Westwood Home Meet #1 2023

Blythewood, SC
Hosted by Westwood

Athlete Entries

Boys 5000 Meter Run 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Serrano, Michael Westwood
Johnson, Jamari Fairfield Central
Haynes, Darrell Lower Richland
Haynie, Kameron Westwood
Moore, Kellen Westwood
Mack, Brenton Fairfield Central
Anderson, Jalen Lower Richland
Langley, Weston Westwood
Dixon, Jared Fairfield Central
Crawford, Oliver Sandhills School
Hudson, Tristen Westwood
Vazques, Jesus Fairfield Central
Bullock, Sean Westwood
Green, Cedric Lower Richland
Owen, Blaize Westwood
Morton, Marshall Sandhills School
Stewart, Nicholas Westwood
Corn, Barrett Westwood
White, Hank 17:32.40 Fairfield Central
Wilson, Sidney 19:37.93 Fairfield Central
Drakes, Alexander 19:53.20 Westwood
Patel, Krishi 20:25.47 Fairfield Central
Grant, Travis 20:39.13 Lower Richland
Kennington, Jackson 21:13.25 Great Falls
Washington, Bryce 21:16.00 Westwood
Atkinson, Alex 21:34.09 Lower Richland
Serrano, Augustin 22:01.62 Westwood
Wesley, Ernest 22:33.12 Lower Richland
James, Mario 22:40.70 Lower Richland
Ludovina, Jacob 23:07.34 Sandhills School
Robinson, Jalen 23:08.20 Great Falls
Self, Hunter 23:35.32 Great Falls
Stanley, James 24:10.47 Sandhills School
Mays, Ethan 24:38.41 Lower Richland
Orange, Jeremiah 24:41.61 Lower Richland
Glenn, Laquaree 26:08.92 Lower Richland
Brandin, David 26:34.98 Westwood
Steward, Adam 26:56.00 Great Falls
Griffin, Scott 27:14.18 Great Falls
Spicer, Matthew 28:34.45 Sandhills School
Keener, William 33:11.26 Great Falls
Stanley, Cayden 51:36.69 Great Falls
Price, Scott 51:37.64 Great Falls
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Girls 5000 Meter Run 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carter, Zakiya Westwood
Mack, Brintney Fairfield Central
Sanchez, Isabela Westwood
DiMaria, Vita Sandhills School
Snipes, Anna Great Falls
Clark, Jurnei Westwood
White, Emani Westwood
Forrest, Abigail Westwood
Goldsmith, Aliyah Sandhills School
Dunlap, Caydence Westwood
Vince, Mallory Sandhills School
Stewart, Destinee Great Falls
Adams, Shykiera Fairfield Central
Thomas, Autumn Westwood
Carter, Jamiya Westwood
Clanton, McKenna Sandhills School
Good, Karamiah Great Falls
Ashley, Emma 18:48.49 Westwood
Ashley, Rebecca 19:54.14 Westwood
Tyndall, Christina 21:28.00 Westwood
McDuffie, Teairra 23:13.30 Fairfield Central
Nielsen, Madeleine 24:17.53 Sandhills School
Kennington, Lilly 24:41.00 Great Falls
Hayes, SaKira 25:22.80 Fairfield Central
Ridgeway, Isabelle 25:56.00 Westwood
Steward, Shannon 26:57.25 Great Falls
Holmes, Jasmine 27:15.00 Great Falls
Rabon, Heather 28:10.22 Westwood
Ridgeway, Marguerite 28:13.00 Westwood
Danbury, Sarah 29:24.06 Westwood
Capps, Sarah 33:48.00 Great Falls
Monk, Leah 34:58.01 Sandhills School
Sampson, Keyonna 35:12.26 Fairfield Central
Bond, Kaelyn 39:20.55 Westwood
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