South Pointe #5 2023

Rock Hill, SC
Hosted by South Pointe
Timing/Results Mitchell Timing

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 72 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Judge, Darien South Pointe
Gains, Lidarus Lancaster
Rodgers, Christian Indian Land
Robinson, Marquez Lancaster
Alexander, Avery Lancaster
Clyburn, Ellison Lancaster
Askew, O'Brian Lancaster
Boulware, Christian Lancaster
Alexander, Brenden Lancaster
Wade, Ja'Marcus Lancaster
Gill, Katarius South Pointe
Ricks-Wesseh, Ethan Lancaster
Sanders, Jaevan 11.09 South Pointe
Mickles, Juelz 11.42 Lancaster
McCollum, Mikal 11.49 Lancaster
Robinson, Channing 11.50 South Pointe
Logan, Marion 11.64 South Pointe
Witherspoon, Cureton 11.65 Lancaster
Morrow, Herbert 11.65 South Pointe
Stephens, Khristian 11.69 South Pointe
Stephens, Jadon 11.73 Lancaster
Clyburn, Jakell 11.73 Lancaster
Ervin, Evan 11.86 South Pointe
Portis, Chaz 11.95 Indian Land
McCarter, Jay'miyon 11.99 Indian Land
Singletary, Jaden 12.00 Indian Land
Crawford, Lakieh 12.04 Lancaster
Kiles, Keyon 12.06 Indian Land
Bogan, Chris 12.07 Indian Land
Truesdale, Letarion 12.12 Lancaster
Smith, Austen 12.12 Westminster Catawba Christian Sc
Odom, Dominic 12.19 Indian Land
Caldwell, T'Mari 12.28 Chester
McCoy, Jacob 12.28 South Pointe
Lawrence, Christopher 12.38 Indian Land
Dembkoski, Dylan 12.39 Indian Land
Sackiel, Aden 12.43 South Pointe
Threatt, Zion 12.44 Indian Land
Watts, Micah 12.45 Indian Land
Randolph, Marvin 12.47 Indian Land
Watts, Quentin 12.48 Lancaster
Wray, Cam'ron 12.49 Chester
Buissereth, Cashmere 12.53 Indian Land
Jefferson, Malachi 12.61 Indian Land
Crawford, Deveri 12.62 South Pointe
Morton, Isaiah 12.69 Indian Land
Ellis, Xavier 12.73 Indian Land
Crosby, DaMari 12.73 South Pointe
Calhoun, Jicorlan 12.74 Indian Land
Robinson, Kyle 12.75 South Pointe
Leake, Keon 12.76 Indian Land
Conner, Brysen 12.76 Indian Land
Winchester, Jordan 12.79 South Pointe
Peake, Damarcus 12.81 Indian Land
Wildgoose, Dontrell 12.87 Chester
Hickman-Collins, Timir 12.87 Indian Land
Brunson, Demetrius 12.96 Indian Land
Hernandez, Damian 13.03 Indian Land
Pendergrass, Omari 13.12 Chester
Crawford, cj 13.17 Indian Land
Washington, Zaire 13.19 South Pointe
Harris, Brennon 13.25 Indian Land
Hart, Zion 13.29 South Pointe
Sharpe, Mills 13.30 South Pointe
Spratt, Jabbar 13.35 South Pointe
Butler, Prince 13.51 South Pointe
Blair, Zy'Darion 13.54 Lancaster
Dillingham, Chase 13.63 Westminster Catawba Christian Sc
Goree, Victor 13.70 South Pointe
Wilson, Miles 14.11 South Pointe
Miller, Sanders 14.23 South Pointe
Rhoney, Malon 14.66 Lancaster
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Houston, Kamron Indian Land
Fil-aime, Zamar 14.78 South Pointe
Cunningham, Asante' 17.17 Lancaster
Heath, Reggie 17.76 Chester
Stevenson, DJ 17.98 Chester
Fils-Aime, Emerson 18.36 South Pointe
Miles, Peyton 18.68 Lancaster
Norman, Dominique 18.99 South Pointe
Caldwell, Devon 19.11 Indian Land
Delozier, Branson 19.56 Indian Land
PENDERGRASS, Sedorri 19.76 Chester
Schultz, Tucker 20.13 Indian Land
Barnette, Jaden 20.27 South Pointe
Clifton, Jakobe 20.70 Chester
Butts, Christian 20.71 Indian Land
Boulware, Tylik 20.97 South Pointe
McPhearson, Elijah 23.51 Lancaster
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fisher, Austin Indian Land
Lindsay, Kenneth Lancaster
Mcgriff-Agers, Da'Jorin South Pointe
Nichols, Dakota Lancaster
Brown, Garrett 4:27.81 South Pointe
Flachman, Nathan 4:49.55 South Pointe
Graham, Stuart 5:05 Indian Land
Brown, Keller 5:06.12 South Pointe
Carroll, Ben 5:10.56 Indian Land
Alexander, Jaden 5:13.77 Lancaster
Blanchard, Joseph 5:14.18 South Pointe
Moran, James 5:15.74 Indian Land
Newsom, Robert 5:18.65 South Pointe
Mercado, Ivan 5:22.13 Indian Land
Wheeler, Joe 5:27.74 Chester
Cabatit, Samuel 5:31.15 Indian Land
Kearney, Maddox 5:32.25 Indian Land
Ramieri, John Paul 5:34 Indian Land
Rybacki, Evan 5:36.92 South Pointe
Villalobos, Freycer 5:40.59 Lancaster
Banks, Jayden 5:44.39 Indian Land
Cherry, Simon 5:48.45 Indian Land
Moton, Treyton 5:51.37 South Pointe
Novak, Lucian 5:53.79 South Pointe
Blankenship, Noah 5:54.12 South Pointe
Cassidy, Filix 6:00.45 South Pointe
Micci, William 6:02.71 Indian Land
Bowen, James 6:33.50 Indian Land
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 79 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Calhoun, Jicorlan Indian Land
Watts, Micah Indian Land
Miller, Sanders South Pointe
Crosby, DaMari South Pointe
Wade, Ja'Marcus Lancaster
Gains, Lidarus Lancaster
Rodgers, Christian Indian Land
Peake, Damarcus Indian Land
Gill, Katarius South Pointe
Kiles, Keyon Indian Land
Harris, Brennon Indian Land
Ellis, Xavier Indian Land
Clyburn, Jakell Lancaster
Sanders, Jaevan 22.41 South Pointe
Thompson, Zmori 22.62 South Pointe
Flowers, Aileem 23.00 South Pointe
Robinson, Channing 23.69 South Pointe
Logan, Marion 23.79 South Pointe
Davis, Malikius 23.88 Indian Land
Stephens, Jadon 24.00 Lancaster
Mickles, Juelz 24.04 Lancaster
Stephens, Khristian 24.12 South Pointe
McCollum, Mikal 24.19 Lancaster
Smith, Austen 24.26 Westminster Catawba Christian Sc
Witherspoon, Cureton 24.33 Lancaster
Morrow, Herbert 24.57 South Pointe
Arnold, Kayden 24.70 Indian Land
Portis, Chaz 24.91 Indian Land
Sackiel, Aden 24.91 South Pointe
Portis, Camdin 25.02 Indian Land
Hall, Tim 25.12 Westminster Catawba Christian Sc
Truesdale, Letarion 25.16 Lancaster
Catoe, Savion 25.19 Lancaster
Odom, Dominic 25.22 Indian Land
Lawrence, Christopher 25.24 Indian Land
Conner, Brysen 25.38 Indian Land
Crawford, Deveri 25.48 South Pointe
McCarter, Jay'miyon 25.49 Indian Land
Wilson, Landry 25.53 Indian Land
Winchester, Jordan 25.58 South Pointe
Caldwell, T'Mari 25.61 Chester
Randolph, Marvin 25.61 Indian Land
Currence, Marquis 25.75 South Pointe
Blair, Zy'Darion 25.76 Lancaster
Ricks-Wesseh, Ethan 25.91 Lancaster
McMullen, Jamarion 25.97 South Pointe
Buissereth, Cashmere 25.98 Indian Land
Askew, O'Brian 25.99 Lancaster
Norman, Dominique 26.00 South Pointe
Boulware, Christian 26.05 Lancaster
Threatt, Zion 26.08 Indian Land
Ervin, Evan 26.10 South Pointe
Banks, Jayden 26.18 Indian Land
Clyburn, Ellison 26.20 Lancaster
Wray, Cam'ron 26.26 Chester
Judge, Darien 26.47 South Pointe
Hernandez, Damian 26.57 Indian Land
Watts, Quentin 26.58 Lancaster
McCoy, Jacob 26.61 South Pointe
Brunson, Demetrius 26.73 Indian Land
Robinson, Kyle 26.79 South Pointe
Phillips, Braden 26.90 Westminster Catawba Christian Sc
Pendergrass, Omari 26.90 Chester
Fewell, Elijah 27.06 South Pointe
Whitmore, Jalen 27.08 Indian Land
Hart, Zion 27.31 South Pointe
Wright, Roderick 27.45 South Pointe
Cherry, Devin 27.72 Indian Land
Dillingham, Chase 27.80 Westminster Catawba Christian Sc
Hickman-Collins, Timir 27.81 Indian Land
Washington, Zaire 27.82 South Pointe
Mitchell, Marrion 27.90 Indian Land
Sharpe, Mills 28.17 South Pointe
Cherry, Joseph 28.94 Indian Land
Butler, Prince 29.01 South Pointe
Spratt, Jabbar 29.90 South Pointe
Iden, Yafeu-Amir 30.39 South Pointe
Robinson, Davon 30.75 South Pointe
Rhoney, Malon 31.33 Lancaster
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Flachman, Nathan 10:40.63 South Pointe
Carroll, Ben 10:58.79 Indian Land
Alexander, Jaden 11:03.37 Lancaster
Brown, Keller 11:07.59 South Pointe
Graham, Stuart 11:31.46 Indian Land
Moran, James 11:43.32 Indian Land
Newsom, Robert 11:46.79 South Pointe
Blanchard, Joseph 11:51.42 South Pointe
Wheeler, Joe 11:54.96 Chester
Mercado, Ivan 12:13.33 Indian Land
Villalobos, Freycer 12:14.47 Lancaster
Kearney, Maddox 12:18.93 Indian Land
Blankenship, Noah 12:40.02 South Pointe
Cherry, Simon 12:44.40 Indian Land
Joyner, Gavin 13:32.35 South Pointe
Micci, William 13:59.43 Indian Land
Brown, Garrett 9:38.76 South Pointe
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gill, Katarius South Pointe
Rodgers, Christian Indian Land
Whitmore, Jalen Indian Land
Royster, Jaylen Indian Land
Clyburn, Ellison Lancaster
Fewell, Elijah 1:00.00 South Pointe
Sackiel, Aden 1:00.35 South Pointe
McMullen, Jamarion 1:00.38 South Pointe
Logan, Marion 1:01.16 South Pointe
Palacios, Juan 1:01.84 Indian Land
Watts, Quentin 1:02.12 Lancaster
Butler, Prince 1:02.12 South Pointe
Hall, Tim 1:02.35 Westminster Catawba Christian Sc
Wright, Roderick 1:02.63 South Pointe
Cunningham, Asante' 1:03.94 Lancaster
Cornwell, Konstantin 1:04.18 Indian Land
Robinson, Kyle 1:04.76 South Pointe
Washington, Zaire 1:05.40 South Pointe
Houck, Aydin 1:10.03 Indian Land
Phillips, Braden 1:10.34 Westminster Catawba Christian Sc
Crosby, DaMari 1:10.91 South Pointe
Knight, Makhail 52.54 Indian Land
Flowers, Aileem 53.17 South Pointe
Davis, Malikius 53.54 Indian Land
Thompson, Zmori 53.74 South Pointe
Smith, Austen 54.04 Westminster Catawba Christian Sc
Morris, Hayden 55.27 Indian Land
Ginn, Brysen 55.47 South Pointe
Arnold, Kayden 55.63 Indian Land
Currence, Marquis 56.55 South Pointe
Crawford, Lakieh 56.79 Lancaster
Portis, Camdin 57.11 Indian Land
Wilson, Landry 57.38 Indian Land
Izzard, Micah 57.47 Lancaster
Sanders, Jaevan 57.60 South Pointe
Clifton, Jakobe 58.05 Chester
Moton, Treyton 58.06 South Pointe
Morrow, Herbert 58.21 South Pointe
Frew, Connor 58.66 Indian Land
McCoy, Jacob 58.98 South Pointe
Catoe, Savion 59.06 Lancaster
Jennings, J'Von 59.76 South Pointe
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HS Boys 400 Meter Hurdles 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fils-Aime, Emerson South Pointe
Butts, Christian Indian Land
Heath, Reggie Chester
Robinson, Davon South Pointe
Houston, Kamron Indian Land
Barnette, Jaden South Pointe
McPhearson, Elijah Lancaster
Caldwell, Devon Indian Land
Stevenson, DJ Chester
Boulware, Tylik South Pointe
Delozier, Branson Indian Land
PENDERGRASS, Sedorri Chester
Fil-aime, Zamar South Pointe
Norman, Dominique South Pointe
Clifton, Jakobe Chester
Schultz, Tucker Indian Land
Cunningham, Asante' 1:08.95 Lancaster
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B 43.29 South Pointe
Relay Team A 43.29 South Pointe
Relay Team A 44.07 Indian Land
Relay Team B 46.87 Indian Land
Relay Team D 47.28 Indian Land
Relay Team E 47.38 Indian Land
Relay Team C 47.81 Indian Land
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:39.08 Indian Land
Relay Team B 3:48.14 Indian Land
Relay Team D 3:49.58 South Pointe
Relay Team A 3:49.58 South Pointe
Relay Team B 3:49.58 South Pointe
Relay Team C 3:49.58 South Pointe
Relay Team A 3:52.20 Lancaster
Relay Team B 3:52.20 Lancaster
Relay Team A 4:08.26 Chester
Relay Team C 4:14.25 Indian Land
Relay Team D 4:16.00h Indian Land
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 9:04.04 South Pointe
Relay Team B 9:04.04 South Pointe
Relay Team A 9:25.32 Indian Land
Relay Team A 9:48.70 Chester
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fisher, Austin Indian Land
Brown, Garrett 2:04.30 South Pointe
Blanchard, Joseph 2:18.11 South Pointe
Alexander, Jaden 2:21.33 Lancaster
Joyner, Gavin 2:21.78 South Pointe
Cassidy, Filix 2:22.67 South Pointe
Rybacki, Evan 2:23.61 South Pointe
Brown, Keller 2:24.11 South Pointe
Moran, James 2:24.39 Indian Land
Baxley, Darriyarn 2:24.72 Chester
Ramieri, John Paul 2:25.60 Indian Land
Allison, Robtavious 2:25.96 Chester
Villalobos, Freycer 2:27.54 Lancaster
Rocca, Preston 2:27.94 South Pointe
Cabatit, Samuel 2:29.01 Indian Land
Banks, Jayden 2:31.96 Indian Land
Apao, William 2:32.19 Lancaster
Crockrell, DeImari 2:32.32 Chester
Rambert, Jaheem 2:34.91 Chester
Carroll, Ben 2:36.87 Indian Land
Novak, Lucian 2:37.99 South Pointe
Graham, Stuart 2:39.34 Indian Land
Nichols, Dakota 2:46.06 Lancaster
Lindsay, Kenneth 2:47.56 Lancaster
Bowen, James 3:01.07 Indian Land
Flachman, Nathan 3:04.05 South Pointe
Thomas, Ephraim 3:16.84 Lancaster
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HS Boys Discus Throw 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McMoore, Alexavier 149-7 South Pointe
Brackett, Boyd 127-9 South Pointe
Miles, Peyton 122-2 Lancaster
Fewell, Jadon 120-11 South Pointe
Mondesir, Wilkenson 115-11 Indian Land
Wilson, Miles 115-0 South Pointe
Moss, Jaylin 107-4 Chester
Goree, Victor 107-2 South Pointe
Ginn, Brysen 100-2 South Pointe
Boulware, Christian 99-4 Lancaster
White, Jabrell 98-6 Chester
Brice, Tyreckis 97-2 South Pointe
Radford, Terry 96-5 Chester
Rodriguez, Flavio 92-4 Indian Land
Moore, Devin 82-5 South Pointe
Blair, Demyius 81-10 Lancaster
Moss, Naythan 81-3 Chester
Patterson, Micah 79-1 South Pointe
Heyward, Michael 76-7 South Pointe
Massey, Brandan 75-6 Lancaster
Clendenin, Conor 73-6 Indian Land
Hampton, Kent 72-6 Indian Land
Rodriguez, Trey 72-2 Indian Land
Williams, Brandon 71-7 South Pointe
Jefferson, Malachi 71-5 Indian Land
Recker, jake 71-5 Indian Land
Archie, Brayden 68-7 South Pointe
Holly, Jayran 64-7 Chester
Blackmon, Reginald 64-0 Lancaster
Mobley, Trustin 63-7 Lancaster
Hall, Jullian 60-10 Lancaster
Burch, Hunter 50-7 Indian Land
Hart, Zion 45-3 South Pointe
Dewese, An'kylan 7-4 South Pointe
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HS Boys High Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Robinson, Channing 6-6 South Pointe
Patterson, Sequel 6-4 Indian Land
Veres, Malakai 5-8 Indian Land
Ricks-Wesseh, Ethan 5-6 Lancaster
McMullen, Jamarion 5-4 South Pointe
Mcgriff-Agers, Da'Jorin 5-2 South Pointe
Winchester, Jordan 5-0 South Pointe
Goshorn, Donovan 4-10 Lancaster
Spratt, Jabbar South Pointe
Askew, O'Brian Lancaster
Clyburn, Jakell Lancaster
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HS Boys Javelin 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Moss, Jaylin 154-2 Chester
Stevenson, DJ 150-6 Chester
Brackett, Boyd 149-3 South Pointe
Hope, Gabriel 106-5 Chester
Rocca, Preston 98-5 South Pointe
Fewell, Jadon 94-0 South Pointe
Moss, Naythan 82-0 Chester
Robinson, Kyle 81-7 South Pointe
Radford, Terry 79-4 Chester
Sharpe, Mills 76-10 South Pointe
Holly, Jayran 75-7 Chester
Iden, Yafeu-Amir 56-2 South Pointe
Ginn, Brysen 54-9 South Pointe
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HS Boys Long Jump 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Robinson, Channing 19-5.5 South Pointe
Stevenson, DJ 19-0 Chester
Fewell, Elijah 18-10 South Pointe
Crawford, Deveri 18-6 South Pointe
Heath, Reggie 18-4 Chester
Ricks-Wesseh, Ethan 18-4 Lancaster
Ervin, Evan 18-0 South Pointe
McMullen, Jamarion 17-10 South Pointe
Izzard, Micah 17-10 Lancaster
Miles, Peyton 17-10 Lancaster
Barnette, Jaden 17-9 South Pointe
Mcgriff-Agers, Da'Jorin 17-7 South Pointe
Currence, Marquis 17-7 South Pointe
Jennings, J'Von 16-8 South Pointe
Fils-Aime, Emerson 16-4 South Pointe
Boulware, Tylik 16-1 South Pointe
Wright, Roderick 16-0 South Pointe
Goshorn, Donovan 15-8 Lancaster
Hall, Tim 15-4 Westminster Catawba Christian Sc
Judge, Darien 15-3 South Pointe
Phillips, Braden 15-1 Westminster Catawba Christian Sc
Spratt, Jabbar 14-8 South Pointe
Pendergrass, Omari 14-8 Chester
Doty, Matthew 11-3 Westminster Catawba Christian Sc
Crosby, DaMari South Pointe
Miller, Sanders South Pointe
Robinson, Davon South Pointe
PENDERGRASS, Sedorri Chester
Truesdale, Letarion Lancaster
Gains, Lidarus Lancaster
Rhoney, Malon Lancaster
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HS Boys Pole Vault 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Joyner, Gavin 11-0 South Pointe
Novak, Lucian 7-0 South Pointe
Iden, Yafeu-Amir 7-0 South Pointe
Sharpe, Mills 6-6 South Pointe
Jennings, J'Von South Pointe
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HS Boys Shot Put 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McMoore, Alexavier 47-9 South Pointe
Brackett, Boyd 43-3.5 South Pointe
Goree, Victor 41-5.5 South Pointe
Fewell, Jadon 41-3.5 South Pointe
Wilson, Miles 40-6 South Pointe
Mondesir, Wilkenson 38-10 Indian Land
Moss, Naythan 37-8.75 Chester
Hope, Gabriel 37-8.75 Chester
Moss, Jaylin 37-6 Chester
Kirk, Jamarian 35-2 Lancaster
Miles, Peyton 34-6 Lancaster
Archie, Brayden 34-1 South Pointe
Brice, Tyreckis 33-9 South Pointe
Blair, Demyius 33-1 Lancaster
Rodriguez, Trey 33-0 Indian Land
Boulware, Christian 33-0 Lancaster
Recker, jake 32-10 Indian Land
Radford, Terry 32-6 Chester
Leake, Keon 32-4.5 Indian Land
Moore, Devin 32-2 South Pointe
Jefferson, Malachi 31-10.5 Indian Land
Mobley, Trustin 31-9 Lancaster
Hampton, Kent 31-2 Indian Land
Holly, Jayran 31-2 Chester
White, Jabrell 30-9 Chester
Hart, Zion 29-10 South Pointe
Patterson, Micah 29-8 South Pointe
Blackmon, Reginald 29-4 Lancaster
Rodriguez, Flavio 29-3.5 Indian Land
Williams, Brandon 27-9 South Pointe
Heyward, Michael 27-6.5 South Pointe
Clendenin, Conor 26-11 Indian Land
Dewese, An'kylan 26-4 South Pointe
Burch, Hunter 24-4 Indian Land
Hall, Jullian 23-5 Lancaster
Coleman, Elijah Chester
Wray, Cam'ron Chester
Thomas, Ephraim Lancaster
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HS Boys Triple Jump 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fewell, Elijah 40-5 South Pointe
Heath, Reggie 40-1 Chester
Ervin, Evan 37-1.5 South Pointe
Jennings, J'Von 35-3 South Pointe
Arnold, Kayden Indian Land
Clifton, Jakobe Chester
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 44 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Waiters, Brianna Lancaster
Johnson, Allayah Lancaster
Whitlock, Amaiya 12.56 South Pointe
Dembkoski, Kelsey 12.59 Indian Land
Johnson, Destiny 12.69 South Pointe
Brown, Latrice 12.76 Lancaster
Brown, Chelsei 13.13 South Pointe
Fosu, Sahara 13.26 Indian Land
Basnight, Jinea 13.46 Indian Land
Davis, Amiya 13.61 South Pointe
Robinson, Jayla 13.72 South Pointe
Cauthen, Destiny 13.75 Lancaster
Sanders, Ja'Quia 13.81 South Pointe
James, Kennedy 13.89 Lancaster
Whitlock, Jya 14.05 South Pointe
Frohlich, Megan 14.13 Indian Land
Idehen, Noye 14.24 Indian Land
Mckeown, Addison 14.26 Indian Land
Watts, Taniya 14.27 South Pointe
Anderson, Dashia 14.37 Indian Land
Driscoll, Kelsey 14.41 Indian Land
Starr, Kori 14.48 South Pointe
Washington, Amaya 14.77 South Pointe
Ward, Olivia 14.78 Lancaster
Strong, Alania 14.91 Chester
Goodman, Alayna 14.94 Lancaster
Vance, Zion 14.98 Lancaster
Ausrud, Mckinley 15.04 Indian Land
Pickett, Breonna 15.08 Lancaster
Richardson, Keziah 15.26 South Pointe
Sharpe, Kitty 15.36 South Pointe
Jackson, Jailey 15.36 Indian Land
Clyburn, Nykiya 15.54 Lancaster
Hemphill, Indyah 15.56 South Pointe
Bonagura, Rehgan 15.70 Indian Land
Shannon, Ellea 16.20 Chester
Gallelli, Katy 16.27 Indian Land
Wilks, Kimora 16.40 South Pointe
Cooley, Madelyn 16.69 Indian Land
Cartwright, Emma 16.75 Indian Land
Laney, Ryah 16.83 Lancaster
Stallworth, Kayla 17.12 Indian Land
Truesdale, Joslyn 17.48 Lancaster
Raysor, Teneal 19.06 Indian Land
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cousar, DeeEra 16.50 South Pointe
Davis, Aniyah 18.74 Lancaster
Morris, Victoria 19.74 South Pointe
Randolph, Aniah 20.28 Indian Land
Proctor, Mia 20.42 Lancaster
White, Jonell 21.76 Lancaster
Shabazz, Ke'aujah 21.89 South Pointe
Mescher, Koren 22.48 Indian Land
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stevenson, Katie 5:45.73 South Pointe
Kiger, Isabella 5:56.66 Indian Land
Greenwald, Heather 6:06.89 Indian Land
Graham, Rachel 6:13.11 Indian Land
Watson, Haley Savanna 6:27.83 South Pointe
Goshorn, Destinee 6:29.94 Lancaster
Rossetti, Micaela 6:30.32 Indian Land
Rasfeld, Stephanie 6:30.36 Indian Land
Prete, Sarah 6:32.60 Lancaster
Dillman, Maggie 6:36.48 Indian Land
Basik, Ally 6:37.91 Indian Land
Urquhart, Anna 6:42.00 Indian Land
Terry, Caprielle 6:44.21 Indian Land
Wright, Taylor 6:48.17 Indian Land
Shrum, Lilee 6:52.09 Lancaster
Clark, Catherine 6:56.35 Indian Land
Wightman, Elane 7:05.40 Chester
Moran, Karolina 7:14.85 Indian Land
Scott, Emma 7:21.04 Indian Land
Modla, Maddie 7:33.92 South Pointe
Weldon, Gianna 7:36.84 Indian Land
Rogers, Kathrine 7:49.62 Indian Land
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 51 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Padilla, A'lexyah Lancaster
Randolph, Aniah Indian Land
Vance, Zion Lancaster
Whitlock, Amaiya 25.58 South Pointe
Johnson, Destiny 26.21 South Pointe
Brown, Latrice 26.92 Lancaster
Brown, Chelsei 27.18 South Pointe
Anderson, Kavae 27.30 South Pointe
Basnight, Jinea 28.55 Indian Land
Mckeown, Addison 28.63 Indian Land
Robinson, Jayla 29.17 South Pointe
Driscoll, Kelsey 29.18 Indian Land
Davis, Amiya 29.25 South Pointe
Sanders, Ja'Quia 29.41 South Pointe
James, Kennedy 29.67 Lancaster
Frohlich, Megan 29.71 Indian Land
Shabazz, Ke'aujah 30.07 South Pointe
Watts, Taniya 30.13 South Pointe
Whitlock, Jya 30.24 South Pointe
Ausrud, Mckinley 30.64 Indian Land
Davis, Malaysia 30.64 Lancaster
Anderson, Dashia 30.68 Indian Land
White, JaMya 30.75 South Pointe
Ward, Olivia 31.12 Lancaster
Starr, Kori 31.22 South Pointe
Phillips, Brianna 31.44h Westminster Catawba Christian Sc
Byrd, Shania 31.59 Indian Land
Strong, Alania 31.85 Chester
Thompson, Natalie 31.96 South Pointe
Contrino, Kayleanna 31.96 Indian Land
Richardson, Tazara 32.02 Indian Land
Sharpe, Kitty 32.11 South Pointe
Goodman, Alayna 32.14 Lancaster
McClurkin, Raelyn 32.34 South Pointe
Pickett, Breonna 32.53 Lancaster
Washington, Amaya 32.72 South Pointe
Richardson, Keziah 32.72 South Pointe
Jackson, Jailey 32.90 Indian Land
Gallelli, Katy 33.94 Indian Land
Raysor, Teneal 33.97 Indian Land
Clyburn, Nykiya 34.32 Lancaster
Hemphill, Indyah 34.55 South Pointe
Johnson, Allayah 34.60 Lancaster
Shannon, Ellea 34.61 Chester
Wilks, Kimora 34.81 South Pointe
Laney, Ryah 35.20 Lancaster
Cooley, Madelyn 35.38 Indian Land
Cauthen, Destiny 35.91 Lancaster
Cartwright, Emma 37.45 Indian Land
Stallworth, Kayla 37.65 Indian Land
Truesdale, Joslyn 37.72 Lancaster
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stevenson, Katie 12:02.89 South Pointe
Graham, Rachel 13:18.07 Indian Land
Greenwald, Heather 13:28.30 Indian Land
Kiger, Isabella 13:48.50 Indian Land
Weldon, Gianna 14:07.73 Indian Land
Dillman, Maggie 14:20.53 Indian Land
Rossetti, Micaela 14:40.48 Indian Land
Terry, Caprielle 14:43.98 Indian Land
Urquhart, Anna 15:10.62 Indian Land
Watson, Haley Savanna 15:17.06 South Pointe
Wightman, Elane 15:49.28 Chester
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Vance, Zion Lancaster
Anderson, Kavae 1:01.25 South Pointe
Bangoura, Bellamy 1:02.69 Indian Land
Dembkoski, Kelsey 1:04.12 Indian Land
Barber, Victoria 1:04.40 South Pointe
Whitlock, Amaiya 1:05.61 South Pointe
Johnson, Destiny 1:06.29 South Pointe
Idehen, Noye 1:06.90 Indian Land
Mckeown, Addison 1:07.62 Indian Land
Robinson, Jayla 1:08.03 South Pointe
Hendrix, Amiya 1:08.13 Lancaster
Orr, Jacinda 1:08.97 South Pointe
Starr, Kori 1:09.28 South Pointe
Phillips, Brianna 1:09.45 Westminster Catawba Christian Sc
White, JaMya 1:10.29 South Pointe
Watts, Taniya 1:11.95 South Pointe
Brown, Chelsei 1:12.68 South Pointe
Contrino, Kayleanna 1:12.79 Indian Land
Thompson, Natalie 1:13.62 South Pointe
Hunter, Sierra 1:14.00 South Pointe
Davis, Amiya 1:14.34 South Pointe
McClurkin, Raelyn 1:15.08 South Pointe
Gallelli, Katy 1:15.74 Indian Land
Richardson, Keziah 1:17.01 South Pointe
Jackson, Jailey 1:19.23 Indian Land
Bonagura, Rehgan 1:19.66 Indian Land
Raysor, Teneal 1:23.80 Indian Land
Strong, Aniya 1:24.11 Chester
Chandler, Jasauni 1:28.30 Lancaster
Cooley, Madelyn 1:28.70 Indian Land
Washington, Amaya 1:29.93 South Pointe
Hemphill, Indyah 1:32.45 South Pointe
Wilks, Kimora 1:32.67 South Pointe
Cartwright, Emma 1:33.50 Indian Land
Shabazz, Ke'aujah 1:37.16 South Pointe
Freeman, Ruby 1:39.17 Chester
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HS Girls 400 Meter Hurdles 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dembkoski, Kelsey Indian Land
Davis, Aniyah Lancaster
Cousar, DeeEra South Pointe
Mescher, Koren Indian Land
Proctor, Mia Lancaster
White, Jonell Lancaster
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 49.80 South Pointe
Relay Team B 49.80 South Pointe
Relay Team A 52.92 Indian Land
Relay Team B 58.72 Indian Land
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team C 4:27.97 Indian Land
Relay Team A 4:27.97 Indian Land
Relay Team B 4:33.27 South Pointe
Relay Team A 4:33.27 South Pointe
Relay Team B 4:50.00h Indian Land
Relay Team A 5:20.00h Lancaster
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 11:04.95 Indian Land
Relay Team A 11:18.91 South Pointe
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Morris, Victoria South Pointe
Kiger, Isabella 2:39.53 Indian Land
Faircloth, Catherine Rose 2:44.29 South Pointe
Urquhart, Anna 2:47.83 Indian Land
Basik, Ally 2:51.29 Indian Land
Clark, Catherine 2:56.50 Indian Land
Greenwald, Heather 2:56.96 Indian Land
Rasfeld, Stephanie 2:57.89 Indian Land
Goshorn, Destinee 3:00.84 Lancaster
Brawley, Cameron 3:01.18 Chester
Shrum, Lilee 3:01.77 Lancaster
Rossetti, Micaela 3:01.88 Indian Land
Modla, Maddie 3:02.55 South Pointe
Prete, Sarah 3:03.36 Lancaster
Wright, Taylor 3:04.08 Indian Land
Moran, Karolina 3:06.72 Indian Land
Rogers, Kathrine 3:25.83 Indian Land
Chandler, Jasauni 3:35.01 Lancaster
Scott, Emma 3:37.42 Indian Land
Strong, Aniya 3:54.18 Chester
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HS Girls Discus Throw 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nichols, Shakiya 107-1 South Pointe
Bell, Zaria 106-10 South Pointe
Hayward, Grace 93-4 South Pointe
Cook, Brianna 92-1 South Pointe
Faucette, Anbriel 90-2.5 Indian Land
Stewart, Faith 69-7 Lancaster
Richardson, Tazara 66-5 Indian Land
Clyburn, Nataliya 57-9 Lancaster
Smith, Erica 51-8 Indian Land
Stewart, Armodisty 49-0 Chester
Idehen, Noye 48-0 Indian Land
Brice, Skyla 38-5 South Pointe
Johnson, Aliah 37-6 South Pointe
Wilks, Kimora South Pointe
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HS Girls High Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Anderson, Kavae 5-2 South Pointe
Cousar, DeeEra 5-0 South Pointe
Driscoll, Kelsey 4-8 Indian Land
Orr, Jacinda 4-6 South Pointe
Hunter, Sierra 4-2 South Pointe
Stallworth, Kayla Indian Land
Byrd, Shania Indian Land
Mingo-Strain, Markia Lancaster
Belk, La'Unique Lancaster
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HS Girls Javelin 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nichols, Shakiya 96-10 South Pointe
Cook, Brianna 67-2 South Pointe
Bell, Zaria 64-3 South Pointe
Hayward, Grace 55-4 South Pointe
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HS Girls Long Jump 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Orr, Jacinda 16-3.5 South Pointe
Basnight, Jinea 16-1.5 Indian Land
Cousar, DeeEra 15-7.5 South Pointe
Waiters, Brianna 14-11.5 Lancaster
Driscoll, Kelsey 14-10 Indian Land
Fosu, Sahara 14-9.75 Indian Land
Hunter, Sierra 14-4 South Pointe
Barber, Victoria 14-3 South Pointe
Mingo, Na'Shaani 14-3 Lancaster
Faucette, Anbriel 14-0.5 Indian Land
Byrd, Shania 13-9 Indian Land
White, JaMya 12-9 South Pointe
Whitlock, Jya 12-4.5 South Pointe
Davis, Malaysia 12-4 Lancaster
Washington, Amaya 12-1 South Pointe
Smith, Erica 12-0 Indian Land
Bangoura, Bellamy 11-5.75 Indian Land
Johnson, Allayah 11-0 Lancaster
Thompson, Natalie 10-11 South Pointe
McClurkin, Raelyn South Pointe
Goodman, Alayna Lancaster
James, Kennedy Lancaster
Mingo-Strain, Markia Lancaster
Ward, Olivia Lancaster
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HS Girls Pole Vault 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Faircloth, Catherine Rose 7-6 South Pointe
Sharpe, Kitty 6-0 South Pointe
McClurkin, Raelyn South Pointe
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HS Girls Shot Put 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bell, Zaria 34-7 South Pointe
Nichols, Shakiya 34-5.5 South Pointe
Faucette, Anbriel 34-5.5 Indian Land
Stewart, Faith 31-7 Lancaster
Richardson, Tazara 31-2 Indian Land
Hayward, Grace 30-5 South Pointe
Hall, Mikka 29-1 Lancaster
Clyburn, Nataliya 25-9 Lancaster
Cook, Brianna 25-6.5 South Pointe
Idehen, Noye 22-4 Indian Land
Moffatt, Zakiyah 22-4 Lancaster
Roseborough, La'Naria 22-1 Lancaster
Stewart, Armodisty 19-10 Chester
Johnson, Aliah 18-11 South Pointe
Vance, Nevaeh 16-11 Lancaster
Brice, Skyla 15-2 South Pointe
Cervantes, Daniella Lancaster
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HS Girls Triple Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Orr, Jacinda 33-5.5 South Pointe
Basnight, Jinea 32-6 Indian Land
Mingo, Na'Shaani 31-5 Lancaster
Byrd, Shania 30-10 Indian Land
Fosu, Sahara 30-4 Indian Land
Hunter, Sierra 30-2 South Pointe
Faucette, Anbriel 28-4.5 Indian Land
Smith, Erica 27-1 Indian Land
Davis, Malaysia 26-5 Lancaster
Richardson, Keziah 22-7 South Pointe
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