AAAA State Qualifier 2023 vs AAAA State Qualifier 2024

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +47 471 424
Overall Average +0.94 21:23.88 21:22.93
1st-10th Place +27.08 16:25.38 15:58.30
1st-25th Place +23.74 16:44.14 16:20.40
1st-50th Place +18.79 17:03.91 16:45.12
1st-100th Place +10.81 17:31.61 17:20.80
Common Athletes -- -- 108
Ran Faster -70 19 89
Ran Season Best -23 25 48
Average Time +52.54 21:32.15 20:39.61
Median Time +1:07.08 21:19.40 20:12.32
Middle 80% Times +51.01 21:12.14 20:21.13
Top 10% Times +1:04.83 17:19.53 16:14.70
Top 25% Times +57.03 17:40.23 16:43.20
Top 50% Times +57.30 18:46.77 17:49.47
Bottom 50% Times +47.78 24:17.52 23:29.74
Bottom 25% Times +48.49 26:23.07 25:34.58
Bottom 10% Times +52.39 28:48.26 27:55.87
Average Difference +52.54 -- --
Median Difference +2:03.13 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +51.68 -- --
Top 10% Difference +49.80 -- --
Top 50% Difference +50.39 -- --
Top 25% Difference +51.07 -- --
Top 50% Difference +50.39 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +54.69 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +59.42 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:09.26 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Keller Brown South Pointe +1:16.48 17:04.10 15:47.62
JD Gilman Hilton Head +1:40.43 17:38.40 15:57.97
Joshua Gordillo Hilton Head +1:50.42 17:49.00 15:58.58
Evan Rybacki South Pointe +1:22.25 17:37.80 16:15.55
Braxton Talley May River High School +1:26.86 17:43.90 16:17.04
Adam Fundak Aiken +50.97 17:08.50 16:17.53
Ellis Spencer York +1:23.85 17:41.40 16:17.55
Rylan Stetter May River High School +1:02.79 17:25.70 16:22.91
Carson Colmer Aiken +1:29.43 17:54.00 16:24.57
Felix Cassidy South Pointe +1:39.18 18:08.40 16:29.22
Daniel Brown AC Flora +53.48 17:26.60 16:33.12
Boyd Collins Bluffton +25.35 17:01.60 16:36.25
Cooper Anderson Bluffton +15.49 17:02.20 16:46.71
Liam McCall Pickens +1:25.78 18:16.60 16:50.82
Cody Patterson Laurens +25.47 17:19.50 16:54.03
Chase Ashe Pickens +42.36 17:36.70 16:54.34
Copeland Crawford South Pointe +1:57.68 18:52.40 16:54.72
Cooper Alonso May River High School +1:04.77 18:05.30 17:00.53
Jaden Alexander Lancaster +1:54.57 18:56.30 17:01.73
Bryce Broome Hilton Head +2:07.41 19:14.40 17:06.99
Quillian Philoxene Bluffton +54.29 18:02.00 17:07.71
Nick Alonso May River High School +1:13.31 18:23.60 17:10.29
Adam Ellis Pickens +48.86 18:02.00 17:13.14
William Dorsel Hartsville +2:00.83 19:15.90 17:15.07
Hayden Wham Laurens +31.21 17:48.10 17:16.89
Willem Edwards AC Flora +12.72 17:30.20 17:17.48
Gabriel Williams Aiken +33.79 17:51.90 17:18.11
Hunter Power Laurens -29.81 17:21.90 17:51.71
Archer Brown Hilton Head +27.39 17:51.00 17:23.61
David Baker South Aiken +1:38.71 19:02.80 17:24.09
Jack Macdonald May River High School +53.99 18:18.40 17:24.41
Kolton Bagley AC Flora +12.74 17:38.50 17:25.76
Aidan Bryant Bluffton -21.73 17:52.50 18:14.23
Ryan Ellis Westside +2:11.20 20:16.20 18:05.00
Parker Hendricks Pickens +49.33 18:56.10 18:06.77
Andy Colon-LaBorde Aiken -1:05.84 18:08.50 19:14.34
Cameron Clark Aiken +17.46 18:28.00 18:10.54
Gavin Smith Hartsville +1:24.51 19:39.80 18:15.29
Ethan Patterson Laurens +52.92 19:27.30 18:34.38
Daniel Budhram Hartsville +4.60 18:52.90 18:48.30
Ethan Farr Greer +3:00.32 21:58.80 18:58.48
Cole Peltz May River High School +29.87 19:41.30 19:11.43
Giada Carge Bluffton +2:03.13 21:19.40 19:16.27
Katie Stevenson South Pointe +1:42.05 21:06.10 19:24.05
Kade Williams Westside +56.76 20:30.60 19:33.84
Jashad Lytle York +32.71 20:15.50 19:42.79
Adesina Famuyide Richland Northeast -25.93 19:43.50 20:09.43
Rosa Olivetti Hilton Head +2:54.89 22:42.70 19:47.81
Emily Hunt Bluffton +1:24.59 21:12.70 19:48.11
Ava Shook York -2.65 19:53.70 19:56.35
Caleb Salois South Florence +26.81 20:24.50 19:57.69
Abbee Bolin May River High School +48.96 20:51.80 20:02.84
Aja Rushing South Pointe +1:23.15 21:30.40 20:07.25
Noah Arrowood Hartsville +3:07.25 23:17.60 20:10.35
Ella Tetor Pickens +56.38 21:08.70 20:12.32
Jillian Spencer Bluffton +1:12.65 21:48.70 20:36.05
David Bowman York +1:41.91 22:27.50 20:45.59
Ella Crapps Bluffton +18.39 21:05.10 20:46.71
Macy Katzianer May River High School +1:25.29 22:16.00 20:50.71
Emersen Walters May River High School +1:28.92 22:23.00 20:54.08
Hollis Hopper York +1:11.30 22:07.80 20:56.50
Caleb Platt Airport +1:18.46 22:15.00 20:56.54
Rokel Sanders Wilson +2:58.04 23:55.80 20:57.76
Ansley Howle South Pointe +29.60 21:32.80 21:03.20
Michael Williams Westside -9.68 21:03.30 21:12.98
Madison Bell AC Flora -4.68 21:06.30 21:10.98
Reagan Reed Hartsville +1.91 21:12.20 21:10.29
Chloee Bolin May River High School +14.95 21:36.00 21:21.05
Allie Kutilek Pickens +1:19.01 22:41.70 21:22.69
Lilly Kutilek Pickens +48.38 22:11.60 21:23.22
Sydney Cramer AC Flora +1:26.90 22:58.20 21:31.30
Emory Dargan AC Flora -11.40 21:31.90 21:43.30
Ella Harned Pickens -34.86 21:34.50 22:09.36
Scot Mason South Aiken +2:37.66 24:14.60 21:36.94
Jillian Nation Aiken -1:23.26 21:41.60 23:04.86
Alexandra Compher Hilton Head +2:14.73 24:01.30 21:46.57
Ashlynn Capell AC Flora -22.34 21:48.70 22:11.04
Emerson McCall Pickens -31.32 21:58.60 22:29.92
Joyelle Graves York -4:00.19 22:01.30 26:01.49
Breanne Adams South Pointe +16.14 22:23.40 22:07.26
Braden Miller South Florence -4.82 22:10.90 22:15.72
Sandi King Aiken +1:39.64 23:58.10 22:18.46
Resa Slack Aiken +19.15 22:41.00 22:21.85
Lilly Young Aiken +27.26 23:05.40 22:38.14
Katherine Koele Hartsville +47.53 24:04.10 23:16.57
Olivia Stevenson South Pointe -14.41 23:18.80 23:33.21
Antanina Kutsilinina Greer +1:48.87 25:10.60 23:21.73
Shakayla Burroughs Wilson +1:26.60 24:51.00 23:24.40
Amelia Pettigrew Aiken -17.17 23:25.90 23:43.07
Alexandria Welsh York +1:36.40 25:10.50 23:34.10
Hattie Merryman South Aiken -10.55 23:48.70 23:59.25
Amanda Almeida Airport +2:11.44 26:19.90 24:08.46
Jerniah Spence Richland Northeast +4:41.66 29:10.20 24:28.54
Aaliyah McNeil Wilson +1:10.17 25:42.80 24:32.63
Sloane Fields South Florence +1.25 24:35.40 24:34.15
Stary Samuel Wilson +31.84 25:15.10 24:43.26
Kyndale Cassady Hartsville +19.05 25:22.10 25:03.05
Skyler Simmons Airport +42.40 25:56.00 25:13.60
Fahad Safdar Wilson +1:30.84 26:47.90 25:17.06
Nevaeh Arrowood Hartsville +18.95 26:00.00 25:41.05
Katherine Putnam South Florence -2:09.46 26:10.20 28:19.66
Juan Damian-Lara Lancaster +1:04.38 28:12.00 27:07.62
Hayden Robinson Wilson +5.10 27:32.10 27:27.00
Hallie Middleswarth South Aiken +1:34.33 29:06.90 27:32.57
Amelia Steinmetz South Florence -3:01.10 27:42.20 30:43.30
Lily Hancock South Aiken +2:08.31 30:09.30 28:00.99
Ginni Fowler South Aiken +52.96 30:51.00 29:58.04
Jayla Gaines Westside +3:43.37 34:49.20 31:05.83