Relay Team A 4:49.91 Batesburg-Leesville
Relay Team A 4:56.72 Gilbert
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:05.99 River Bluff
Relay Team A 10:16.81 Lexington
Relay Team A 10:51.93 Dutch Fork
Relay Team A 10:53.36 Irmo
Relay Team A 12:21.25 Gilbert
Relay Team A 12:53.99 Swansea
Relay Team A 13:31.49 Batesburg-Leesville
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Oldham, Thatianna Swansea
Valentine, Landry Lexington
Washington, Taylor 2:28.28 Dutch Fork
Gemmill, Caitlin 2:29.61 River Bluff
Mangione, Meridian 2:29.79 River Bluff
Collins, Grayson 2:31.71 River Bluff
Hallman, Kristen 2:31.80 River Bluff
Burdick, Carina 2:34.06 Irmo
Gonzalez, Juliana 2:35.37 Lexington
Jenkins, Lily 2:36.44 Irmo
Joseph, Aniya 2:44.70 Dutch Fork
Crow, Annalise 2:46.86 Lexington
VIGUERAS, JENNYFER 2:48.37 Swansea
Ortiz, Maureen 2:48.60 Dutch Fork
Carey, Isabella 2:53.67 Batesburg-Leesville
Kanitkar, Ava 2:53.88 Lexington
Wooten, Madison 2:56.37 Gilbert
Crawford, Oluwaseyi 3:01.00 Swansea
Bovain, Kristina 3:02.51 Batesburg-Leesville
Brant, Emily 3:04.73 Gilbert
Hamberg, Siiri 3:04.77 Irmo
Oxenrider, Lilli 3:06.42 Gilbert
Simmons, Aubrey 3:10.37 Gilbert
CAMPBELL, CHLOE 3:11.89 Swansea
Prouse, Melodee 3:29.42 Batesburg-Leesville
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HS Girls Discus Throw 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Frye, Keiley 100-8 Batesburg-Leesville
Harvin, Aunya 97-5 White Knoll
Tkacs, Courtney 96-10 River Bluff
Holmes, Makayla 95-1 Lexington
Higgins, Kathryn 94-4 Gilbert
Casto, Patton 90-3 River Bluff
Floyd, Savanna 85-8 Gilbert
Holmes, Azia 75-6 Swansea
Woody, Zoe 74-1 River Bluff
Williams, Jakayia 73-6 Dutch Fork
Ziegler, Alaska 69-5 Irmo
Spears, Carmen 68-2 Gilbert
Garrett, Chloe 67-8 White Knoll
Cruz, Catalina 67-0 Batesburg-Leesville
Blackwell, Chloe 66-8 Dutch Fork
Porter, Kyleigh 64-8 Gilbert
Sheaffer, Jayme 62-9 Batesburg-Leesville
Adams, Chanelle 61-6 Batesburg-Leesville
Shell, Shayanna 59-2 White Knoll
Noblitt, Brienna 55-8 Dutch Fork
Nelson, Janiah 55-5 White Knoll
Rhodan, Lincoln 52-6 Irmo
Armstrong, Alana 50-2 Irmo
Taylor, Cherish 49-6 Irmo
Brantley, Meadow 49-1 Swansea
Harkless-Adams, Oshira 47-5 Swansea
Gordon, Rylee Swansea
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HS Girls High Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stark, Hannah 4-10 River Bluff
Owen, Alexis 4-6 Lexington
Vazquez, Tailis 4-6 River Bluff
Waugh, Chloe 4-6 Gilbert
Bolanos, Natalia 4-4 Gilbert
Edmond, Janiyah 4-2 Swansea
Franco, Naomi Irmo
Burkett, Alania Lexington
Hall, Ellie Irmo
Cox, Khara Gilbert
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HS Girls Javelin 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Holmes, Azia 66-0 Swansea
Brantley, Meadow 64-10 Swansea
Ziegler, Alaska 47-3.5 Irmo
Rhodan, Lincoln 30-7.5 Irmo
Harkless-Adams, Oshira 30-7 Swansea
Walker, Cadence Irmo
Hawkins, Zia Irmo
Sturkie, Marion Swansea
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HS Girls Long Jump 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Samuels, Ishia 16-6 Batesburg-Leesville
Dzinomurumbi, Noku 16-1 River Bluff
Robbins, Ryann 16-0 Lexington
Savage, Nikayla 15-5 Swansea
Kennedy, Layla 14-9 Lexington
Lever, Emoni 14-8 Gilbert
CAMPBELL, CHLOE 14-7 Swansea
Pate, Jada 14-5.5 White Knoll
Vincent, Myaah 14-5 Irmo
Blankenship, Courtney 14-4.5 Lexington
Weaver, Jayla 14-1.5 Irmo
Feary, Addison 14-1.5 Gilbert
Reed, Santasia 13-8 Swansea
Edmond, Janiyah 13-6.5 Swansea
Owen, Alexis 13-2 Lexington
Hendrix, Zirailli 13-2 Gilbert
Hunter, Anna 13-1.5 Lexington
Alexander, Caylee 12-8.25 Irmo
Vazquez, Tailis 12-8 River Bluff
Holloway, Kalauri 8-3.5 Batesburg-Leesville
Parker, Rachael Irmo
Burkett, Alania Lexington
Crumpton, Nailah River Bluff
Beasley, Caroline Gilbert
Wooten, Madison Gilbert
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HS Girls Pole Vault 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Green, Serenity 9-6 Dutch Fork
Tworzyanski, Carlee 8-0 Lexington
Wooten, Madison 8-0 Gilbert
Hutchins, Scarlett 7-6 Irmo
Rapley, Cadence 7-0 Lexington
Peck, Mary 6-0 Gilbert
Gemmill, Madison 6-0 River Bluff
Burns, Charlotte 5-6 Swansea
Blankenship, Courtney 5-6 Lexington
Hall, Ellie Irmo
Cook, Addison Lexington
Beck, Riley Gilbert
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HS Girls Shot Put 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tkacs, Courtney 30-10 River Bluff
Armstrong, Alana 30-9 Irmo
Campbell, Orianna 30-1 Lexington
Casto, Patton 29-11.5 River Bluff
Frye, Keiley 29-8 Batesburg-Leesville
Holmes, Makayla 29-2 Lexington
Adams, Chanelle 28-0.5 Batesburg-Leesville
Holmes, Azia 27-7 Swansea
Taylor, Cherish 27-3 Irmo
Floyd, Savanna 27-3 Gilbert
Harvin, Aunya 27-0 White Knoll
Higgins, Kathryn 26-0 Gilbert
Williams, Jakayia 25-11 Dutch Fork
Brant, Miley 25-9 Gilbert
Spears, Carmen 25-9 Gilbert
Woody, Zoe 24-9.5 River Bluff
Rhodan, Lincoln 24-9 Irmo
Sheaffer, Jayme 24-7.25 Batesburg-Leesville
Shell, Shayanna 24-7 White Knoll
Nelson, Janiah 24-4 White Knoll
Wiggins, Lucile 24-1 Lexington
Garrett, Chloe 24-1 White Knoll
Cruz, Catalina 23-7 Batesburg-Leesville
Leaphart, Taylor 22-9 White Knoll
Hawkins, Zia 22-5.5 Irmo
Covington, Elizabeth 22-5 Lexington
Williams, Zyh’heria 22-0 White Knoll
Blackwell, Chloe 21-8.5 Dutch Fork
Noblitt, Brienna 20-10.5 Dutch Fork
Harkless-Adams, Oshira 20-8 Swansea
Joel, Jenna 17-8 Lexington
Gordon, Rylee Swansea
Brantley, Meadow Swansea
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HS Girls Triple Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Grant, Makayla 35-2 Irmo
Samuels, Ishia 35-2 Batesburg-Leesville
Tkacs, Courtney 32-6.5 River Bluff
Hunter, Anna 32-5 Lexington
Pate, Jada 32-3.5 White Knoll
Williams, Tanaejsha 30-8 Swansea
Kennedy, Layla 29-9 Lexington
Feary, Addison 28-8 Gilbert
Stark, Hannah 28-4.5 River Bluff
Parker, Rachael Irmo
Owen, Alexis Lexington
Proctor, Claire River Bluff
Beasley, Caroline Gilbert
Hendrix, Zirailli Gilbert
Waugh, Chloe Gilbert
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