Region 2-5A Championships 2023

Spartanburg, SC
Hosted by Dorman

Region 2-5A Championships 2023 vs Region 2-5A Championships 2021

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -72 176 248
Overall Average -31.90 22:34.52 23:06.41
1st-10th Place +17.90 17:00.70 16:42.80
1st-25th Place +9.96 17:34.16 17:24.20
1st-50th Place +7.06 18:19.26 18:12.20
1st-100th Place +22.40 19:51.78 19:29.38
Common Athletes -- -- 48
Ran Faster 30 39 9
Ran Season Best -1 7 8
Average Time -1:40.81 20:51.48 22:32.29
Median Time -1:16.00 20:27.00 21:43.00
Middle 80% Times -1:49.87 20:37.82 22:27.69
Top 10% Times -33.60 16:46.60 17:20.20
Top 25% Times -1:16.00 17:09.25 18:25.25
Top 50% Times -1:51.96 17:57.29 19:49.25
Bottom 50% Times -1:29.67 23:45.67 25:15.33
Bottom 25% Times -1:47.33 25:51.33 27:38.67
Bottom 10% Times -1:29.80 27:51.60 29:21.40
Average Difference -1:40.81 -- --
Median Difference -3:47.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:41.67 -- --
Top 10% Difference -26.20 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:27.08 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:09.33 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:27.08 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:54.54 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -3:00.92 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -2:20.00 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Nathan Edwards Dorman +18.00 16:44.00 16:26.00
Noah Yarborough Dorman -31.00 16:42.00 17:13.00
Andrew Cleland Dorman -38.00 16:45.00 17:23.00
Grayson Bryant Dorman -41.00 16:51.00 17:32.00
Tyler Davis Dorman -3:37.00 16:51.00 20:28.00
Miles Brooks Dorman -2:12.00 16:54.00 19:06.00
Cam Bailey Dorman -1:35.00 17:10.00 18:45.00
Knox Eaton Spartanburg -39.00 17:28.00 18:07.00
Clay Ollinger Dorman -3:09.00 17:30.00 20:39.00
Walker Nunes Spartanburg -4:01.00 17:32.00 21:33.00
George Proctor Spartanburg -31.00 17:38.00 18:09.00
Nicholas Brooks Dorman -40.00 17:46.00 18:26.00
Nick Rhoden Spartanburg -2:34.00 17:55.00 20:29.00
Chap Willbanks Spartanburg -2:20.00 18:04.00 20:24.00
Alex Newman Spartanburg -46.00 18:18.00 19:04.00
Ryan Smith Dorman -3:47.00 18:25.00 22:12.00
William Womick Dorman -7:09.00 18:32.00 25:41.00
Silas Crosland Spartanburg -2:20.00 18:36.00 20:56.00
Liam Griswold Dorman -6:35.00 18:36.00 25:11.00
John-Parker Trizzino Byrnes -2:13.00 18:42.00 20:55.00
Casey Krook Byrnes -3:49.00 18:45.00 22:34.00
Matthew Zemp Spartanburg -2:04.00 19:39.00 21:43.00
Ella Bowen Dorman -1:55.00 19:43.00 21:38.00
Haley Ruth Dorman -1:43.00 19:49.00 21:32.00
Avalie Workman Dorman -2:40.00 20:27.00 23:07.00
Matthew Torrez Dorman -23.00 20:28.00 20:51.00
Ben Neely Spartanburg -3:42.00 20:41.00 24:23.00
Lexsy Barrientos Dorman -2:12.00 20:54.00 23:06.00
Andrew Metz Spartanburg -25.00 21:06.00 21:31.00
Emma Seay Byrnes +3:39.00 24:52.00 21:13.00
James Seegars Spartanburg -25.00 21:14.00 21:39.00
Jesse Vaughn Byrnes -3:39.00 21:21.00 25:00.00
Peyton Grace Kellett Dorman +14.00 21:57.00 21:43.00
Foster Neely Spartanburg +2:34.00 24:19.00 21:45.00
Helen Colbath Spartanburg +33.00 22:19.00 21:46.00
Addison Laney Dorman +48.00 23:25.00 22:37.00
Isabella Cring Byrnes -1:22.00 23:04.00 24:26.00
Will Rybak Byrnes +50.00 23:55.00 23:05.00
Bailey Taunton Byrnes -30.00 23:10.00 23:40.00
Katherine Chastain Byrnes -6:04.00 23:19.00 29:23.00
Ruth Chavez Medina Dorman -3:27.00 24:08.00 27:35.00
Halle Abbott Spartanburg -1:52.00 25:02.00 26:54.00
Reese Sullivan Spartanburg -7:23.00 25:17.00 32:40.00
Carlee Stratton Byrnes -1:45.00 26:35.00 28:20.00
Tessa Lewis Spartanburg -4.00 27:11.00 27:15.00
Mary Helen Oliver Byrnes +1:19.00 28:40.00 27:21.00
James Burton Spartanburg +43.00 28:21.00 27:38.00
Mary Timmons Dorman -15.00 28:31.00 28:46.00